View Full Version : Request: new command : D

08-25-2016, 05:03 AM
friend_on = for see who friend online in fl
guild_on = for see who people online in guild
guild_name = for see where player in guild
inspect_name = for inspect player in area/map

maybe this new command can more useful if added in game..

08-25-2016, 06:01 AM
How about teleport? /tp (player name) even if they aren't added or in you guild, except if they are in their house.

/boot (player name). If three people choose to boot one person, they get booted.

/level up. For those who liked to have max xp in PL. The addiction continues...

/reload or reloadmap. Reloads maps. When farming locked watches, repeating a map without going somewhere else first causes you to teleport back to the beginning.

*I would recommend keeping the teleport to beginning thing and just add the command, it helps me and maybe others finish those daily quests with quest givers at the start of the map.

/petxp or petlevelup.

STS... wy no quik chat liek PL? How we gonna spam what we selling? How we gonna type that much? I'm trying to sell two whole lists of goodies. I have to copy and paste one and do the same thing to the other one later. You hurting my thumbs! (For example)

08-25-2016, 12:08 PM
uppp.. thanks for idea. 1
all of that is useful if added in game. can help us when playing the game..
i hope sts read & hear...

08-25-2016, 12:31 PM
We need the command /restart to creat the same new map (remap) so we wont have to left at another map or cities and come back!

08-26-2016, 09:09 AM
/dtt= delete this thread

08-26-2016, 03:46 PM
/dtt= delete this thread

That was fast, Lol.

08-26-2016, 03:57 PM
What about a way to talk to your friend list like your guild list? I know /g and /f are taken but something similar would be handy.