View Full Version : Class Specialization?

09-19-2011, 09:40 PM
Okay, not sure if this has been done yet, and I don't really want to look through 157 pages to find out lol.

But, as the title says, this is about possible class specialization.. I've seen this in a lot of mmorpg's on computers, so I'm wondering if STS has ever thought about it.
Some examples of what I mean are:
Warrior - After level (20?) there's two paths. One is armor/debuff, the other is crit/damage.
Mage - After level (20) there's 3 paths. One is summoning, another is debuffs/support, and last is nuke.
Archer - After level (20) there's 2 paths. One is a Ranger, using mellee and bows at the same time, and the other is classic bowman(dodge/kiting).

I don't know how good of an idea this is.. Or if PL would even be any better for it. It's just a thought. (:

09-19-2011, 09:43 PM
I love when MMO's have skill trees :). I hope the devs think about adding them to PL and SL!

And yes, there have been threads about this already :).