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View Full Version : Possible Idea

06-26-2010, 11:38 AM
Ok all, with all the noobs online asking for items or money, and with the possibilty of advertisement for PL, there will be an explosion of members. I know that the beggars online will influence the new players, its simple psychology. so maybe the devs could make something to prevent this?x

06-26-2010, 11:39 AM
You cannot prevent it every MMO has beggars trust me it can't be prevented.

06-26-2010, 12:48 PM
Additional towns should help hopefully, the beggars will be more thinly spread, but the best thing is just /ignore :-)

06-26-2010, 12:58 PM
Ya i agree with the ignore thing but that only works for non noobs. seeing as they dont know much about the game, they might get the idea that begging works.
And yes cascade i know that, but seeing as this is a small game, if there are tons of beggars its gonna suck