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10-11-2016, 03:26 PM
Throughout the gaming world successful titles have carried on by creating sequels. Think of titles such as order and chaos 2, guild wars 2, and so on. The familiarity of the original along with the new content of the sequel keeps players coming back for more. In many threads I have read and heard the pleas of Pocket Legends players who are thirsty for more. However, those threads also contain statements saying that no updates are coming. So, would Pocket Legends 2 be a consideration?

I believe PL2 could be the next big STS title. PL2 would have a tremendous draw for all past and current PL players, and it would be an entirely new experience for all players everywhere. Since the creation of PL STS has grown in skill, knowledge and creativity. Unlike during the development of PL, PL2 could benefit from 7 years of player feedback and ideas. The very forum I am writing this thread on is a wealth of ideas and creativity. Moving forward I would urge STS to at least consider the possibility of creating PL2. Thank you.

10-12-2016, 01:11 AM
i like the sounds of this, but are you suggesting something like redesigning mechanics such as dodge etc., to balance things like pvp? i think this could work well, with the addition of some ACTUAL pve content that would require skill and things like mages having to watch other player's health and bears keeping agro, however this would mean that sts would basically be making a new game from scratch, just with some feedback. but i definitely like what you're saying and you seem like someone who's willing to revive the game, feel free to add me on Hxpster and we can talk more in game :)