View Full Version : Stable: Companion Search

09-01-2016, 05:18 AM
Could you add a search feature to our pet stable, I have 125 companions and its takes too much time just searching for a specific pet specially if you need it asap.

09-01-2016, 07:30 AM
A system to mark items and pets as favorite would be useful. Items favorites are at the top of the pet list or inventory.

09-01-2016, 10:44 AM
also a free rename of your pet back to its original name
bcuz sometimes u cant find them by name so its better to return to original name insead of its current,changed name

09-02-2016, 01:43 PM
also a free rename of your pet back to its original name
bcuz sometimes u cant find them by name so its better to return to original name insead of its current,changed name

Yah xD on my rogue I used to name EVERY pet I got and liked, then realized what mess it made in my stables... On my mage I've only renamed one pet (and regretted it) + the "Muted" pet of course :D I don't even remember what pet it is, it's a light pink Deary @.@

I have maybe half as many pets as you, but the ones I'm planning on leveling up usually always have an Egg or 2 slotted in so they're easy to find :)