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View Full Version : New Twink Gear

09-14-2016, 09:28 PM
Been waiting too long so posting a post now. STS it's been ages since the best gear for twink have been updated. Been over 2 years since the Ice Scale/Ancient Druid era. These new Arcane Weapons are so strong that rogues break mage shields in 2 combos... (Talking in terms of 15-17 bracket). Bring some new twink gear please it's been ages and I've been waiting so long for it. Endgame gets something new every event? Isn't it about time you update us too? Been over 2 years thanks.

09-14-2016, 10:05 PM
Come to endgame where gear is updated often :3

09-14-2016, 10:30 PM
Better try semi-endgame or endgame pvp, alot fun there. Try lvl 41-56, twink population decreasing and room mostly dead atm.

09-14-2016, 11:57 PM
These new Arcane Weapons are so strong that rogues break mage shields in 2 combos... (Talking in terms of 15-17 bracket). Bring some new twink gear please it's been ages and I've been waiting so long for it.

I'd suggest Mythic Armor lootable in mythic chests that drop like the lv 16 arcane chest.

09-15-2016, 01:48 PM
No thanks, nobody is complaining so just dont change it.
Twink is fine as it is.
People have reasons they chose twink.
One major reason is, we are not forced to change our gear every few weeks/months like at endgame.

09-15-2016, 11:59 PM
No thanks, nobody is complaining so just dont change it.
Twink is fine as it is.
People have reasons they chose twink.
One major reason is, we are not forced to change our gear every few weeks/months like at endgame.

I'm not asking for new gear every event. It's been over 2 years... also these new weapons are too strong for current armor as I said.

09-16-2016, 09:10 AM
I'm not asking for new gear every event. It's been over 2 years... also these new weapons are too strong for current armor as I said.

Cuz u dont want to use shield

09-16-2016, 09:55 PM
Twink gears r fine, i don't want to use more money for gears

나의 SM-N750K 의 Tapatalk에서 보냄

09-17-2016, 02:42 AM
Yeah i think thats can ne good yo sts bring new armor

09-17-2016, 04:08 AM
Cuz u dont want to use shield

?? I'm saying shield is too weak and need better gear to support the shield. How is that gotta do with me not wanting to use shield? Lol I already don't use shield anyway.

09-17-2016, 04:13 AM
Twink gears r fine, i don't want to use more money for gears

나의 SM-N750K 의 Tapatalk에서 보냄

Rogues obviously wouldn't want it cos they're the strongest but other classes need serious work.

09-17-2016, 04:16 AM
If mage get new gears with more armor, rogue will get same set too.
New set of gear won't change things imo, just need skills scaled based on levels imo.

나의 SM-N750K 의 Tapatalk에서 보냄

09-17-2016, 05:12 AM
I am also happy with twink gear! Have surely spent around 16mil on my lv 16 gear and I am happy if I dont have to waste more money on this as endgame is expensive enough

09-17-2016, 05:37 AM
If mage get new gears with more armor, rogue will get same set too.
New set of gear won't change things imo, just need skills scaled based on levels imo.

나의 SM-N750K 의 Tapatalk에서 보냄

play mage then hoe if you wanna talk abt skill

09-17-2016, 07:51 PM
Been little less active on my mage for this reason, shield breaks in 2 combos from dagga rogues. And they are back to being tanks with op dmg, it like their armor was unnerfed then buffed lol

09-18-2016, 01:47 AM
Only solution that can stop this fuss .... Remove rogue class or else give every class same damage/hp/armor/mana/dex

09-18-2016, 07:47 PM
Don't be boring with your twink threads. This game is about to be better as for PVE same as PVP. L16 Twinks gear is good, i had L16 rogue and warrior, sorry mages, haven't tried mage. Other than being boring using same gear, there is no need of new gear. Every class gets arcane weapon, so you can't compare if mage gets killed by rogue using arcane daggers and you use legendary weapon. It's the same for everyone, not a big advantage for rogues. To be honest, i think rogues were weakest in L16 twink. As warrior i was able to kill easily rogue, mage was hard. With rogue i couldn't kill easily even weak warrior or mage. Maybe it was my skills but rogues were underpowered for me. Mage is best in all brackets for now. Good endgame mage can kill warrior with 11k hp and 4k armor easily. I will take for example Poseidon. He is OP. But he is skilled. Even if i had his thats i would be so much weaker than me, but maybe i'm better than him playing as warrior, who knows.
You just complain about that, think about it, twink auction economy it's going to be next egg economy. Not all twinks are rich. Btw i don't twink for long, it's boring for me.
And yes, please stop complaining, as there are other problems in the game right now that need to be fixed.

09-20-2016, 02:30 AM
Don't be boring with your twink threads. This game is about to be better as for PVE same as PVP. L16 Twinks gear is good, i had L16 rogue and warrior, sorry mages, haven't tried mage. Other than being boring using same gear, there is no need of new gear. Every class gets arcane weapon, so you can't compare if mage gets killed by rogue using arcane daggers and you use legendary weapon. It's the same for everyone, not a big advantage for rogues. To be honest, i think rogues were weakest in L16 twink. As warrior i was able to kill easily rogue, mage was hard. With rogue i couldn't kill easily even weak warrior or mage. Maybe it was my skills but rogues were underpowered for me. Mage is best in all brackets for now. Good endgame mage can kill warrior with 11k hp and 4k armor easily. I will take for example Poseidon. He is OP. But he is skilled. Even if i had his thats i would be so much weaker than me, but maybe i'm better than him playing as warrior, who knows.
You just complain about that, think about it, twink auction economy it's going to be next egg economy. Not all twinks are rich. Btw i don't twink for long, it's boring for me.
And yes, please stop complaining, as there are other problems in the game right now that need to be fixed.

Talking in terms of maxed people here. Maxed mage loses easily to no para rogues with just a dagger. When you were playing tank at 16 must've been vsing bad rogues barely even geared to have beaten them. And don't compare twink with endgame lmao it's way different why suddenly mention endgame? Might as well vs a lvl 56 as a lvl 16 would you? Also it is a well good enough reason to complain. Imagine endgame not receiving anything for over 2 years except 1 weapon. Twink is my main bracket and for a lot it is too. Endgame isn't everything don't talk as if twink is such a minor aspect of the game.

09-20-2016, 09:50 AM
I will get too much hate but it is minor.
No one said that you must twink.
It's your choice.
Think about it, there are more players in endgame than in twink brackets together lol.(No L46 in that bracket)
It's just a waste to come back to L16 just for twinks wish. So much expansions came from L16 that is too old. Yes for some L16 twinking is fun but you must look for new players. New players even if they want they wouldn't have twink because gear is so expensive. It's better to focus on new expansions and events than creating new twink gear. I think that this is more than clear. Don't be selfish. You're already too powerful enough for your level.
One things more - good friend of mine is L16 twink, i wouldn't mention his name, but he is OP mage, every good twink knows him for sure, and he said that mostly of the time PVP rooms are empty.
Now the hate.

09-21-2016, 07:13 AM
I will get too much hate but it is minor.
No one said that you must twink.
It's your choice.
Think about it, there are more players in endgame than in twink brackets together lol.(No L46 in that bracket)
It's just a waste to come back to L16 just for twinks wish. So much expansions came from L16 that is too old. Yes for some L16 twinking is fun but you must look for new players. New players even if they want they wouldn't have twink because gear is so expensive. It's better to focus on new expansions and events than creating new twink gear. I think that this is more than clear. Don't be selfish. You're already too powerful enough for your level.
One things more - good friend of mine is L16 twink, i wouldn't mention his name, but he is OP mage, every good twink knows him for sure, and he said that mostly of the time PVP rooms are empty.
Now the hate.

Lmao why are you talking like you're the dev? This is being selfish after requesting something after over 2 years? You're the selfish one wanting to grab all the attention and focus of the devs and receive something every event. This is nothing that's gotta do with me being greedy or selfish. Just asking for a bloody balance. If you don't know much about twink then don't talk. Not like I'm asking you for the updates. Of course there are more people in endgame than twink. That's why endgame gets most of the new stuff. I'm just asking for an update on gears as current ones are too old. There are people who don't play endgame at all and play twink and this isn't just for lvl 15-17 bracket. It's for all twink brackets. Every bracket have the same gear and they all need updates. So again don't talk like you know everything. This is a genuine reason to ask for new gears.

09-21-2016, 12:04 PM
No thanks, nobody is complaining so just dont change it.
Twink is fine as it is.
People have reasons they chose twink.
One major reason is, we are not forced to change our gear every few weeks/months like at endgame.

I would have to agree with you, Arlorz. Part of the lure of making a twink in the first place is that you know you won't have to update their gear. You can kinda "deck them out" so to speak and then have them set for good.

09-21-2016, 12:24 PM
I would have to agree with you, Arlorz. Part of the lure of making a twink in the first place is that you know you won't have to update their gear. You can kinda "deck them out" so to speak and then have them set for good.

I'm not being selfish. You get the legendary gear every expansion. I think that the new gear mythic or arcane or whatever must remain in cap not in twink. My opinion.
That's why every LVL bracket is unique. Most of the twinks are already nervous because of the new arcane weapons. Maybe the extra rich ones are happy because if you have new arcane weapon you can play without any other gear.(Not really but you can get the point).

09-21-2016, 03:50 PM
Go to endgame, All sets is updated :banana:

09-21-2016, 04:02 PM
Go to endgame, All sets is updated :banana:

Sorry this thread is about twink not endgame...

09-21-2016, 11:15 PM
I'm not being selfish. You get the legendary gear every expansion. I think that the new gear mythic or arcane or whatever must remain in cap not in twink. My opinion.
That's why every LVL bracket is unique. Most of the twinks are already nervous because of the new arcane weapons. Maybe the extra rich ones are happy because if you have new arcane weapon you can play without any other gear.(Not really but you can get the point).

Legendary gear every expansion that always has the same stats under different name. Again those are also for endgame. Honestly an update on gear in a while is that hard yeah?

09-21-2016, 11:48 PM
I honestly want a new gear too. Too many inactive twink player's still have the best gears. While new twink player's can't get what gear they want. And I actually wanted to try going level 13-14 or maybe 10-11 but can't find a gear. Maybe they should make a new gear better than ice scaled to make at least a little balance on pvp twink(I know alot of people and para/eyes on their gear). I've been plaYing twink since pvp came out and I know warrior's and rogues are good for many years while mage just became better when entomancer and insecticide gun were introduced but useless again since arc wep came out. And I want people have the same gears so no more excuses when they die. And I want peole to try our bracket too(I'm lvl 17) so they don't excuse about level's. I'm not asking for a buff or nerf for every class I just want to have a new gear too. I hope they make a new better gear too ;) cheers motor

09-22-2016, 12:55 AM
I'm a fully maxed out tank, I'd still like to see the new gear show up. Why? Because as Touch said a lot of inactive twinks hold max gear, and new players are left to either 1) Pay absurd prices to have good gear or 2) They have to play with the crap gears. Which limits their capabilities.

Would you rather a maxed player/someone with good gear or someone with crap gear to be on your side in a clash? It's limiting twink activity by reducing the amount of average players, to a lower amount that can afford to actually buy overpriced gear to be able to play.

01-01-2017, 06:12 AM
im no genius on twink items or so but think about a guy who spent 800k- million on icescale set and then a week later its worth nothing because new gear is cheaper and better
i know im mostly wrong buT just my opinion. and after all ITS JUST A GAME !

01-02-2017, 04:45 AM
im no genius on twink items or so but think about a guy who spent 800k- million on icescale set and then a week later its worth nothing because new gear is cheaper and better
i know im mostly wrong buT just my opinion. and after all ITS JUST A GAME !
Think of it this way, the first one to buy the set paid 200-300k for the entire set and now most of them quit decreasing the total number of sets and the prices went up. New players for that bracket have to pay ridiculous prices for a single item and it's hard to find as well.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

01-02-2017, 05:40 PM
I've put over 100mil into low lvl toons. It is time for new gear. We should have a full set rarity pvp set or just give us mythic or arcane sets and let us be done something that everyone has a chance to get not just rich people. This will not only even out brackets on all lvls but also make every lvl more active. It would give new players a chance to play and not be so under geared. Most new people on low lvl s get instantly farmed cuz they dont have gear. Just give us all a once and done set to work for problems solved. U claim that you guys wanted to get rid of paras and eyes I haven't seen it.

01-02-2017, 06:34 PM
U claim that you guys wanted to get rid of paras and eyes I haven't seen it.

They did it but just in endgame

01-02-2017, 08:00 PM
Im full set and I want new gear
I want PvP to go back to how it was before para and eyes came out, where pvp is all about skill not gear.

01-03-2017, 03:51 AM
Even if STG release new gear then para and eyes won't get outdated unless its arcane armor or like that Lol. Look at ancient/ice scale sets. When epidemic set came it was worse than ice scale but bit better than ancient. Yet I've seen Epidemic set full eyes for rogue in lvl 14 so yea. Full eyes/para items will still have advantage no matter what legendary gear will come because of boosts and extra stat that eyes and para give.