View Full Version : Best event I've experienced!

08-27-2016, 12:02 PM
I really want to thank STS for this awesome event!
Even tho i didn't loot any arcanes yet, I've looted 2 mythic and many legandaries!
Made 1m in 2 days even tho i don't have that much time to farm..
Good job sts i and many others enjoy this event a lot!

08-27-2016, 12:37 PM
Seconded this is an amazing event ty for the pets and helping the poorer people in al actually have a chance to have good pets great job sts

08-27-2016, 12:58 PM
At first i was happy because of tons of new pets, legendaries, and easy pet APs.
Then i got a hammerjaw and a stampy egg. Did not expect this event to save me a few months of km3 slavery. Hail STS [emoji4]

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08-27-2016, 04:15 PM
Lets thank sts for doing this event, Because they giving away free arcs myths eggs and you dont need to buy some plats. A bad idea for the plat users but thats okay let the guys/gals get their wishes come true! :) #NoMoreKM3Slavery

08-27-2016, 09:26 PM
ty sts! looted whim and hisha and tons of legends

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08-27-2016, 11:51 PM
At first I was disappointed in how this has caused the egg market to crash. But then I realized it was a good opportunity to buy all those rare, epic and legendary pets that I never bothered to buy, because they are so cheap now. I'm hoping to finish my collection so I'll have all pets except for some mythic and some arcane pets that I cannot afford to buy. I decided to even spend the small amount it will now cost to get the beastmaster APs on my level 10 twink.

08-28-2016, 12:32 AM
I'm one of those also who hated the idea of a market crash and enjoy whining, I like expensive op items but I really enjoyed this event. I took a break from AL and a friend told me about this so I came back to find people having fun, many people active, heck I havent seen one person complain about being bored, its awesome.

1 thing I really like is the huge random loot table, makes it kinda exciting - it doesn't feel frustrating when I loot a deary egg either because its just so easy and relaxing to farm, no gold wasted and no ankhs. I don't need any gold whatsoever, so it's nice to collect the pets and complete stable aps.

08-28-2016, 03:18 AM
I got 27 arcanes lots of mystic legendaries and rare eggs.thanks sts for this wonderful event.

08-28-2016, 03:32 AM
I got 27 arcanes lots of mystic legendaries and rare eggs.thanks sts for this wonderful event.
gawd you so lucky man. grats.😀
BTW thankyou STS! Job well done :)

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08-28-2016, 04:28 AM
I got 27 arcanes lots of mystic legendaries and rare eggs.thanks sts for this wonderful event.

27 arcanes, for sure.

08-28-2016, 04:30 AM
I got 27 arcanes lots of mystic legendaries and rare eggs.thanks sts for this wonderful event.

Little impossible :D

08-28-2016, 04:43 AM
Yes.. This is one of the best events in AL... But its Stressing tho, especially if You havent looted any Arcanes/Mythics yet.

08-28-2016, 02:03 PM
Thanks for this wonderfull event....even i still struggle to loot red egg...lel

08-28-2016, 10:12 PM
Better luck than me, 27 arcanes in 3 days, naw sorry, drop rate too low, i don't need drops from the event, i'm already rich, i do my daily kt4 runs and loot eggs while i run, so far 3 arcane eggs, 2x mm 1 sns, didnt need 2 of those eggs but good day sir.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Drop rate is too low for some people. Others are much luckier, that's how a RNG works.

08-28-2016, 10:28 PM
got also 1 singe and 9mythics :) and tons of good lengendary ( including LB pets ) thanks sts :) i dont run too much right now, but i just wanna ask how the triforce pet work? i hava already socketed gobi and hawkens to ellie , but nothings change to her aa

08-29-2016, 01:54 AM
got also 1 singe and 9mythics :) and tons of good lengendary ( including LB pets ) thanks sts :) i dont run too much right now, but i just wanna ask how the triforce pet work? i hava already socketed gobi and hawkens to ellie , but nothings change to her aa

The triforce works by combining multiple AA's into one combo. In a party of 2, if one player uses one of these pet's AA and the other player uses a different one of these pet's AA with it, they are combo'd into the respective bonus effects. The triforce is not achieved by socketing the pets into either or both of the two egg slots on one of the pets. Its only from activating their AA's together.

Thesaint Bermudez
08-29-2016, 02:32 AM
Drop rate is too low for some people. Others are much luckier, that's how a RNG works.

ik people who looted like 9 arcane already

and about me nothing atm. only 2 mythic slag -.-

08-29-2016, 02:38 AM
Yeah best event i've experienced, I got so many Timber and Snowball maybe you want some? :)

08-29-2016, 03:09 PM
We're so glad to hear you guys are enjoying yourselves!
On another note, again, there's no need to be rude to other players. Cleaned up the thread.

08-29-2016, 03:21 PM
We're so glad to hear you guys are enjoying yourselves!
On another note, again, there's no need to be rude to other players. Cleaned up the thread.

Thanks so much for this event, even when I just looted an arcane egg and plety of tankons I am really Happy everyone enjoys this event as I did I am pretty sure of that.

08-29-2016, 04:12 PM

You are now forgiven for Ursoth 2015.

Thank you STS so much for this event, it was total fun and even tho I didn't loot an arcane, I bought one to support your development needs :) and yes, I looted some strange looking pets, that Shade owl scared me!

08-29-2016, 07:32 PM
I too, wish to sing the praises of STS and this extremely generous event! I normally hate the tomb grind, but the opportunity and unexpectedness of getting valuable eggs made it worth it and while not a personal goal, I now know every square inch of KT4. As an added bonus, almost all my toons are now level 56. LOL
An inventory/stash suggestion: create an Egg category, separate from Chests. There's blank icon real estate space directly underneath Chests. It would make getting to the eggs easier, without having to wade through the entire Chests contents. This would appeal to those of us who choose to not open eggs, but instead exploit their pet's abilities in slots. This would also appeal to merchants who choose to hoard their eggs until the economy corrects itself.
Thanks again for this great event! I look forward to seeing what is up your sleeve next!