View Full Version : Elixer Buff timer issue...

09-23-2011, 01:26 PM
STS crew,

I think I noticed a minor bug...
When in a live game with an active elixir...
If you go to menu and hit exit level the elixir continues to count down until you enter a town area...

Thanks for the primo free time killer!

(Stock DROIDX)

09-23-2011, 01:43 PM
I've never seen this happen but I know what you mean

09-23-2011, 01:51 PM
The issue is very specific, if you exit a dungeon straight to the log-in page (the page that shows your toon and has options: continue, enter town, log out; I cannot think of what else to call it) then the elixir continues to run as if you're still in the dungeon. It's the same for the quests, if you exit a dungeon that you were completing a certain quest in, then the go to button is removes (as if you're still in that same dungeon). A quick fix is to go into town before you exit to the log-in screen, that will stop the timer.