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View Full Version : A little help please

09-20-2011, 03:36 PM
Ok, I'm an enchantress and I've read a few things about being one, supporting the team and healing and reviving and doing some damage, I ALWAYS end up with getting agro -_-.
It doesn't bother me cause I can heal easily but shouldnt an ursan or a avian be getting agro more times than not?
Thats just my experience.:confused:

09-20-2011, 04:18 PM
With mobs, an ursan should be taunting to take aggro away from you. Pure dex avians can actually be more fragile than you.

With bosses, the situation is a bit different. Often, taunt doesn't work with bosses and, even if it does, ursans may not be able to hold the aggro. It's common belief that bosses usually aggro the player who is dealing the most damage.

09-20-2011, 05:23 PM
This is sometimes the case, because at lower levels mage's skill damage>bird or bear
Also, mages have Area of effect moves, so birds and bears may have agro on some enemies, but if you firestorm for example, those that they haven't hit or taunt will attack you