View Full Version : Suggestion to make Farming a little tougher and more fun

06-25-2010, 07:04 AM
Ok, I've been playing PL for awhile and well.. I think most will find that farming is getting a little bit boring at the moment :(

My suggestion is that perhaps, the boss and plus his higher level minions should only pop or appear, if and only when we cleared the entire section of whichever map.. this way, I think it will be more challenging than just rushing for the first 2 bosses and then everyone exit the game in less than 2 mins :p

Just my 2 cents, please don't bash me too hard :)

06-25-2010, 07:13 AM
I like the idea, but I don't think the devs would ever do it. Farming is really the only thing to do after you've leveled up your character(s), and by examining the in-game community, the majority try to find any possible way to make boss farming a get in, kill, and get out process.

So, unless a large majority of the community dislikes how boss farming is a rush, and I'm talking in-game community, it probably won't be happening.

Like I said though, it's a good idea. I just don't think it'll get mass appeal.

06-25-2010, 08:01 AM
How about a spin on this. Instead of having to clear all trash, how about clear all bosses and either a) on the last boss, there's an increased chance of rare drop loot, or b) there's a "most difficult" special boss that appears and has a chance of dropping unique loot.

I like the challenge of rushing to just the bosses while healing through trash (or AOEing the trash), and with the challenge/reward of clearing only bosses you still get the rush feel along with creating the need to "tour and clear the board."

06-25-2010, 08:06 AM
How about a spin on this. Instead of having to clear all trash, how about clear all bosses and either a) on the last boss, there's an increased chance of rare drop loot, or b) there's a "most difficult" special boss that appears and has a chance of dropping unique loot.

I like the challenge of rushing to just the bosses while healing through trash (or AOEing the trash), and with the challenge/reward of clearing only bosses you still get the rush feel along with creating the need to "tour and clear the board."

Idea b would be the shiz. A good shiz of course.

06-25-2010, 08:28 AM
Idea b would be the shiz. A good shiz of course.

I agree. A reward for actually clearing the last map in a campaign would be nice. Or how about an additional super-boss-dense minidungeon at the end that you could only enter by clearing the dungeon before (not once but each time)?

06-25-2010, 08:34 AM
I agree. A reward for actually clearing the last map in a campaign would be nice. Or how about an additional super-boss-dense minidungeon at the end that you could only enter by clearing the dungeon before (not once but each time)?

As long as the cost/benefit works out, this would work. People are going to either consciously or unsciously do some simple math in their head:

If the same reward can be had from all bosses, then people are going to farm only those bosses that can be killed quickest because they will get more loot in same time. It's purely an efficiency thing. This is the only reason I was throwing out unique loot for a special boss, because there's incentive to kill that specific boss to get the loot.

Unless you mean, make those special bosses available on a unique board that can only be accessed by clearing the previous board. This may be an easier way to implement option B above, since they won't have to code in a logical trigger on the board to spawn the boss.

06-25-2010, 08:53 AM
Unless you mean, make those special bosses available on a unique board that can only be accessed by clearing the previous board. This may be an easier way to implement option B above, since they won't have to code in a logical trigger on the board to spawn the boss.

Yeah the special dungeon would have to have unique loot. I was basically thinking this is closer to how the game already works since we don't have bad guys spawn at any point.

06-25-2010, 08:58 AM
I just want more free roaming abilities,,,

06-25-2010, 12:21 PM
I think it more has to do with loot tables like in EQ or WoW.

If you were to have certain bosses drop only certain pieces of armor, they would get farmed more frequently.

For instance: If a given map had 4 bosses. Each boss dropped 1-2 pinks per kill and of only a certain classes pinks. So Boss 1 would have a type of pink str helm, int chest, and either an dex weapon or shield. The boss only drops one of those items a kill...
Boss 2 would drop an dex helm, str weapon or shield and int helm...
Continue until each boss has a drop list.

Further this by creating a more upgradeable system. No green or orange should have a level requirement of close to the current cap...and should be only marginally weaker than the past caps legendaries. I also find it odd that the greens generally have more desirable stats than the orange...I thought the orange was higher on the pecking order...

Current greens should have lvl 36-38
Orange lvl 37-39
Purples lvl 38-40
Legendary 39-40

At least then maybe the greens and oranges would get equipped from time to time...

You wanna help remedy farming and create a dynamic that has kept people playing WoW for ages after they reach cap...create a system like that....
Or just go to the badge system...which different bosses dropping different tiers of badges. Bosses 1-3 dropping purple badges, final boss dropping a pink badge.

5-10 badges per pink item
3-7 badges per purple item.

Or mix it and put purples as normal drops and pink badges on every boss...so each boss has the same worth in the farming break down...

I hope you guys took a hint from the past success of these systems in the previous "games of the year" and have something like this in the works. Right now operations feel like Diablo 1 without the refreshing randomly generated maps. At least people couldn't shoot just to one edge of the map cause they knew exactly where the bosses were gonna be every time.

Love ya,

06-25-2010, 12:32 PM
FYI, orange is not higher than green in the pecking (or rarity) order. It goes Pink>Purple>Green>Orange>White>Gray ;)

06-25-2010, 01:05 PM
Actually Warmage, in many MMOs the color code represents the rarity of the item. EQ and EQ2 work this way, and I think WoW plays this way as well (it's been about 4 years since WoW, and I'm just coming out of a hardcore stint with a top 3 WW guild in EQ2).

It's a basic system where all levels have the potential to drop any color code, but the rarity/value of the item is color coded (pink in this case being the most rare). The level of the item communicates it's relevance/strength.

IMO, the best way to setup a loot system in a game like this is to make the current and previous (possibly one more previous on top of that) campaigns each have a unique/powerful loot item. That way, people are interested in farming/playing the other campaigns as well. This can be a huge boon to the slightly lower levels since it brings in higher levels to help mow through the content.

For this thread, I definitely think the approaches discussed above (option B with suggested feedback below) would be great, since it provides a carrot to keep playing, and increases gaming level (possibly a tie in to "elite dungeons??").

Anyway....this discussion should really be made into it's own thread (and I'm not sure what the STS opinion is on feedback regarding loot drop strategy).

06-25-2010, 09:07 PM
Badges ruined wow for me I spent so many hours on end raiding and now it's way too easy to get good gear.

06-26-2010, 07:02 AM
Badges ruined wow for me I spent so many hours on end raiding and now it's way too easy to get good gear.

yeah, WoW is a loot pinata MMO, which is very lame. Market research has shown that WoW subscription growth started to ebb/slow/decline in 2007, which is the same time that "burning crusade" was launched (and was about the time they decided everyone should have great gear).

06-26-2010, 07:19 AM
Nah, we need bosses with more defense and less damage. LIKE I HAVE BEEN SAYING FOREVER!

06-26-2010, 07:27 AM
Ok, I've been playing PL for awhile and well.. I think most will find that farming is getting a little bit boring at the moment :(

My suggestion is that perhaps, the boss and plus his higher level minions should only pop or appear, if and only when we cleared the entire section of whichever map.. this way, I think it will be more challenging than just rushing for the first 2 bosses and then everyone exit the game in less than 2 mins :p

Just my 2 cents, please don't bash me too hard :)

No, at the level cap all there is to do is farm. Killing the first two is the best way to do that. If you need to level then clear the whole map and get all the bosses.

06-26-2010, 07:28 AM
Nah, we need bosses with more defense and less damage. LIKE I HAVE BEEN SAYING FOREVER!

I'd actually like to see smarter boss fights all around. Such as spawned-waves of trash mobs when engaging a boss. Or a person has to hit a button to drop boss defences every so often. Or even DPS checks...

07-18-2010, 03:58 AM
How about a spin on this. Instead of having to clear all trash, how about clear all bosses and either a) on the last boss, there's an increased chance of rare drop loot, or b) there's a "most difficult" special boss that appears and has a chance of dropping unique loot.

I like the challenge of rushing to just the bosses while healing through trash (or AOEing the trash), and with the challenge/reward of clearing only bosses you still get the rush feel along with creating the need to "tour and clear the board."

I kinda like this idea, but I'd like to add that I think this should be considered a special MODE of gameplay after clearning the bosses in a given dungeon reminiscent of the WoW "gauntlet," or something, where the kills have to happen within a certain amount of time to activate the new "mode."

07-18-2010, 04:46 AM
we just need some massive badass boss that has a ton of health and is impossible to kill unless you have an elite party of players that know what there doing, i think there should be a massive dragon that takes like half an hour to kill and a super rare drop is guaranteed to drop to one person in the party, im sure everyone would just try to kill this boss, but id like most people to fail miserably unless they have an epic party.

at least then you would have a sence of achievment for killing the boss.

regardless of what anyone would say i accualy like that sobek on level three has two massive blue djinn guards with him... its the closest thing to a chalange in this game. its a shame he drops terrible loot.

07-18-2010, 06:12 AM
we just need some massive badass boss that has a ton of health and is impossible to kill unless you have an elite party of players that know what there doing, i think there should be a massive dragon that takes like half an hour to kill and a super rare drop is guaranteed to drop to one person in the party, im sure everyone would just try to kill this boss, but id like most people to fail miserably unless they have an epic party.

at least then you would have a sence of achievment for killing the boss.

regardless of what anyone would say i accualy like that sobek on level three has two massive blue djinn guards with him... its the closest thing to a chalange in this game. its a shame he drops terrible loot.

Ya true, I don't mind a longer fight.. maybe 15mins or so :p as long as the reward is eh rewarding enough :)

As for Sobek, trick is to lure the 2 Djinn out and kill them, since Sobek tends to "run" back to spawn point after awhile. And I agree, his loot could be slightly better ;)

07-18-2010, 10:32 AM
How about another boss level like swamp 0.0

07-18-2010, 10:38 AM
How about another boss level like swamp 0.0

I'm all for this. Just make it tougher to pull the bosses out from their mobs.

07-18-2010, 08:03 PM
hey i just noticed trying the kill teh ref in 5V5 pvp arena on the forest troll arena is like a ten person raid and its really fun and chalanging. anyone wanna team up and kill him?

07-18-2010, 08:07 PM
hey i just noticed trying the kill teh ref in 5V5 pvp arena on the forest troll arena is like a ten person raid and its really fun and chalanging. anyone wanna team up and kill him?


(10 letters, blah blah blah)

07-19-2010, 01:28 AM

(10 letters, blah blah blah)

me and banned will pwn that noob :)

p.s i hope they devs make the ref drop his crown when 1.3 comes out and we can wear hats and stuff, cos that crown is royaly pimp :P

07-19-2010, 12:51 PM
Hey wait! Don't go changing the rules before I get to a high enough level to enjoy the things that are boring to you now. Please. This game is already tilted to the whims of the high level characters. Not fair to take out the fun things on the new people just because the old people are bored.

07-19-2010, 02:22 PM
Hey that's a useful pecking order. What's the drop frequency of these tho' in general or is it specific to each of the maps??