View Full Version : Forum Rules

09-19-2011, 10:22 AM
Check out the forum rules - http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?1768-Message-Forum-Rules

Many People don't bother to read the rules, and some are even quick to slate the people who try to remind people of them. STS have them there for a purpose.

You maybe didn't even know they existed but hopefully this is of some use to you and others. There's nothing particularly heavy in 'da rules' but the underlying tone is one of respecting each other, which clearly a small handful of people have either forgotten recently or maybe even were never capable of in the first place.

Standards people, standards....:teapot:

EDIT: tried closing thread but wouldn't let me. PM sent to STS for thread close to avoid any further discussion, as for info only. Thanks