View Full Version : Anyone else went on this insane buying spree...

09-04-2016, 11:51 AM
I bought/looted so many pets... @.@ I want to slot them all >.< there were so many pets I dreamed (not literally) of having, and now they just offered them to me on a silver platter...
This egg event kept me absolutely glued to my screen and emptied my AL pockets hahah xD

Bought 10-11 NS... Shade (dream pet ever since I saw it), Gold Tyrannica, Gold Slobber, Snowy, exclusively for the looks...
Then came Breeze, and Slag, and Magma, and Hisha, then Toor, then Mishi, then Shady and Surge, then Maridos, and they're still mostly in my stash because their idiot owner is poor, not only in gold, but in story tokens too ;-;

And even more stupidly, the idiot owner has been looking for pet looks that match, in coolness, in colors, with the arcane abilities too (anyone ever noticed the aqua effect on Maridos after he used the AA?? Wouldn't it look good on Gold Slobber? Should I slot Breeze in Shade or Snowy? Which would fit better? Do I put SnS's AA in... SnS? Squeak and Squish?)

And the idiot owner's also been plagued by silly questions that shouldn't be that big a deal (what in the world is this "djinn power intensifies"? How does Maridos get stronger? Should I just open him instead of slotting? His happiness also gives a lot of health I think, do I open? Do I slot? Should I buy Whim? I saw a friend using them and they're awesome? They went down to 1m! Do I buy them? That guy is selling Mari! How much? Nvm. Wait, 1m?? Why are you tempting me like this?! Fine, take my damn gold!).



Q: blah blah?
A: Yes, this thread is pointless *lack of period highlights its pointlessness*
I mean if you really want to give it a point share what you bought! Really, I'm curious :) *hides tears, refuses to look at AL coin purse*. PS why is the smiley face not white
Q: blah blah?
A: Yes, I'm a woman. That explains everything.

09-04-2016, 12:50 PM
Maridos AA increases his damage, also causes his auto attacks to become an AoE effect. So the bigger you pull and the more mobs around maridos the better it is to use maridos AA(since his auto attack banishes).

I... see o.o
Thanks for the helpful inputs you've given me :)

09-04-2016, 01:04 PM
Open breeze. Slot shady and surge in happiness bonus. Slot toor/maridos in AA. Test out and watch how powerful it is for pve. Before it make sure your breeze is lvl 40+
I like combo shady and surge as aa and maridos in HB for hp boost in hard elites.

09-04-2016, 01:29 PM
Open breeze. Slot shady and surge in happiness bonus. Slot toor/maridos in AA. Test out and watch how powerful it is for pve. Before it make sure your breeze is lvl 40+
I like combo shady and surge as aa and maridos in HB for hp boost in hard elites.

Guess trying won't hurt, but I'd initially bought all those pets for the AA's lol xD
How come I should slot sns in happiness if their AA is good? (seriously, the happiness IS the reason I bought 10 NS, and 4-5 Fantasmas for good measure ahah). I was also told that crit wasn't as important in pve for mages :)

09-05-2016, 02:05 PM
Guess trying won't hurt, but I'd initially bought all those pets for the AA's lol xD
How come I should slot sns in happiness if their AA is good? (seriously, the happiness IS the reason I bought 10 NS, and 4-5 Fantasmas for good measure ahah). I was also told that crit wasn't as important in pve for mages :)
Nope it isn't but its always good to have xD so then open breeze put maridos in happiness bonus and shady as AA. Boom op setup for everymap

09-13-2016, 03:18 PM
I bought/looted so many pets... @.@ I want to slot them all >.< there were so many pets I dreamed (not literally) of having, and now they just offered them to me on a silver platter...
This egg event kept me absolutely glued to my screen and emptied my AL pockets hahah xD

Bought 10-11 NS... Shade (dream pet ever since I saw it), Gold Tyrannica, Gold Slobber, Snowy, exclusively for the looks...
Then came Breeze, and Slag, and Magma, and Hisha, then Toor, then Mishi, then Shady and Surge, then Maridos, and they're still mostly in my stash because their idiot owner is poor, not only in gold, but in story tokens too ;-;

And even more stupidly, the idiot owner has been looking for pet looks that match, in coolness, in colors, with the arcane abilities too (anyone ever noticed the aqua effect on Maridos after he used the AA?? Wouldn't it look good on Gold Slobber? Should I slot Breeze in Shade or Snowy? Which would fit better? Do I put SnS's AA in... SnS? Squeak and Squish?)

And the idiot owner's also been plagued by silly questions that shouldn't be that big a deal (what in the world is this "djinn power intensifies"? How does Maridos get stronger? Should I just open him instead of slotting? His happiness also gives a lot of health I think, do I open? Do I slot? Should I buy Whim? I saw a friend using them and they're awesome? They went down to 1m! Do I buy them? That guy is selling Mari! How much? Nvm. Wait, 1m?? Why are you tempting me like this?! Fine, take my damn gold!).



Q: blah blah?
A: Yes, this thread is pointless *lack of period highlights its pointlessness*
I mean if you really want to give it a point share what you bought! Really, I'm curious :) *hides tears, refuses to look at AL coin purse*. PS why is the smiley face not white
Q: blah blah?
A: Yes, I'm a woman. That explains everything.

On my old acc i slot ns passive in hisha ,also did put on arcane deary magmas arcane :D was cool tho

09-16-2016, 05:46 AM
I stupidly blew 1m on legendary pets on the first day of event cause they seemed so cheap then :( kelvin AA on NS is good for boss fights btw :)

09-21-2016, 06:59 AM
This pet event was awesome! I always wanted SnS, so I got him/it/them lol. On hindsight should've bought munch mouth, oh well that's hindsight for ya :)

09-21-2016, 09:36 PM
I got pets to match certain outfits. Like, my ice queen rogue with white lovecraft wings and frozen weapon, I put Frosteye on. And Ewen the pumpkin on my mage with brown grim reaper robe, gold lovecraft mask and hat, and Halloween 2013 banner for extra jack-o-lantern goodness. opened violet on my purple dressed rogue, etc.

i also bought a bunch of nilbogs and slinks for my low lvl event twinks. and used a lot of ribbits, kelvins, stanlees and titans for their AAs on pets with weak AAs. my mains already had arcane n good pets so this event was about running hard for eggs to sell, and lots of playing around with cheap n cheerful eggs :)

09-26-2016, 07:21 AM
I got pets to match certain outfits. Like, my ice queen rogue with white lovecraft wings and frozen weapon, I put Frosteye on. And Ewen the pumpkin on my mage with brown grim reaper robe, gold lovecraft mask and hat, and Halloween 2013 banner for extra jack-o-lantern goodness. opened violet on my purple dressed rogue, etc.

i also bought a bunch of nilbogs and slinks for my low lvl event twinks. and used a lot of ribbits, kelvins, stanlees and titans for their AAs on pets with weak AAs. my mains already had arcane n good pets so this event was about running hard for eggs to sell, and lots of playing around with cheap n cheerful eggs :)

Hehe x3 that's exactly what I was talking about! xD when you're offered so much goodness you just can't help but get it all >.<

09-26-2016, 10:07 AM
I just mass hoarded so I can sell them when they become expensive again.........buuut looks like everyone got the same idea!

09-26-2016, 10:58 AM
Ive gotten pets to match outfits too lol! And aa's for the looks. Rofl!

09-26-2016, 12:43 PM
It was good chance to get smth good..But fairly I lost it.I got only 2 good pets samael and slag.And both for selling.Samael now costs twice as little as it was before Eggstavaganza.
My guildmate looted 2 ARCANES in one kt4 run.Holy crap...Ive just unlucky guy(((

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10-02-2016, 10:42 AM
Ive gotten pets to match outfits too lol! And aa's for the looks. Rofl!

Ikr? I've been trying to find matching AA and base pet looks for way longer than I should have!

It was good chance to get smth good..But fairly I lost it.I got only 2 good pets samael and slag.And both for selling.Samael now costs twice as little as it was before Eggstavaganza.
My guildmate looted 2 ARCANES in one kt4 run.Holy crap...Ive just unlucky guy(((

I wouldn't say you were unlucky, looting an arcane egg is a big deal! And it wasn't even a 600k-1m pet, hehe :3
Be happy with that Sam/1.8(?)m x)

10-03-2016, 04:18 AM
Ikr? I've been trying to find matching AA and base pet looks for way longer than I should have!

I wouldn't say you were unlucky, looting an arcane egg is a big deal! And it wasn't even a 600k-1m pet, hehe :3
Be happy with that Sam/1.8(?)m x)
But i dunno hm it costed before an event.
I meant that ppl who are already rich could get even more gold.And maybe they just dunno where to spend their gold))So why farm?
And I cant afford arc ring for example..So we see the "fair" system of random.
Just waiting when samael raise in price..Still dont understand why ppl list samael less than 2.5m for example...

Отправлено с моего HUAWEI NXT-L29 через Tapatalk

10-05-2016, 07:02 AM
But i dunno hm it costed before an event.
I meant that ppl who are already rich could get even more gold.And maybe they just dunno where to spend their gold))So why farm?
And I cant afford arc ring for example..So we see the "fair" system of random.
Just waiting when samael raise in price..Still dont understand why ppl list samael less than 2.5m for example...

Some undercuts are crazy, I feel you...
But don't be unfair to the richer end of AL, of course they want to earn too. We all have our goals, maybe theirs also cost them a great deal of money and effort.
It's not like they'll just stop farming :p what else will they be doing otherwise?
And about the "fair" thing... You should be discussing that with those who got 0 Arcanes and barely a couple Mythics. They could also say you looting Sam was unfair since they got nothing. It's true that some people were CONSIDERABLY luckier than others, but it's not like the devs choose which players get the good pets! Everyone starts on even grounds, and it stayed so through the whole event (you could argue about the sudden end but that's another matter. Understandable why they did it though).

You can't afford an arcane ring but have items worth a lot more than it, and the ring will soon become history :) rejoice in that!