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View Full Version : Not pay to play, but paying sure makes it easy.

09-23-2011, 05:33 PM
When I heard you can now craft nuri gear in PL, I ran over to see what it looked like. Very impressive looking, imo. I was thinking, awesome, now I can have something to work towards! Then I see you can buy the recipes with plat.

Now I'm kinda back at square one. I dunno if I like the recipes being obtainable so easily.. It takes away from a certain aspect of the game.. makes the crafted set already feel less coveted. Why farm for hours for a whole set of recipes when it only cost $10 to have enough plat to buy them all? Is PL gonna go the same way as SL, in that you can just buy recipes and have a crafted set on day three of new content like 10 guildmates and countless others did? Will there eventually be plat versions of endgame gear, ala SL, that is just as good and most often cooler looking? I'm just wondering whats next for PL in terms of platinum purchases. It seems there's not much left that isn't charging plat or giving the option to pay plat in the game now, and with the daily deals and everything It seems plat is becoming more and more a must have currency in the game to compete with other plat users.


09-23-2011, 05:47 PM
Touchy subject, since plat makes the PL/SL world go 'round. I see where you're coming from, and I also understand STS' desire to push plat, since this is a business after all.

I think ultimately what matters is what things are worth to you personally. If you farm and grind your way to a set of Nuri gear, there's a sense of accomplishment. Meanwhile, someone else might decide to just spend the plat and buy the same stuff, but they miss out on the feeling of actually earning something. Some people don't care about that, but I would imagine buying your way through the game would be a little boring. Other than quests and farming for gear as you move to higher levels, what is there really to do?

Plus, there's the trade-off that usually anything plat-related can't be sold or traded. Not sure if this applies to this new craftable stuff you're talking about, but it's usually the case with plat gear. So there's that to consider.

09-23-2011, 06:11 PM
True. Which brings up another point, selling crafted gear will be awkward if you farmed your recipes and someone tells you "Nice try noob recipes are easy to get, you didnt farm that." Or something along those lines.

09-23-2011, 06:34 PM
I look at it this way. If you farmed it, then that's great for you. But if you bought it, this means you don't care about the accomplishment. Either way, SpaceTime needs money to run this game, even off a mobile device. They need to make money some how. But I still think they should have recipes that are available through plat and some that are available from PvE only. That's just what I think. But ehh, who listening anyway, right? ;)

09-23-2011, 06:42 PM
Well, you can buy the recipes but the other items you need to craft appear to require farming. And they don't drop that often, so I think it will still take a lot of effort to make these sets.

09-23-2011, 07:30 PM
Plat bought stuff shouldn't be tradable at all, IMO. Whether recipe alone or final product, it shouldn't be tradable.

I could consider seeing the final product as tradable, maybe, but recipes alone definitely shouldn't be.

09-24-2011, 08:00 AM
final product is tradeable atm... good way to make huge money with a few plat... :(

little add: recipes seems not so rare as glyph items, not sure yet..

09-24-2011, 05:50 PM
i agree

Well, you can buy the recipes but the other items you need to craft appear to require farming. And they don't drop that often, so I think it will still take a lot of effort to make these sets.

09-24-2011, 05:58 PM
final product is tradeable atm... good way to make huge money with a few plat... :(

little add: recipes seems not so rare as glyph items, not sure yet..

Not so much, IMO. Crafting supplies still take a while to get.

09-24-2011, 06:07 PM
I think there should be two types of crafted stuff the plat and the dungeon stuff (dungeon being better) then the people that farm will have the sense of accomplishment and better gear ;)
Or there could be different looking gear with the same stats and the dungeon gear looks cooler.

....just a thought though

09-24-2011, 06:15 PM
Yeah i cant afford anything in the deal of the day simply because there just outrageous prices i wish we could have the old PL the one that hook us in playing endless hours. And not the one that just keep on making the Veteran players leave like i wanted a Riot shield in SL but i only had 30 plat but i do recall when we could buy vanity items for 15 platinum and when elixirs could be bought with gold and not everything in Platinum like now adays and changing the Main hud on PL was a big disagreement for me personally. Its just all about the new players :(


09-24-2011, 06:19 PM
ATM it breaks down like this:
-Farmed recipes are tradable
-Plat Recipes aren't
-Crafting materials have the drop rate of pinks IMO
-Finished products of both ARE tradable

AND FINALLY ... IDK if anyone else has noticed this? But from what I can tell
-Plat recipes actually require MORE crafting components then NON-plat recipes

Which for those of you concerned it makes it to easy for people to craft that should offer some sort of comfort :)

09-24-2011, 06:21 PM
-Crafting materials have the drop rate of pinks IMO

Play with me. You'll NEVER get a pink, but you'll get a crafting component every run.

09-24-2011, 09:03 PM
Part of me kind of likes it this way.

It does allow players to pay plat, get the end game sets, and then focus on what they want to do. This is particularly true for PvP where there's no reward for PvP.

09-25-2011, 05:41 AM
-Plat recipes actually require MORE crafting components then NON-plat recipes

interesting! would need some screenys. but a really good solution! :)

09-25-2011, 05:55 AM
-Plat recipes actually require MORE crafting components then NON-plat recipes

Sorry but I believe this statement is false:



*The 6th material shown off screen is the Glyph armor itself.

09-25-2011, 06:12 AM
Sorry but I believe this statement is false:



*The 6th material shown off screen is the Glyph armor itself.

Awesome, Thanks for clearing that up sorry if I mislead anyone ..... I must have looked at the wrong thing or miscounted :)

(and for record I prefaced by saying "from what I an tell"...lol ... which makes it not so much a statment as a query :p)


09-25-2011, 07:28 AM
I thought about this issue of buying end game gear with plat. I feel the devs provided us with such a GREAT pocket game, they deserve to make some type of gain for their services. This way they can continue making great content.
Once i gain all the components for my end gear, i will consider buying the recipes for mah mage. For me..... the devs deserve it.

Side note to devs: i go by flaviano in the game, u can send me gold,plat, or glyph items for this post ;)