View Full Version : Bounty Titles

10-20-2016, 02:44 AM
I'm not sure if this has ever been introduced before, and looking back on older forum posts I have yet to see anything similar. What I think would be cool is 3 new titles in the Rank section found under achievements. I've always been fond of people who have over 50k+ kills no matter how they reached that goal and I think they should be able to further show off the amount of kills they have with higher titles that exceed the highest achievement of 35k kills which currently gives the title "Warlord".

What I'm proposing is 3 new titles that start at 50k kills, then to 75k kills, and finally 100k kills. The titles would be called High King, King of Kings, and Emperor respectively.

Now I understand PL may never receive anymore updates after this upcoming Halloween event which if that is true I'm content with that, but if it doesn't take that much effort to imply into the game, then I say why not :)


10-21-2016, 04:50 PM
I enjoy this idea. +1

10-24-2016, 08:46 AM
Not a bad idea! Hahaha I like the names, they sound cool :) Always good to give folks something to work for, keeps 'em busy.


11-23-2016, 12:40 PM
Not a bad idea! Hahaha I like the names, they sound cool :) Always good to give folks something to work for, keeps 'em busy.


Keeps walie out of trouble :3.