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View Full Version : Future of Arcane Legends

10-15-2016, 01:35 PM
What can we expect from the game in the future?
Is there big updates coming which is going to make people have more to do?
Currently from what I've seen, the only thing to do is just grinding the somberholt and mausoleum maps. Which will probably get a bit boring after some time. Barely making gold with grinding locks. Arena seems to be dead.
The events are pretty nice, but doesn't last that long.
It's a very flat game with just some pve and pvp maps. Can we expect things that is going to expand the choices of what to do in the game?
Ideas: Skilling, Instances (Permanent events witch changing gameplay and rewards), new quests with good pet/item rewards like the nekro quest.

Now I know that AL recently had an exapnsion and it's too early to complain, but will these kind of new stuff continue coming?

10-15-2016, 01:45 PM
Wow, they're are a million things to do. I'm still working on the banished set. Running different maps for crafting ingredients and loot. Expansion just started and we haven't opened all the levels. Holloween event is coming, events almost every week. How can you complain about stuff to do? You can farm every map in underhul for something valuable. Just wow.

10-15-2016, 01:46 PM
Wow, they're are a million things to do. I'm still working on the banished set. Running different maps for crafting ingredients and loot. Expansion just started and we haven't opened all the levels. Holloween event is coming, events almost every week. How can you complain about stuff to do? You can farm every map in underhul for something valuable. Just wow.

If you remove farming from the list, what's left?

10-15-2016, 02:00 PM
Having fun with friends :) most of time i log just for chat

10-15-2016, 02:19 PM
I don't see anything boring about the game especially now. STS has essentially created an ongoing "event" in the form of an expansion. We have to keep going and going to accomplish the next goal which is a fantastic addition. And the loot gets better the farther you go, besides getting stronger.

It used to be you would get three or four maps in an expansion, beat the bosses, get the ap and all that was left was to farm stuff. Now there are tons of goals, ap's, loot, and the best thing, something to unlock each week with the overall community goal.

It's awesome!!

10-15-2016, 02:31 PM

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10-15-2016, 02:43 PM
The game is one of sts biggest games besides Pl ofc :), but I do believe they will continue to update Al if the community continues to thrive

10-15-2016, 05:37 PM
Take farming out of the equation? Only if you already have everything in game. Best gear, pets, jewels? That's like saying they should take fighting out of the game.

10-15-2016, 05:40 PM
Take farming out of the equation? Only if you already have everything in game. Best gear, pets, jewels? That's like saying they should take fighting out of the game.

Never asked to take out farming from the game. Only pointing out that there is not much to do for solo players besides farming.

10-15-2016, 05:42 PM
Guild/Lvl 61/get arcane gears/arcane pets/buy a house (lol)/daily quests/make more good friends/future events. I'm loving this game still.

10-15-2016, 11:58 PM
Go make a twink at lvl 10,13,16,23,50

10-16-2016, 12:04 AM
Do you really complain? After all of sumberholt NEW THING?
Omg, i hope you trolling.

After maybe 2 week realesed, i'm still research kind of tactic (what kind of weapon to use, what kind of skill to spent, etc). Thats why i'm stop complaining for something NEW, bcs we already got one.

Ps: new gear have a boost damage, so, you can clear elit bracken - nordr faster, even play solo.

Sent from my LT26ii using Tapatalk

10-16-2016, 12:30 AM
It's been 8 days since the expansion has been released and you are bored already? And you think there is a chance there will be no further updates to the expansion? I guess you haven't played this game for very long.

10-16-2016, 05:38 AM
I think you all didn't really read at all. Never said that I'm bored, I am very pleased with this new expansion. The point of this thread is: Will these kind of updates continue? Instead of adding few maps, can we get new things such as those community goals?