View Full Version : Effort meter?

08-30-2016, 02:30 AM
I know getting thid arcane eggs are pure luck based. But many of us are still frustrated in getting one. All you can do is to disable guild chat to avoid being envy seeing them getting arc eggs.

Do we have something like Effort Meter? I know not onlt me who is farming almost 12 hrs to 20hrs a day then can only get pink eggs? Forgetting their life for awhile or for a week for this Best Event. But some just getting frustrated and annoyed.

Some will just laugh at this. But our effort is something that we don't want you to ignore. Because we love the game but frustrations are there. Some don't waste their time farming but getting arc eggs then logout. But those who almost don't balance their life,feeling desperate to get one.... At least but nothing.. I don't know how will sts will find this comment, I just want to vent out.

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08-30-2016, 04:50 AM
Im farming 3 days, 3 hours for sleep. 6 mythic, 80 legendary, 26 epic. That so wow, no red egg drop for me. Luck based :/ 어떻게.

But just think positive, it is free event, not cost anything to us, but time. We shouldn't complain too much to them, they have been kind to give away those eggs from their hand.

08-30-2016, 06:27 AM
I think I've been really lucky during this event (theres NO comparing to those who got 4-5 Arcanes though O.o). Still I expected to get a lot of Flounders and maybe a couple 20k pets lol
But I agree with you, stuff based on luck really sucks. During the arena farm fever, everyone would get a vial (170-200k+) every 10 arena chests or so, while I farmed 130-150 chests and got.... 1. Now that they're 10k I'm getting one every ~30 chests ;-;
I've seen both people who got really, really lucky and people who were complaining all the time (a selected few who were both... Lol), and would like to see people who run till their brain's mushy and steaming be rewarded. You know, like crate tokens or event tokens (I think that's what you were thinking about at least).
I see no reason why anyone, with Op luck or without, would complain about this :)

08-30-2016, 02:07 PM
I've stopped farming as I'm lazy and make millions from merching, but I decided to run this event starting yesterday and I looted whim egg first hour, gobi and hisha next 2 hours.

Luck finally struck me this time.
Alongside my 6m profit from gold tyrancia...bought all 100-160k been selling em all 250-280k all day haha

However, if there was an effort meter there would be no market...well a market where everything is cheap as ...who knows.