View Full Version : Warrior Class Damage buff

10-26-2016, 03:40 AM
Now here im not talking about PVP. Just PVE.

1- faster movement speed same as the other classes.

2- skills castable while moving like the other classes . For example, Axe Throw or Skyward Smash. Freeze you on place for 1 or 2 sec. ( you fall way behind while running with a team)

3- killing mobs and bosses takes too long. I mean killing means. less farming, more time wasted, less money and drops.

also how do you want us to play the rule of tank if we die by 1 hit ?
and the new weapons of 61 : heals you on hit ? really heals what if we die by 1 hit ?
or the other option to give more armor : if we can't kill what do we need the armor for , we won't go to the boss to begin with?

now level 61 and still using Aegis 46 and glintstone set. any explanation to that ?

11-04-2016, 07:08 AM
glinstone set for pve ?

11-04-2016, 07:19 AM
Glintstone set is still good specially warrior and rogue not sure about sorcerer's pve wise of course.

11-04-2016, 07:50 AM
glinstone set armor is freking low for new maps.

11-04-2016, 10:38 AM
glinstone set armor is freking low for new maps.
Im using it always no problems whatsoever unless u joined a nab pugs.

11-04-2016, 11:23 AM
Having damage on par with rogue & mage class contradicts the role of being a tank. Using the new gear, tanks can have around 1.8k+ damage already. What really made tanks loved is the aegis, this is the only weapon that still giving tanks a little purpose.
Sorry but I see no use at all for tanks needing more damage.