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09-07-2016, 09:24 PM
So I have always been curious about this a a games development student at university, what game engine was Arcane Legends made in? I would really appreciate an answer from an STS representative;P

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09-07-2016, 10:24 PM
They have their own engine called Spacetime Engine. I'm not sure which coding language was used to write it.

09-08-2016, 12:29 AM
Java methinks

No thanks, i prefer mocha

09-08-2016, 03:09 AM
They have their own engine called Spacetime Engine. I'm not sure which coding language was used to write it.

Their own engine, very impressive. It seems like a neat little engine. Just like the OP, I too have an interest in these things, mostly as a hobbyist.

Prolly code C++ and 3D modelling 3DS Max.

Back in my day....... I was taught pascal and cobol programming languages T.T

My lecturer was a die hard pascal fanboy. His famous words where... C++ will never catch on!

09-08-2016, 03:12 AM
Really curious waiting for Gary, Vroom or someone to answer lol :P Keep this thread alive till they see it

09-08-2016, 09:24 AM
C++/ Open GL.

Originally built by Asommers and Futumsh, who were principle engineers on Star Wars: Galaxies before Spacetime.

Futumsh's tech history goes all the way back to Ultima Online!

09-08-2016, 09:55 AM

09-08-2016, 09:59 AM
just had to add there is lots of history in this stuidios!!! sts is more then i expected! google knows everything yes gerry even what you ate last night!

Suentous PO
09-08-2016, 10:10 AM
Their own engine, very impressive. It seems like a neat little engine. Just like the OP, I too have an interest in these things, mostly as a hobbyist.

Prolly code C++ and 3D modelling 3DS Max.

Back in my day....... I was taught pascal and cobol programming languages T.T

My lecturer was a die hard pascal fanboy. His famous words where... C++ will never catch on!

I remember coding a rng in cobalt by scratching marks on deer hide, by light of the sparks of two rocks being smashed together

09-08-2016, 01:39 PM
Their own engine, very impressive. It seems like a neat little engine. Just like the OP, I too have an interest in these things, mostly as a hobbyist.

Prolly code C++ and 3D modelling 3DS Max.

Back in my day....... I was taught pascal and cobol programming languages T.T

My lecturer was a die hard pascal fanboy. His famous words where... C++ will never catch on!

Wow, someone here as old as me maybe? LOL

I learned Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, Basic and Assembly language when I was in school.

09-08-2016, 01:58 PM
Wow, someone here as old as me maybe? LOL

I learned Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, Basic and Assembly language when I was in school.

I might be a lil older hehehe.

Assembly language was too tedious, tried it but didn't like it. I loved cobol!

Due to learning how to program, I've actually become methodical :)

09-08-2016, 02:54 PM
Then i'm new to this all lol. I follow a IT education. We're currently learning the basics of making our own database. We need learn how we're gonna make one on our own in a period of 20 weeks.

09-08-2016, 03:16 PM
Wow, someone here as old as me maybe? LOL

I learned Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, Basic and Assembly language when I was in school.

I'm only in my 30's but I had to learn Assembly and C/C++ where I went to school for Game Dev years and years ago, I started as a programmer before I focused on pretty colors and boss mechanics :)

09-08-2016, 03:25 PM
I'm only in my 30's but I had to learn Assembly and C/C++ where I went to school for Game Dev years and years ago, I started as a programmer before I focused on pretty colors and boss mechanics :)
Cool story! Can you tell more about your experience? How hard was study? How long did it all took? And so on :D

09-08-2016, 04:01 PM
Cool story! Can you tell more about your experience? How hard was study? How long did it all took? And so on :D

I went to Fullsail University's Bachelor Game Design and Development program. It was blistering fast, 40 hours a week of school before projects and homework and we only had a week off for winter break and spring I think? I graduated in under 2 years. I learned how to code C/C++ in a month and a half and made my first game in four months. It was an awesome program, but not for everyone. Not a lot of time for partying, and many sleepless nights studying and working on projects. I almost failed AI!

My final project I worked with four other classmates and we all went on to have careers in the industry. This was our final project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdEBQ045lvs

We made it from scratch in about 5 months from the ground up. The Engine guy now works at Microsoft on XBOX, another went to Microsoft for tool ssupport, one went on to work on Silent Hill over in CA before leaving the industry to work in health care, another went to work on SWTOR, and I now work at Spacetime after working on games like The Incredible Hulk, Call of Duty (360/PS3 port), Thor (Wii/3DS), Inertia (on iOS/Android) and some other titles along the way. Been at Spacetime almost 5 years now, and working in Game Dev for almost 10 :)

09-08-2016, 04:21 PM
I went to Fullsail University's Bachelor Game Design and Development program. It was blistering fast, 40 hours a week of school before projects and homework and we only had a week off for winter break and spring I think? I graduated in under 2 years. I learned how to code C/C++ in a month and a half and made my first game in four months. It was an awesome program, but not for everyone. Not a lot of time for partying, and many sleepless nights studying and working on projects. I almost failed AI!

My final project I worked with four other classmates and we all went on to have careers in the industry. This was our final project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdEBQ045lvs

We made it from scratch in about 5 months from the ground up. The Engine guy now works at Microsoft on XBOX, another went to Microsoft for tool ssupport, one went on to work on Silent Hill over in CA before leaving the industry to work in health care, another went to work on SWTOR, and I now work at Spacetime after working on games like The Incredible Hulk, Call of Duty (360/PS3 port), Thor (Wii/3DS), Inertia (on iOS/Android) and some other titles along the way. Been at Spacetime almost 5 years now, and working in Game Dev for almost 10 :)

Wow that sounds extremely inspiring, I am certainly looking forward to having accomplishments like this.

And btw what is the name of the engine you guys are using for Arcane Legends?

09-08-2016, 05:08 PM
Wow that sounds extremely inspiring, I am certainly looking forward to having accomplishments like this.

And btw what is the name of the engine you guys are using for Arcane Legends?

It's an internal engine called the "Spacetime Engine", so you won't find any information about it anywhere I'm afraid :)

09-08-2016, 06:52 PM
Would it by any chance be possible for you to put up an screenshot if the interface, im very curious

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09-08-2016, 11:50 PM
I went to Fullsail University's Bachelor Game Design and Development program. It was blistering fast, 40 hours a week of school before projects and homework and we only had a week off for winter break and spring I think? I graduated in under 2 years. I learned how to code C/C++ in a month and a half and made my first game in four months. It was an awesome program, but not for everyone. Not a lot of time for partying, and many sleepless nights studying and working on projects. I almost failed AI!

My final project I worked with four other classmates and we all went on to have careers in the industry. This was our final project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdEBQ045lvs

We made it from scratch in about 5 months from the ground up. The Engine guy now works at Microsoft on XBOX, another went to Microsoft for tool ssupport, one went on to work on Silent Hill over in CA before leaving the industry to work in health care, another went to work on SWTOR, and I now work at Spacetime after working on games like The Incredible Hulk, Call of Duty (360/PS3 port), Thor (Wii/3DS), Inertia (on iOS/Android) and some other titles along the way. Been at Spacetime almost 5 years now, and working in Game Dev for almost 10 :)

Damn that's beautiful story and so inspirating! Funny game wish we can play it xD. You worked on so many games! It's really cool. I believe it was hard work but seeing players happy from game must be very nice feeling :D

09-09-2016, 01:21 AM
I'm only in my 30's but I had to learn Assembly and C/C++ where I went to school for Game Dev years and years ago, I started as a programmer before I focused on pretty colors and boss mechanics :)

If they taught game development when I was in school, I may have considered it. I went to the University of Buffalo for electrical engineering. It was in the early days of cellular communcations, and I found that area so fascinating.

Also, the Internet was just getting started, and back then only engineering and comp sci students were online. Most of the rest of society had no idea what the Internet was. I got my first email address my junior year, and I can remember telling family and friends about it and getting responses like "Really? You can do that through a computer? You mean like a fax?" It wasn't until 3-4 years later when America Online became a big thing that everyone started using the Internet.

After graduation I ended up getting into music production, and today I own a music production company.

As for computer programming, I started when I was 8 years old. My first computer was a Commodore Vic-20 and I got a subscription to Run Magazine, which was a magazine devoted to Basic programming. Later in high school I took classes in Basic and Pascal, and then in college learned Assumbly language, Fortran, Cobol and C++, and on my own I learned Visual Basic. I still use Visual Basic today, as it is wonderful for data manipulation of large amounts of music metadata.

09-09-2016, 04:17 AM
My final project I worked with four other classmates and we all went on to have careers in the industry. This was our final project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdEBQ045lvs

Wow this game looks like a lot a fun and you have great people over there at STS!