View Full Version : About pet AA description...

08-28-2016, 05:45 PM
Story One:
I've been interested in buying Whim lately because I heard it has a very powerful pull, and thought it might be useful for grouping up mobs to clock/Toor/Wildfire/Dragon Bite/etc.
A friend of mine also bought him, and let me see how strong the pull actually was and... Well, it wasn't quite what I had expected.
A lot of other pets have an arcane ability that affects mobs/players at a certain distance from them (Singe, Colton, Ribbit... Speaking of which, I had bought Colton when I was a baby mage thinking he has the same range as Ribbit, and was really left disappointed when I saw he didn't xD).
Moreover, while going through my stables to see the abilities of pets, I found that Fritters also has a pull AA, and tested it out in Brack and, his range was larger than I thought it would have been. I can't tell if it's the same as Whim, most likely not, but it's comparable. Their prices are not.
From this post, it seems as if sts does have a measure to count the range of a pet (also, apparently they nerfed its original range; 14 seems to be more or less the entire screen):

The team is looking at a few changes to the Brothers Whim, including:

Arcane Legends: Brother's Whim ability adjustments
- Reduced range of Activated Ability from 14 to 9
[...]Suggestion One: add the RANGE a pet's aa has to its description

Story Two:
While looking for pet AA to slot I've heard lots of people saying that Magma was awesome, I love Magma, Magma ignores armor, Magma is so good... So I got really excited about him, and the previously mentioned friend, who I think looted one, slotted it on his lvl 50-52 Colton, and we went testing in Tindirin. Results were great! But since I wanted a comparison, I used a (lvl54) Gloom on another batch of mobs, and he killed them with his poison...
We then tried his lvl 50 Colton with Magma AA in Misty Grotto, and he barely made a dent in the enemies' health (we didn't attack them, we just let the orcs hit us and get ignited. Would that make a difference?).
Again, the results caught me by surprise. I have yet to understand why people love Magma so much (is he good for pvp? Good for jewel farming?).
Suggestion Two: add the AA's base damage dealt by a damage dealing pet (Toor, Singe, Wrathjaw, Timber), including special kinds of damage (Gloom dot and poison, Magma ignite damage and dot, Tyrannica dot cloud, Silver mana drain, etc.) to the pet description.
Similarly to the damage, I believe the healing abilities of some pets should also be described in better detail (Barney heal, Jack mana heal, SnS heal per pool, Fantasma passive heal, Ellie heal, etc.)

Suggestion Three: instead of writing "small chance", "chance", "high chance", write the exact percentage. Example: Grimm AA states there's a chance to stun and a 5% chance to kill. Why reveal the banish chance and not the stun chance?
(I read this same suggestion somewhere else, so I'll keep it short.)

Suggestion Four: Also add the AA cooldown time. Example: I think Lemon and Lime's description implies that the cooldown is 45 seconds.

As I've been really confused about Magma and Whim, I'm sure others have been wondering how good a pet is before buying it, and may be unable to find someone kind enough to demonstrate the Arcane Abilities. Thus ending up wasting their gold on a pet that disappointed their expectations.

Could this ever be considered? It would only require editing the pet descriptions after all. To not clutter the menu, there could be a little button (a blue "i"?) that describes the finer details of the pet's capabilities, so that it doesn't make the base description too clunky.

* Does anyone know of any pet that can freeze/stun/terrify/panic/etc. multiple enemies for more than 1-2 seconds? Swift can freeze up to 4 mobs for a few seconds, is he the best I can get?

08-29-2016, 02:33 AM
Swift AA+AA, auto attack and arcane ability can combine and freeze lock elite northal and other bosses which have mob spawns. If you need a pet to demonilize mobs for the stun immunity period that some mobs have there are quite a few pets than have 70-80%+ stun/terrify/panic on them on the higher end of the market and 50-60% on the legendaries like Orion I really havent experimented with legendaries, but Vlad AA is decent for something like 5-15k. Slag at level 41 had like 65-75% RNG and short attention span meant i nu like test it much
Breeze freezing bosses pretty much also without AA

08-29-2016, 05:01 AM
Had no idea Swift and Breeze could freeze bosses too O.o
Also thanks for the tips. So far, liking Singe (always have), Swift (also always have), and... Sentinel? O.o I guess.

03-26-2018, 04:51 AM
Old thread but good suggestions by the OP, should be considered for the new stable.