View Full Version : Critical hit damage cap

06-26-2010, 07:01 PM
I think the root of the problem with super deadly PvP and PvE (bosses at least) is that there is no cap on critical damage, or damage in general.

In other games where this has become a problem a cap was implemented so that any single attack could not damage a players health more than a certain %.
I think if a system like this was put in place for PL it would stop bosses 1 hitting entire parties, and make PvP more tactical and drawn out. Starting with a cap of say, 35%.
A % cap is a little too stiff for PvE and bosses should be able to 1 hit kill a poorly equipped or low level character, so just a general reduction in bosses crit damage would do better.
In AO at the moment my 40 ench with around 75 armour get's crit for 260+, insta death with 228 HP fully buffed. 130-160 would be a nice figure, being potentially very deadly (but not fatal) to me, and still very painful for a tank

I do think armour mitigates standard damage too well however, at least for weapon attacks, both in PvP and PvE (at higher levels), it's the criticals that kill, everything else is just a scratch.


06-27-2010, 08:42 AM
I suppose if it was set as a percentage of the target's total health it could be okay, but not if it were just a numerical limit. Many enchantress skills can take a good chunk of the health from a full Int or Dex player even without getting a crit, so any limit set for this purpose would make a crit pretty much meaningless for enchantresses who rely on their big damage skills to have any chance in PvP. Other classes do not have skills that do as much damage in a single blow so their crits would still mean a great deal more. It would also give a big advantage to high health warriors (as I said unless it were a percentage). In general I don't like this, and I do believe there is already a cap (just too high for your liking apparently), but it's not something I'm completely opposed to either. I just think this would give an advantage to bear warriors and cripple enchantresses far more than any other class.

06-27-2010, 09:51 AM
It also depends on how the stat driven skill conversion works out, the ench stands to gain a lot of power from this and the hybrids will then be more balanced in comparison...

06-27-2010, 11:24 AM
Capping critical damage equates to creating an artificial change to the system. The system itself needs to be changed. I've said this before, but adding logs and equations to modify a system is like trying to use duct tape to fix the rotting infrastructure of a house. As the game changes the "quick fix" because outdated and negatively affects the growth of the game.
The real issue is crit damage is too high, yet normal damage is way to low, and often does no damage at all. This is especially true of a character that is buffed vs not buffed. I'm leaving out all the other issues because they don't pertain to crit.

06-27-2010, 12:33 PM
Ok I see your point, so what would you suggest?

HP seems as problematic, it doesn't increase with level yet damage is always increasing.