View Full Version : [suggestion] repositioning of sell all button

10-26-2016, 07:41 PM

we all probably had at least one accident, mistakenly sell all items which are needed, i can guess there are few things that can possibly cause that:
1. dynamic button positioning, when we have one more item to sell, the sell confirmation button is right in the middle, but if we have more than 1 item, sell one item button is moved to the right position, change of button position can confuse people especially when you're tired after grinding
2. sell all button being closer to initial sell button, where this sell all option is actually a button that's more dangerous to do, should be positioned further from accidental reach

1. use static button positioning
2. add sell 10 items button, this is good since we can refund asap by the system's buy back option
3. sell all on the left, sell 10 on the mid, and sell 1 on the right, could be great, but the important thing is the static position
4. add buy back button on chest/consumables section, currently the buy back option only missing when we're selecting chest/consumbles
