View Full Version : The state of scorch

10-23-2016, 01:04 PM
I think we all know it... Scorch is op. Now I can make a long drawn out post about it (and I really want to) but not many people will see it. So I'll just lost his opness.
1.) His potential damage is honestly retarded. I lose brain when a fully Charged can just one shot me because he ran around like an idiot putting people on fire
2.) He's the most mobile character. Not only can he one shot you, you can't run from him or chase him. He has two dashes, both which do a lot of damage, build up his blaze and one can clear CC.
That's it his other two abilities are pretty ****. He only needs his three abilities and he'll still be a good character.

10-23-2016, 01:10 PM
Scorch is nice and fast but not unbeatable Lol. Just need know how to win vs him. I rarely lose to scorch using seraphina/violet and so far didn't meet scorch who would kill my jack. My Sera is tier 7. Jack and violet 10. But even at lower tier i could handle.

10-23-2016, 06:34 PM
Violet is probably the only character who can really punish him if he over extends. A good scorch always wins games because you can't put him down. Sera won't be able to catch him and Jack can't hold him down

10-25-2016, 02:55 PM
Vs Bjorn scorch dont have chance...ofc i mean if good players control them both...

10-25-2016, 03:41 PM
Violet is probably the only character who can really punish him if he over extends. A good scorch always wins games because you can't put him down. Sera won't be able to catch him and Jack can't hold him down

I guess you don't know then how to play jack and what Sera is able to do.

10-26-2016, 03:34 PM
Maybe I don't, but still a decent Jack won't be able to hold a decent Scorch

10-26-2016, 03:36 PM
Yea, but if both Scorch and Bjorn are just okay player I don't think Bjorn can do enough to kill him, and might not be able to catch him