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View Full Version : trying to join a party

09-23-2011, 08:26 PM
This has been happening to me for a while now. I either try and join known friends, or they invite me to the zone, but when I click join, most of the time it cycles me back to base. happens in BS and Numa.

I've tried multiple times, and know there is room to join these groups in most cases (I don't get the full/invited message) and it just will not let me join up with friends most of the time.

I noticed this happening after the slouch-o content update. not sure if it's associated with the new content added or what....

Just bringing it to your attention.


09-23-2011, 09:35 PM
Are you to low for the levels you are trying to enter? As I understand if you do not meet the level requirements for a specific content pack you can not join or start games.

09-24-2011, 12:33 PM
lvl 30 engineer. I should be able to access all current content.

Playing from iPad2, all updates im place, using high speed connection at home & work. Happens both places.

sorry. should have given more specifics.

Gear I'm wearing makes no difference. Tried swapping out to different stuff to see if there was an issue with that.

Tried switching back & forth to numa & blackstar and that does not help either.

I am below my max item count. (if not, I get the usual error message)

These zones are not full, and quite often it will also happen if I try & join even with an invite from another player.

If I can do anything else to help troubleshoot, let me know.
