View Full Version : Possible for skill attacks to not target non-mobs/boss??

09-28-2016, 02:55 PM
Am I the only one that wishes either you could toggle this on or off or remove it altogether?

I start a map and encounter mobs and hit my Aimed shot button and instead of hitting one of the arlorian monsters it hits a barrel!! Kind of frustrating.
Now this may be intentional to make a map more challenging, but I find it more annoying as it wastes mana and could potentially make or break you in a dog fight, especially for a mage or rogue where every skill potentially matters.

Sooo, is this a non-issue and I am just being really picky? I wish Guns and Bows normal attack would auto target a non-mob item (barrels/rocks/vases) as well as a mob/boss BUT a skill attack would only target a mob/boss.

What does everyone else think?

09-28-2016, 02:59 PM
Since skills have autoaim they aim first target closer in range but my nab mage lighting sometimes still aim barrel although its more far than mob :D you aren't alone. Skills should have autoaim for mobs first then all other things

09-28-2016, 02:59 PM
Am I the only one that wishes either you could toggle this on or off or remove it altogether?

I start a map and encounter mobs and hit my Aimed shot button and instead of hitting one of the arlorian monsters it hits a barrel!! Kind of frustrating.
Now this may be intentional to make a map more challenging, but I find it more annoying as it wastes mana and could potentially make or break you in a dog fight, especially for a mage or rogue where every skill potentially matters.

Sooo, is this a non-issue and I am just being really picky? I wish Guns and Bows normal attack would auto target a non-mob item (barrels/rocks/vases) as well as a mob/boss BUT a skill attack would only target a mob/boss.

What does everyone else think?

A non mob enhancement lmao.
Well great idea tho, I have that problem too fireball and lightning chose to hit those barrels than the bad guys lol.

09-28-2016, 02:59 PM
+1, so annoying when you shoot barrels instead of villains.

Suentous PO
09-28-2016, 03:08 PM
Agreed, hate it when it targets stupid things.
I'll go beyond just your idea and also add that I hate when my pets run at crates when there are mobs!!!

09-28-2016, 03:23 PM
Agreed, hate it when it targets stupid things.
I'll go beyond just your idea and also add that I hate when my pets run at crates when there are mobs!!!

Lol!! Exactly, can we get a trainer NPC to teach our pets.....Mobs first, then barrels!

I also love how low level pets take like three hits to break a vase or barrel. I am like "Break it already, this is a timed run!!"

09-28-2016, 04:28 PM
Lol!! Exactly, can we get a trainer NPC to teach our pets.....Mobs first, then barrels!

I also love how low level pets take like three hits to break a vase or barrel. I am like "Break it already, this is a timed run!!"

Take 3 hits... Or they're not able to defeat them at all! XD not to mention how often they MISS a stationary barrel!

09-28-2016, 09:13 PM
yeah annoying sometime.
the right one is this: non skill attack can hit barrel/or anything else (not mob), but skill not auto aim to them.

09-29-2016, 04:07 AM
why sts dont just letting pet to handle barrels?

let players hit mobs/bosses

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09-29-2016, 08:58 AM
Well the barrel boss is still undefeated :D