View Full Version : I might of found a hacker!

09-21-2011, 09:37 AM
Okay hey guys. Majik again, and I might of found a hacker! Her name is Seller and she is a level 5 with ALOT of vanities. She has a secret and won't tell and includes something with a glitch or hack? So please someone look into this because it's annoying how she has all these vanities.

09-21-2011, 09:41 AM
$US = Platinum = Credits = Vanities. Not hacking :)

From the name alone, 'Seller', indicates that he/she is probably a merchant and good at it.

That secret is probably the key to his success.

"There are two secrets to success, one is to never share what makes you successful and second is...".

09-21-2011, 09:48 AM
Were they all antennas? Used to be you could liquidate, wave, and recover and get multiple at one session. May be the "glitch" he's talking about. It was fixed though. Definitely not a hacker.

09-21-2011, 09:49 AM
Nope she hacking

09-21-2011, 09:49 AM
And a level 5 named Seller likely has a higher level alt/main or twelve. :) Don't forget, too, that a lot of people's "secrets" are....that they don't have any; they just like to drive you crazy with curiosity.

09-21-2011, 09:49 AM
Were they all antennas? Used to be you could liquidate, wave, and recover and get multiple at one session. May be the "glitch" he's talking about. It was fixed though. Definitely not a hacker.

He's referring to a 'Seller' in SL. Currently listed a number of vanity items in CS :)

09-21-2011, 09:59 AM
He's referring to a 'Seller' in SL. Currently listed a number of vanity items in CS :)

Oops lol. Didn't check the section:p Possibly another person that bought millions credits as Elly said...

09-21-2011, 10:08 AM
Okay hey guys. Majik again, and I might of found a hacker! Her name is Seller and she is a level 5 with ALOT of vanities. She has a secret and won't tell and includes something with a glitch or hack? So please someone look into this because it's annoying how she has all these vanities.

Ive met "seller" myself, and she(Avatar dont know is shes a boy :p) seems fine good person (We all have alts I have 15). But yes ppl do to trade good stuff to lower levels in exchange for vanity or new players. As long as Seller doesn't scam, meaning give me vanity ill pay you in PL, I dont see an issue. But if "Seller" offers to give you a full custom set plus purples for your vanity....I see that as a great deal :D I would do it.

09-21-2011, 10:09 AM
Even thought the person a lower level people tend to sell there stuff from there multi accounts hen they run out of space

09-21-2011, 10:23 AM
Seller has been around forever... I would be surprised if it was an hacker. More likely a trading account.

There are stranger looking toons out there... due to old exploits or "rules" that have changed over time. For example in PL I have a lvl1 with 2k+ kills and several vanities because you used to be able to kill farm as well as access stash at lvl1.

09-21-2011, 10:28 AM
Even thought the person a lower level people tend to sell there stuff from there multi accounts hen they run out of space

Multi accounts is agains STS ToS so in doing this it would be an instant perm ban.

Though I do believe something is up with the Vanity and maybe is a glitch/bug but without finding it ourselves we are unable to advise the Devs of this.

Only hacker I possible found before was pretending to be a Dev though this was back in the 'Beta' days and I believe was dealt with as soon as they were aware.

09-21-2011, 10:29 AM
Nah, seller bought my vanity before, just has alot of moolah. I know people in game that are almost capped moneywise, you could buy 25 vanities for that much and sell them all for a profit.

For example, I traded custom set for a pink, sold pink for double the worth of the set, bought two vanities at 150k a piece, and sold one of them for 300k. In effect my customs set made me almost half a million dollars and a vanity, which I used as grand prize in my contest. I could use that to buy 4-5 more vanities and keep going. Am I a hacker?

09-21-2011, 10:35 AM
Nah, seller bought my vanity before, just has alot of moolah. I know people in game that are almost capped moneywise, you could buy 25 vanities for that much and sell them all for a profit.

For example, I traded custom set for a pink, sold pink for double the worth of the set, bought two vanities at 150k a piece, and sold one of them for 300k. In effect my customs set made me almost half a million dollars and a vanity, which I used as grand prize in my contest. I could use that to buy 4-5 more vanities and keep going. Am I a hacker?

WOW, ebalere can I ask you for a bank loan lol. I have yet to get a vanity drop lol

09-21-2011, 10:38 AM
Nope your just extremely lucky in selling your items. I've been trying to sell pieces to a custom Atomite set for days now and no buyers.

09-21-2011, 10:38 AM
WOW, ebalere can I ask you for a bank loan lol. I have yet to get a vanity drop lol

Make that two! Lol X-Ray FTW! Haha

09-21-2011, 10:42 AM
@ bodmaster its not against sts tos what I meant was creating another character via purchase from your original account

09-21-2011, 10:50 AM
@ bodmaster its not against sts tos what I meant was creating another character via purchase from your original account

Truth. You can have multiple accounts as long as you're not sharing accounts. I have 3 different accounts in PL because when I was new I didn't know I could have more than one char per account and I wanted one of each type. I got smarter, honest. :D (Why, yes! I did feel like a complete and total idiot when I found out. :) )

09-21-2011, 11:00 AM
Multi accounts is agains STS ToS so in doing this it would be an instant perm ban

Ummmm.... Check the TOS.

Tapatalk'd from my PowerWashed Fascinate

09-21-2011, 11:00 AM
@ bodmaster its not against sts tos what I meant was creating another character via purchase from your original account

No problem just wanted to make sure it was known :)

Truth. You can have multiple accounts as long as you're not sharing accounts. I have 3 different accounts in PL because when I was new I didn't know I could have more than one char per account and I wanted one of each type. I got smarter, honest. :D (Why, yes! I did feel like a complete and total idiot when I found out. :) )

Lmao! What you like.. ooo so its only against ToS if you share that account with others? Learn something new everyday :) (lol thought it was same for PL)

Ummmm.... Check the TOS.

Tapatalk'd from my PowerWashed Fascinate

Thanks! My bad (multi shared accounts).. already been cleared up by Canon :)

09-21-2011, 11:07 AM
You don't even have to check the ToS to see that multiple accounts (not to be confused with multiple toons under one account) is ok in PL/SL.

There's functionality in the game itself to store multiple email accounts at login.

09-21-2011, 12:50 PM
Nah, seller bought my vanity before, just has alot of moolah. I know people in game that are almost capped moneywise, you could buy 25 vanities for that much and sell them all for a profit.

For example, I traded custom set for a pink, sold pink for double the worth of the set, bought two vanities at 150k a piece, and sold one of them for 300k. In effect my customs set made me almost half a million dollars and a vanity, which I used as grand prize in my contest. I could use that to buy 4-5 more vanities and keep going. Am I a hacker?

WOW, ebalere can I ask you for a bank loan lol. I have yet to get a vanity drop lol

LOL! I gladly would but now I'm pretty broke from helping newbies get the gear they need and setting up the contest. It might be me asking you for a loan soon! Lol! Enter my contest if you think you got quick feet!

09-21-2011, 01:23 PM
LOL! I gladly would but now I'm pretty broke from helping newbies get the gear they need and setting up the contest. It might be me asking you for a loan soon! Lol! Enter my contest if you think you got quick feet!

(bolding added) See? This is exactly why the area under construction in Blackstar should be a Starbucks (interthreaduality alert). Caffeine is the answer to most things, my friend. ;)

09-21-2011, 01:26 PM
Hackers all day :D

09-21-2011, 01:27 PM
LOL! I gladly would but now I'm pretty broke from helping newbies get the gear they need and setting up the contest. It might be me asking you for a loan soon! Lol! Enter my contest if you think you got quick feet!

(bolding added) See? This is exactly why the area under construction in Blackstar should be a Starbucks (interthreaduality alert). Caffeine is the answer to most things, my friend. ;)

Yeah Ghost haha get all wired up on space coffee and win the grand prize! (Mech man helm) lol

09-21-2011, 02:00 PM
Lol Aphonics Starbucks. #1 attraction in Blackstar! :p

09-21-2011, 02:07 PM
They are hacking your mind with their voodoo! In otherwords, it's all in your mind, matey! :D

*thread closed*