View Full Version : Great event and some feedback

09-09-2016, 06:59 AM
Ever since I started following Ardbeg's Banished set quest guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?329411-Guide-Banished-Set-Quest-Log) I've wanted to go on that adventure too and have been (extremely) slowly putting together material for the armor, getting the ring, and frequenting normal Underhul maps to try get belt and helm.

Then this event.



Looted the runesteel vest first, then the runesteel hood, got a warrior power amulet and runeterror vest in between, then the spryness amulet, then spryness belt (twice in a row!). I'm so happy to finally start on the adventure to upgrade the set.

My only beef with the event is the difficulty in spotting the quick moving thief. It doesn't stand out against the mess of environments and procs and boss spawns. Unlike Eggzavier it's small and drab in color, the blob over its head barely enough to serve as a beacon to show where he is. I think my party was only succesful in pitting and killing him again and again because we had a PC player who probably can zoom better than us phone/tab proles. If the thief can get a glamorizing makeover, I think it'll improve this already superfun event.

09-09-2016, 12:25 PM
I don't know, I feel like he's fairly easy to see. He's got the Grey thing on his head, and he's the only other red arrow on the minimap aside from the boss (and he moves in odd ways that don't fit the normal mobs or the boss!). That was also the way you could spot Zavier, as soon as the text appears you looked for the abnormal red dot.
Another way that works for both the thief and Zavier is following the player(s) who are dashing in one direction rather than looking around confused :3