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View Full Version : Guild Boot Notification

09-21-2011, 09:27 AM
My apologies if it already does this, but could part of the "So and so has been removed from the guild" message include who did the booting? I know some guilds have been having problems with griefers and it's hard to track down who's causing the problem if they have more than a couple officers. It might also dissuade people from griefing if they know it's no longer an anonymous act. It won't stop the determined, but at least it would be easier to track them down, remove them from the game and keep them from doing it to another guild.

09-21-2011, 09:39 AM
Hey Koi, I seem to remember seeing "________ has been removed from the guild by ebalere". So I believe this is in effect. :)

09-21-2011, 10:00 AM
Thanks, Ebalere! Never been booted *knocks vigorously on wood*, so I didn't know if it did that or not. Assumed not because some folks were having a hard time tracking down who was responsible for the bootage. Does it do that if an officer rather than the GM does the booting, do you know?

09-21-2011, 10:07 AM
Well, I believe so, I can't remember the last time we had an officer boot someone. I would assume it does, I think the issue of not knowing who booted comes when the offending officer is the only one online.. or at least there's no other officers/gm's. I would test this right now, but I'm at work -_-

I'm fairly certain it notifies the guild who booted who tho. It would be silly of STS to let Officers boot with no fingers pointed, but not GM's. I noticed they did make it so officers can't boot officers, which was a good step IMO.

LOL, i'm an idiot. I keep forgetting that even tho I am a GM of KoC, The current rank system only allows one GM to technically have GM status. In my guild, this power belongs to Skavenger. Which in turn means I'm an "officer". I have booted plenty of troublemakers and yes, it does say it was me who booted. LOL, I always forget the guild system thinks I'm an officer and not GM. So there's our answer! Haha!

09-21-2011, 10:44 AM
Aha! :D A co-GM ability might be nice--I always think of Ebalere, GM and Skavenger, GM and forget the one-"official"-GM thing, too. Thanks so much, Ebalere for clearing the name-attached-to-boot thing up. :)

09-21-2011, 12:41 PM
No problem! Always happy to help! BTW, Mayhem, or Mayhemmonkey, is the other 33% of KoC's GM's. I agree custom ranks would be great, and it has been suggested a few times, so we'll see what happens down the road!