View Full Version : <air> official thread

09-20-2016, 02:55 AM


AIR is a new guild that arrived in the bracket of level 13-15 with family & friends.

Our strenght is that we are all experienced players, who play this game for a long time together. We understand each other's movements and fight as a well-trained team.

Currently we are the Champions of the bracket, since we have beaten all top guilds with their best line-ups. We are still a small guild, because we find quality more important than quantity. However, if you think that you would be an asset to the team, then please pm one of the officers for a quality check.



DO NOT attack/kill your fellow guild mates.
DO NOT have other PVP toons of the same bracket in another guild.

ALWAYS SHOW title in PVP rooms to avoid drama.
HELP the guild when people are calling for help in a PVP room.

And most important: Don't forget to enjoy the game!




Better start hiding, here we come!


09-22-2016, 07:25 AM
Good luck guys and kudos to all of you!

09-23-2016, 04:02 PM
Nice! Lets go Air!

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk

09-23-2016, 04:37 PM
Air woooo ^.^

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09-23-2016, 04:40 PM
Awesome guys! Great to be part of the family :)

09-23-2016, 05:19 PM
Love that Panorama [emoji16]

09-23-2016, 06:00 PM
Yeah yeah yeah yeah let's get emmmmmk

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-24-2016, 07:09 AM
˜”*°•.˜”*°• ????? •°*”˜.•°*”˜

09-24-2016, 11:45 AM
Haha we have another hater/fan. If you didn't post this to hate than please let me know what the reason really is to talk about a lv 16-17 bracket while we are a lv 13-14 guild? We deserve a tombstone for trashing people? Do you even understand what you are saying on this forum? And this is not to hate right, but to tell the truth? You do understand that we detect 100% tt in your message right, so what do you deserve? It's like hitting someone in the face and immediately say after that its really bad if you hit someone.

Tell me, how many players do you actually know from this guild? Almost all members from this guild came from level 15, so why do you hate so much? Where you perhaps farmed by 15s? I have been for example just 1 month on level 16 since we were a bit forced by sts to level up, since the gap became to big between lv 15 and 16 (because of arcane weapons). I did leave the bracket because I didnt like the new changes (arcane weapons made pvp more inbalanced). Next to that, I actually have never been farmed by levels 16s. I maybe lost from 17-18s with clashes, but that is nothing to be ashamed of or to run from. My old ign is Brufi (tank), so please let me know who you are in game, cause if you can prove that you farmed me on lv 16 with a team full of 16s than please let me know. Otherwise, please you can better put your show off reply (without any value to this thread) into a place where the sun never shines.

I see so many haters from the old zone where we played and I can only imagine that people would hate if they got farmed by us. Why would you otherwise bother to post a dumb message on an official thread of a new guild? Do you perhaps want a price or a cookie? Or do you just like to look silly?

Also, if.you want to copy a quote from our thread than don't compare it with some players from another zone. You say that we don't have quality in our guild, because we had quantity on lv 16? Your hate towards us makes you blind for what you are typing. It's like a bull seeing a red flag, so he can't think clear anymore.

If you really want to tell something about us as being level 13-15, then your feedback is more than welcome. As long if you can really give constructive feedback instead of just hating and mentioning after all the hate 'this is not purely to hate but the hard truth.'

And if you really think you are so pro than please come to level 13-14 to demonstrate. So far you have only 1 similarity with our guild name and that is that your words are full of air.

IGN - Gang

09-24-2016, 01:30 PM
Extra note: Don't know why you speak to us about bracket 16-17, since we played for 2 years on level 15 only. Some players leveled to 16 when the arcane weapon came to test that out. I can't recall that we had even 1x lv 17 in the guild, so if you want to speak about our zone than mention at least lv 15-16.

Show me where you have beaten us on level 15-16. I know you can't since it never happend.

I also don't really understand why we have to quit the game after leaving a bracket? So do you mean that we had to play all the time on the same level or something? Are this new rules where we aren't aware of? I really can't follow your reply, it doesn't make sense at all.

Please elaborate....

09-24-2016, 04:09 PM
I can tell you that this is 100% no trash talk, no this is just telling what people have experienced with your guild mates (including myself). I can tell your guild mates have not learned any respect and manners, if it were me and i was admin or moderator than i had already given a punishment towards the players from your guild with their inappropriate behavior they show. So again this was no trash talk no this was my opinion on the fact that other players are bothered (including me) by your guild mates and perhaps you.

OK so now you ask me how many people I know of your guild? Well I know enough of the poison (not including names) which you have in your guild, from trash talkers to gangers and scammers. Since the first day i met your guild, i must puke of the language use which you and your guild use in game. Not to forget that most of you were lvl 15/16 and had absolutely no idea how strong Xpsycho and Tactical was as lvl 15/17 guild, an example before you say that you and your guild had the best guild and have never lost?? And I've never been farmed by lvl 15s. I can say from my own experience lvl 15s were farmed by lvl 14s the video from Kronos explains all, and the funny thing is me and my friends have farmed lvl 18s before already so please keep question yourself why lvl 15 paper were against us, all i heard was "Garb *** lvl 16 or 17" or "You id**** have higher stats than us" that all before arcane weapon and awakening was implemented. I could've say go cry about lvl at least me and my friends don't cry about players two levels of difference higher than us, and if you like to know my in game name well here's my

Ign: Smd *rolls eyes*

A full team of lvl 16s you had with even another couple lvl 17s who unfortunately had sold their gear after few days, since the competition for you and your guild was too much so do not come with a false statement that you have never lost against a team full of lvl 16s. "I can see so many haters from the old zone where we played and i could only imagine that people would hate if they got farmed by us" sorry to tell you this, but your players always had to cry whether they lost in clash or vs and the funny thing is when you and your guild had ganged someone you guys were happy as if you had won the lottery applause for all of you.

Let us not make this post too long on this thread because it's an endless discussion, so now the story from long to short here's my feedback just make sure your guild mates do not use inappropriate language towards me or my friends you guys can expect either the same back or wouldn't be as happy when the sun goes down.

09-24-2016, 09:20 PM
Again a reply full of 'air'. So where is actually your prove? I don't even know the ign 'smd' and by the tell of your message you don't even know if you farmed me. Well I can make sure that you didn't if you were lv 15 or 16.

You speak about us with hate for leaving a bracket and now you speak of the guildname 'xpsycho'? Haha, please stop already... Tell me, where did xpsycho go? Exactly they left the bracket longtime before we did. Did you cry at them as well on the forums for leaving the bracket? After that you state that lv 14s farmed us on lv 15 based on 1 video from Kronos 'selected videos', right? Can you do me a favor and check first things before you even take the time to mention them, because who of those members do you actually see back in my lv 14 guild? And does 1 victory on a video prove anything at all? I guess you never died by a lower lv with a bad setup, right 'mr Ego'?

Funny how you still say that your message is not to hate while it's full of bias. How ironic it is how we farm your example guild Kronos on level 14, but can't beat them on lv 15-16 according to you. This forum isn't a circus, so if you want be act like a clown please do it somewhere else. If you truly have something valuable to mention, please let us know.

If you say something bad about me or my guildmates then at least support your words with facts. You sound a lot like that Lawpvp speaking of 'me and my friends farmed 18s'. What has that have to do with the discussion at all? Want me to show a video about how to bake a cake? That is just as much irrelevant as your whole post full of bs.

If you want me to post screenshot of me beating a lv 16 with arc daggers in vs, doet that make me the biggest pro over here? I do have those pics, but that does nothing have to do with my discussion towards you. It would be a nice way to brag though, but I don't want to fail like you you by giving such a bad example, which has nothing to do with the real discussion.

You are asking at the end of your useless reply that we should not talk inappropriate towards you or your friends, yet your whole message over here is.

Funny how people like to tt but cant back-up a single thing. Why don't you and your friends come level 14 and show how good you truly are. If not, you got nothing to search for at this thread since this isn't your zone.

P.S. show at least the respect to search things out before you post a 'blind' reply again, because your message is going from bad to worse.