View Full Version : Complete Guide To Level 55-Infinity For Mage PvP 1 vs 1

09-21-2011, 04:25 PM
I don't know if this was made already but if it is sorry for making another and making forums messy.
If it wasn't already made I'm glad that i could help if I did!
Please help me add anything missing if I have anything missing. Not a PvP expert so... Help me improve this.
This is just what i do from experience.
For combos visit the combo thread.
For making good combos you can ask me or any person you think is an expert.
I recommend using high mana regen gear or high dodge gear or high armor.
Remember that Int. or Dex. Int/Dex mage works best against others.

Fighting Bears (not the chicago bears or the other kind):

1. Fighting a Sword Bear:
First you should use buffs (blessing of might(max this buff), vitality(max this buff), mana shield(put this buff skill level on 1)) then both freezes the frostbite and icestorm. IMPORTANT: Use FIRESTORM right after to stop his sword swinging and to knock him away on a wall or just knock him away. Never let him beckon you and keep stunning so you can't even move. If he does you have a big chance of losing the fight. Then you can use your combo.If you have debuffs, debuff him after.

2. Dex Bear
These can be hard to fight. Again don't let them stun you or pull you to a wall. Dangerous if that happens. Try to have decent armor or if they have lots of armor good damage.

3. Int Bear
There are not many of these and these are easy so you can fight them easily.
If somebody could add to this...

Fighting Birds(also not a football team):

1. Int Birds:
Some of them can be hard some of them easy.

need help with this too...

2. Dex Birds:
These can be hard if they can break armor and have a good combo. If they run freeze them.
Use shield after they use break armor. Some of these birds root you run and wait for your buffs to run out beware of that.
Some birds can kill in a short time if they have high damage and are really good at PvP I don't have a plan for these birds so I need you experts to help a little.

3. Str Birds:
Similar to dex birds. Avoid the break armor. These have a little less damage though but higher armor.
Also keep a distance away to avoid the sword. One way these can beat you easily is breaking your mana shield and then killing you easily without dying because of armor. To avoid break armor either have good dodge or have good armor. You can also use an armor debuff and try to combo kill them with very high damage. That has to happen fast though also with fast fingers.

Fighting Mages:

1. Dex Mages:
These are easy if they do not have high mana regen or high damage.
Remember to use a good combo and if you have a high armor set use that.
If you can't afford expensive gear I recommend using high dodge stuff.
They actually have about the same damage as pure dex mage.
If they are pure dex though they are usually going to be horrible and easy to defeat.

2. Int Mages:
You will need to debuff these if you have debuffs. Pure Int mages have very high skill damage and dex/int mages still have a lot. Both about the same damage but int has more damage (pure int I mean).
Then you use your best combo you can find.

3. Str Mages:
These are easy usually if you have good damage.You will just need to use your best combo and keep attacking. These also have low damage and are super easy to defeat if you can do it fast and before your mana shield runs out or you are out of mana. If you run out of mana and don't have really good regen or don't have the skill or armor to survive you are "dead mage". so try using combos and skills efficiently and effectively.

Hope you liked my guide please tell me how I can improve!

Thumbs up this thread if this guide helped you! Thumbs is at bottom of post.
If you really like this guide i might make another guide.
:star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::s tar::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::sta r::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star: :star::star:

09-21-2011, 07:10 PM
sorry.... but it seems like the only real advice that really gave any non-common knowledge advise was for fighting melee-oriented bears. I like how you pointed out the stun being a big downside for fighting against them, believe it or not, that's a bear's best friend.

My only suggestion would be to capitalize on skills rather than builds. For example: You stated how break armor really helps birds. Ok, what else do we look out for? Blast shot? Blinding shot? Then you'd wanna go on saying watch out for those str birds who pack more armor and dodge than your typical dex bird.

I think others would also appreciate a Mage section. What would cause one mage to lose against another? What stats would you wanna try to have against certain builds?

This is only my input, but if you could answer these questions you'd definitely have one heck of a guide. But the way you explained str-bears was a good start :eagerness:

09-22-2011, 03:40 PM
UPDATED! Added more.

@Zerious I have added more you should read again.

And to anyone who can help with this guide on improvements or the things I still need to add: help if you can and if you can...thanks...

09-22-2011, 05:24 PM
Hope you liked my guide please tell me how I can improve!

It's a good guide, and decent info.
Some helpful criticism I can give you when I read the thread is,
-At least half the categories are saying, "need help".
-Most categories are basically saying the same thing, "Buff, shield, kill"
-STR mages are not easy.
-STR birds do not have "less" damage and can even out in the long run.
-Please explain how to "avoid" break armor.
-INT mages and DEX mages have about the same damage.

09-22-2011, 09:11 PM
"break armor" doesnt actually break ur armor lol
blast breaks ur armor ^.^

09-23-2011, 02:46 PM
Hope you liked my guide please tell me how I can improve!

It's a good guide, and decent info.
Some helpful criticism I can give you when I read the thread is,
-At least half the categories are saying, "need help".
-Most categories are basically saying the same thing, "Buff, shield, kill"
-STR mages are not easy.
-STR birds do not have "less" damage and can even out in the long run.
-Please explain how to "avoid" break armor.
-INT mages and DEX mages have about the same damage.

"break armor" doesnt actually break ur armor lol
blast breaks ur armor ^.^
blast shot? last time i tried it doesn't...

09-23-2011, 02:56 PM
Updated!!! -:star:

09-23-2011, 04:11 PM
blast shot? last time i tried it doesn't...


09-23-2011, 07:21 PM
I find this guild lacking in content and anyone who begs for thumbs up is lame.

P.S. I'm a str mage and am sure I can beat you 10-0

09-26-2011, 03:30 PM
Guild? Please don't be so negative.

09-26-2011, 04:08 PM
blast shot? last time i tried it doesn't...
lol, what he's trying to say is blast shot breaks mana shields...

09-26-2011, 11:39 PM
I find this guild lacking in content and anyone who begs for thumbs up is lame.

P.S. I'm a str mage and am sure I can beat you 10-0
Dude, don't troll.
He specifically asked for CONSTRUCTIVE criticizm. This isn't even criticizm.
Get out if you want to brag out STR mages, they are easy to play with and you would be lucky to be able to use a less-armor mage.

09-26-2011, 11:45 PM
UPDATED! Added more.

@Zerious I have added more you should read again.

And to anyone who can help with this guide on improvements or the things I still need to add: help if you can and if you can...thanks...I wish i can help you with int bird but mine is too low level i was actually originally a int bird but respeced i consider myself a good intbird cause i beated some dex birds as an intbird :P

09-27-2011, 02:47 PM
I wish i can help you with int bird but mine is too low level i was actually originally a int bird but respeced i consider myself a good intbird cause i beated some dex birds as an intbird :P
thanks for trying to help!

09-28-2011, 12:19 AM
Dude, don't troll.
He specifically asked for CONSTRUCTIVE criticizm. This isn't even criticizm.
Get out if you want to brag out STR mages, they are easy to play with and you would be lucky to be able to use a less-armor mage.

I regularly play as a dex mage, so I fail to see you point. As for constructive criticism, I don't have any for such a limited view on pvp. If he's using this to get info then the title should reflect as such but since the title reads pvp guide, I would assume the OP would have a better grasp of end game pvp. Call it trolling but I call it my opinion.