View Full Version : Platinum menu bug

09-25-2011, 12:48 PM
Posted this long time ago to patch notes thread but not sure is it "ignored" or not just fixed yet.

Another bug found.

Enter any area(town/dungeon/pvp arena), open menu, go to platinum menu, click "new" or "deals", at both it opens daily deal(not sure should it open that) press "no thanks" and exit menu. It puts you into "main window"( one where you choose which character to use), but you are still at that area where you previously was.

As example I was in pvp arena and enter menu and did this, then when i exit menu I got all those "xxx killed xxx" messages and when player joined or left arena even I was in main window, also heard pvp arena music at background.

It again least occurs on iPhone propably whole iOS. :]

09-25-2011, 09:04 PM
Fixed for the next client update (1.7.4). In the meantime, we'll probably not take you to the Deal of the Day from the store.


09-25-2011, 09:16 PM
Wondering why that was happening.. couldn't figure out the reason behind it. Thanks!