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09-16-2011, 01:55 PM
I recently made a cut back on the guild "Pl MERCHANTS ALLIANCE"
I made a new rule that people with minimum total assets of 5m will be ranked officer, applying this rule meant that I'd have to demote all previous officers and start again. Some people took it a bit too seriously though...
I'm trying to keep this as less offensive as I can but things are getting a bit out of hand now, one of the people I demoted was Zzohan, from what ive heard, he left the guild because "I was disrespecting him by demoting him without notice" he made his own guild "MERCHANTS WITH RESPECT" and told everyone from my guild to leave and join his, there's also a rumor going around that I'm untrustworthy and irrespectable to guild mates and friends, since I was notified of Zzohans leaving I noticed 50% drop in my guild, also everyone who left either put me on ignore OR won't listen to a word I say.
I just want to put this out to say that I have done nothing wrong to deserve this, all a misunderstanding...
I know I could've or maybe SHOULD have told zzohan of this new rule before demoting but my main point is... How is demoting someone considered disrespectful... And just for demoting him should I deserve this punishment?

Please help, I do not wish for this to get any worse but by him doing so it is kind of going under "harassment"


09-16-2011, 01:58 PM
I recently made a cut back on the guild "Pl MERCHANTS ALLIANCE"
I made a new rule that people with minimum total assets of 5m will be ranked officer, applying this rule meant that I'd have to demote all previous officers and start again. Some people took it a bit too seriously though...
I'm trying to keep this as less offensive as I can but things are getting a bit out of hand now, one of the people I demoted was Zzohan, from what ive heard, he left the guild because "I was disrespecting him by demoting him without notice" he made his own guild "MERCHANTS WITH RESPECT" and told everyone from my guild to leave and join his, there's also a rumor going around that I'm untrustworthy and irrespectable to guild mates and friends, since I was notified of Zzohans leaving I noticed 50% drop in my guild, also everyone who left either put me on ignore OR won't listen to a word I say.
I just want to put this out to say that I have done nothing wrong to deserve this, all a misunderstanding...
I know I could've or maybe SHOULD have told zzohan of this new rule before demoting but my main point is... How is demoting someone considered disrespectful... And just for demoting him should I deserve this punishment?

Please help, I do not wish for this to get any worse but by him doing so it is kind of going under "harassment"


Also I've been able to contact one of the people that used to be in my guild but has moved to his, Deziira, I asked him about this issue and he told me "Xathumm told me to join because he said you were disrespectful to him"
Is this fair :(?

Punishment for applying a new rule in the guild and demoting is that I will eventually LOSE all of my members?

09-16-2011, 02:01 PM
In-game drama is inappropriate on the forums. If it is too serious, email the devs. All this thread will do is lead to flamong and name calling. Remove please

09-16-2011, 02:03 PM
In-game drama is inappropriate on the forums. If it is too serious, email the devs. All this thread will do is lead to flamong and name calling. Remove please
