View Full Version : New Class being added? Android

09-24-2011, 02:01 PM
Ok, so when waiting patiently for mute to wear off (was accidental :)), I realised something! The leaderboards show all leaders for each class, Op, Mando, and Engi. Today a new section was added called "Android", judging by how it shows all classes for the leader boards, could android be a new class?!

09-24-2011, 02:06 PM
Hmm I'll have to check this out , maybe it's android users though?

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09-24-2011, 02:12 PM
Hmm I'll have to check this out , maybe it's android users though?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
NOOOO aww poo.

09-24-2011, 02:16 PM
Silent I rerember!There was a guy named assomers 2 and he looked liked an android!!Oh and here's pic of leader boardhttp://i1086.photobucket.com/albums/j447/bovk123/730c7848.jpg

09-24-2011, 02:22 PM
Coool lol he is 1337 :D

09-24-2011, 02:24 PM
Yes now i can get my mode op! Edit: maybe android can use all weapons but will be jack of all trades

09-24-2011, 02:25 PM
This was addressed in the patch notes comments by Flip as a bug.

09-24-2011, 02:59 PM
Yes now i can get my mode op! Edit: maybe android can use all weapons but will be jack of all trades
I love jack of all trades!

09-24-2011, 03:13 PM
Awww its just a bug....

I tried adding assomers2 and it didnt work :(

09-24-2011, 03:15 PM
This was addressed in the patch notes comments by Flip as a bug.

Sloucho was also a bug! :)

09-24-2011, 03:23 PM
Theirs no way sloucho was a bug??? Its a whole new campaign! Or do you mean the sneak peak lol

09-24-2011, 03:25 PM
Theirs no way sloucho was a bug??? Its a whole new campaign! Or do you mean the sneak peak lol

The sneak peak :).

09-24-2011, 04:03 PM
Waits go for snatching my post Silent :p Already posted same earlier :)

09-24-2011, 07:46 PM
Asommers, why so silly?

09-25-2011, 11:35 PM
Probly accident,not meant to be seen as it might be assomers with the 2 since he is dev and no one was meant to see it

09-26-2011, 12:25 AM
Probably Assomers did it for a joke. He is a dev so he could pull it off.

09-26-2011, 04:23 AM
Asommers is AWESOME!!

Haha he gave me all of my Antenna's. :p

09-26-2011, 07:20 PM
Probably Assomers did it for a joke. He is a dev so he could pull it off.
You can assume assomers the joker of the devs.