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View Full Version : The Game Only Punishing The Good Ones

09-16-2016, 12:40 PM
Well, I decided to make a small post with some facts pushed in your face about why I think that the game is so unfair lately.
-The first thing is the well know as the Goblin event of 2016 were all the potentional exploiters were banned and some have been unbanned but than got a freaking exquisite jewel and a banner.
-Releasing content for a day or two that flips the economy and than STS decides to nerf the spawn rate of this thief to a rate thats somewhere near impossible to find so economy rises again, and a lot, but than the working/ school going people didnt had a real chance to get profit out of it aswell.
-Now with the names, release a bunch of old names, accidently wipe the active names. You just fed the multimillionares, who are online day in and out , with even more millions.
-I'm not pointing fingers or something but one thing is very obvious in my eyes. Whenever there is a bug to exploit something, if it isn't xp it will be lockeds or whatever, there are always a few people who find it out in matters of minutes to one hour. Some may be accidently found but in maps like Ashral Tower the not main boss, c'mon how many ppl run that boss lately? Not so much i think so i find it very odd for those bugs to be found so short after an update.
I'm going to stop the typing my hands are getting sore, am tired from a week school and coming home to again such an 'update' just makes me feel like going to bed.

I don't wanna make this thread completly negative, I do like the game at some points. But thats only like every few weeks and than the fun only lasts for a week so I don't know. Some new maps or content to run would pimp this game up and it needs it badly. No need to make every update big or not every new map has to come with an expansion. Just give us some bonus maps , frequently untill the next expansion, that last for while with some good drops and fun like planar arena/tombs back in the time.

Peace and Love, Diimitrii

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-T560 met Tapatalk

09-16-2016, 01:07 PM
I disagree that the game is unfair. It is quite a lovely game and I'd like even more of my friends to start playing it.

As for the goblin event, I wasnt banned but the mistake happened, and it was fair enough that it was promptly fixed.

The Thief events were appreciated by a large number of players, the 100% spawn was a glitch and it was fixed quickly. That is in the best interest of the game.

Freeing up unused old names is a great move and I see a lot of players happy about it. Name sellers are penalized as is obvious. The mistake was that some active names got mixed up and as mentioned, it will be rectified, I do not see what is unfair about it. Let us be a bit more tolerant and appreciate good-will.

The past events have been quite fun (Jarl event, Eggzavier, Antignome, etc ) and looking forward to more.

09-16-2016, 02:01 PM
Ahh goblin event my expression to that is T_T

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Captain critic
09-16-2016, 03:22 PM
I agree abit of what u said about the banned and unbanned thats like saying "oh well you cheated lets move on even tho you cheated here's ur prize"

09-16-2016, 11:35 PM
The name situation is total bs. I woke up n was told that two hours earlier; People had been getting names that I haven't seen since S1. I wake up, see a bunch of messages about it on line, log on AL hoping to get a nice ign. I tried everything but nope all gone. Just annoys me that they do something like this out of the blue. No warning, nothing. BTW, why is it that an ign that hasn't been used for two years can't be used?

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09-17-2016, 12:01 AM
I disagree that the game is unfair. It is quite a lovely game and I'd like even more of my friends to start playing it.

As for the goblin event, I wasnt banned but the mistake happened, and it was fair enough that it was promptly fixed.

The Thief events were appreciated by a large number of players, the 100% spawn was a glitch and it was fixed quickly. That is in the best interest of the game.

Freeing up unused old names is a great move and I see a lot of players happy about it. Name sellers are penalized as is obvious. The mistake was that some active names got mixed up and as mentioned, it will be rectified, I do not see what is unfair about it. Let us be a bit more tolerant and appreciate good-will.

The past events have been quite fun (Jarl event, Eggzavier, Antignome, etc ) and looking forward to more.

The unfairness in the name fiasco lies in its unexpected execution. There was absolutely no official word announcing it coming, causing many players to be unprepared. It came down to someone discovering it and covertly snagging as many names as they could before other people walk out and realize what's going on. Those who were fortunate enough to stumble on a hidden, yet major change are rewarded with a profusion of unique, highly-desired names, and also a huge potential for scams.

09-17-2016, 01:43 AM
All was good till this IGN being released, vanity names going for 2m+.. i dont have any plans on renaming nor hoarding names but this is a very bad move. Cant express my disappointments enough. Sigh *just keep swimmig *just keep swimming i guess.

09-17-2016, 02:11 AM
I disagree that the game is unfair. It is quite a lovely game and I'd like even more of my friends to start playing it.

As for the goblin event, I wasnt banned but the mistake happened, and it was fair enough that it was promptly fixed.

The Thief events were appreciated by a large number of players, the 100% spawn was a glitch and it was fixed quickly. That is in the best interest of the game.

Freeing up unused old names is a great move and I see a lot of players happy about it. Name sellers are penalized as is obvious. The mistake was that some active names got mixed up and as mentioned, it will be rectified, I do not see what is unfair about it. Let us be a bit more tolerant and appreciate good-will.

The past events have been quite fun (Jarl event, Eggzavier, Antignome, etc ) and looking forward to more.
:) Yes .. Looking forward for more .

09-17-2016, 06:12 AM
Well, I decided to make a small post with some facts pushed in your face about why I think that the game is so unfair lately.
-The first thing is the well know as the Goblin event of 2016 were all the potentional exploiters were banned and some have been unbanned but than got a freaking exquisite jewel and a banner.
-Releasing content for a day or two that flips the economy and than STS decides to nerf the spawn rate of this thief to a rate thats somewhere near impossible to find so economy rises again, and a lot, but than the working/ school going people didnt had a real chance to get profit out of it aswell.
-Now with the names, release a bunch of old names, accidently wipe the active names. You just fed the multimillionares, who are online day in and out , with even more millions.
-I'm not pointing fingers or something but one thing is very obvious in my eyes. Whenever there is a bug to exploit something, if it isn't xp it will be lockeds or whatever, there are always a few people who find it out in matters of minutes to one hour. Some may be accidently found but in maps like Ashral Tower the not main boss, c'mon how many ppl run that boss lately? Not so much i think so i find it very odd for those bugs to be found so short after an update.
I'm going to stop the typing my hands are getting sore, am tired from a week school and coming home to again such an 'update' just makes me feel like going to bed.

I don't wanna make this thread completly negative, I do like the game at some points. But thats only like every few weeks and than the fun only lasts for a week so I don't know. Some new maps or content to run would pimp this game up and it needs it badly. No need to make every update big or not every new map has to come with an expansion. Just give us some bonus maps , frequently untill the next expansion, that last for while with some good drops and fun like planar arena/tombs back in the time.

Peace and Love, Diimitrii

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-T560 met Tapatalk

I totally disagree with you.

Until the egg event i was such a regular player with short term ingame plans. The best items i had were a hexblast staff, a few mythic pets, and an arcane ring (which was pretty easy to craft during the 2x teeth event).

I slowly lost my interest, because what ive done in a daily basis was: ran km3 every time & nothing else. I can say that my main profit came from that map only. Then i realised this is a slow and boring method without any fun facts.

Then stg announced the egg event. My hopes about drops were very low, despite i was praying for an arcane egg. Somehow, i looted my first arcane egg in the 2nd day, which was a glacian. I was so happy. Then the other lovely stuff came along into my way as i started to run more and more. I think i never was this lucky in the game before. Got 3 more arcanes, hishas and other valuable mythics and legendaries. If i can recall right, i had 210+ eggs after the end of the event.

My dream pet was a gold toor, and now i had a chance to buy it for myself. And i did it ofc since i had enough income from the looted eggs. Honestly, i never ever thinked of hoarding these eggs because i was pretty satisfied after all with my drops value.

So i ended up with my so wanted pet (and some other good ones too) and a couple of million golds in my stash. Finally i was also able to upgrade my gear. I saw the light in the end of the tunnel and i was so thankful to be a part of this amazing event. Also saw many hoarders and merchs complaining (and the ones who bought the freshly releases myth pets for plat), but oh well, i was busy with myself.

And now, we got this another amazing event for antignome items. Dang i was more than frustrated. As always, i started to run this event randomly. I was never ever ran these endgame maps before because of my gear. Now, i was abel to do it. And i did it. For the so wished antignome thief. I can say, i was lucky enough again, because when i saw the thief for the first time, it gave me a belt as a loot. I knew i gained another million gold within a few minutes. I was so excited again, and realised that i can loot cryo coins pretty easily also as a bonus. When the hotfix came out i wasnt really worried, because i had a chance to buy the whole antgnome set for 700k ish as i remember. And that point i was in a state of running underhul maps for fun, and not as a desperate farmer. Until the end of this event i looted 2 more belts, an amulet, a ring and 2-3 helms and armors. The set piece prices were rised again, and i was like dang i made a good decision when i bought the set in the early release of the event.

Yesterday, i was also able to buy an immortal staff. Never thought ill have one in the near future. And i still have some savings in gold & items. What could i wish for more? Im into crafting nekro atm, because ive finished the parachment quests and bought the vials as they are so cheap these days. Looking for a fossil now. So yeah, thats my actually project.

So as a summary thought; i think stg made a very good work with the last events. The gap went down between the really poor, regular players and the riches. So as myself. Im more than satisfied.

Thank you for reading this. Have a nice day! :)

Oh, and as a side note..
As ive seen, theres no matter what stg does, there always be a couple of players who complains about the contest. Either something is easy or hard. Im just thankful what ive got. Thank you again!

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09-17-2016, 06:50 AM
Life isn't always fair. You forgot to put some words about the amazing Egg-event.

I have to say that the thread about the names is exactly what they musnt do to avoid peoples who would "farm" some names. I still don't understand why they didnt annunce it in the game news at 20/21h30 when a lot of peoples are playing.