View Full Version : Mishi and hisha

08-31-2016, 05:04 PM
Hello my dear sts, i just want to write wat im feeling about mishi and hisha cuz i'm really love arcane legends and really love both pets but I'm really disappointed with mishi aa ability which randomly give luck buff not like mythic hisha 100% give nearby player luck.
I hope sts read my thread, not only me all people i ask in game all said hisha aa ability better than mishi . When da first time both dragon spirits was release I have da high interesting to buy arcane mishi but seem mishi aa ability not good as like hisha have so i will prefer buy hisha now . And sts please in the future dont make identic/twin pets between arcane and mythic with same aa abilty or mythic one have better aa ability than arcane one just like mishi and hisha this case which will make all people think arcane pet this kind rarity of pet not da top pet anymore cuz take da second place after loss to mythic pet.
Are u guys agree what i said?