View Full Version : Survival mode!

06-26-2010, 07:38 PM
In survival mode, you start off with your group (or just you if your planning to solo) and you have to fight enemies that come near your tent (yes your home base is your tent (or there are five tents for five different people in your group)). The tents are in a huge plain field with nothing but grass. There will be a radar on the top part of the screen that shows the enemies coming. The wave number will appear on the left side of the screen. Wave one will start off with the slow zombies. Each wave will have approximately 50-100 enemies approaching home base. All the enemies are going to come in a perfect circle that will eventually surround your tent. Your objective: To kill all the enemies before they destroy the home base. You can upgrade your home base (in this case the tent) by special coins you get from every round. (These coins are silver, are the same size as regular gold, and they have a drawing of a dragon in the center)

-The first fifteen rounds will give 1 special coin each.

-The next fifteen rounds will give 2 special coins each.

-The next fifteen rounds will give 3 special coins each. (and so forth)

If you die, it WILL go in the number of deaths you have already. Same thing happens to the kill count, unless your like a level 40 killing the slow zombies...lol. EVERY FIFTEEN ROUNDS IF YOU SURVIVE, EACH TEAM MATE WILL GET A RARE ITEM.

Your home base should have 300HP and 25 Armor to start with.

-Every ten special coins you give will add 50 hp to your home base's total Health and 8 extra armor.

-Every twenty special coins you give will add 125 hp to your home base's total health and 20 armor.

-Every thirty special coins you give will add 250 hp to your home base's total health and 40 armor. (And so forth)

A knight CANNOT use break armor against your home base. Or any enemy can't use break armor on your home base.

THERE IS ALSO A REPAIR RATE TO HOME BASE! At the beginning, the repair rate will be 20 h/s.

-Every ten special coins you give will add an extra 5 h/s.

-Every twenty special coins you give will add an extra 12.5 h/s.

-Every thirty special coins you give will add an extra 25 h/s. (and so forth)

The first five waves will have the slow zombies. (Each wave having more zombies. Also, the last wave will include meathead).
The next seven waves will have the fast zombies. (Each wave having more fast zombies. Also, the last wave will also include meathead).
The next ten waves will have the knights with no weapons (Each wave having more knights. Has the King of bling as the boss)
The next seven waves will have the knights with the swords (each waVe having more knights with swords. Also, it has the king of bling as the boss also)
The next seven waves will have a combination of the knights with the swords and the Knights with the bows (each wave having more knights. Also, king of bling)

And so forth......
Every round you survive will add up to the jackpot by 25 gp. So when you survive the first round, you get 25 gp. The 2nd round will have a jackpot of 50 gp. Then 75, then 100, and so forth.

Ranged items might do better in performance because of the distance.

Hmm... I knew I had a few things missing...

If you happen to join the carnage while layers are fighting, you spawn inside the tent. Because there is a chance of lagging alot, that person is given a 10-second super barrier that blocks any attack for 10 seconds until the barrier time has expired.

If you want to, you can choose how many waves you want. Since there are different enemies, (zombie, fast zombie, knight, knight with sword, knight with bow, skeleton with sword, skeleton with bow, young yetis, old yetis, ice mages, crocs, melée crocs, fire storm crocs, RED melée desert marauder, BLACK melée desert marauder, GREEN Mage desert marauder, and BLUE range desert marauder. Count them: 17.), there can only be an option of 17 waves, 34 waves, 51 waves, 68 waves, etc. If you choose 17 waves, that means each enemy type comes up only once. And if you choose 34 waves, that means each enemy type comes up twice from weakest to greatest, and so forth.

Within every 5 waves, there is a RANDOM EVENT. One idea for a random event mentioned by Banned is a capture the flag game. (PLEASE NOTE THAT AT ANY TIME YOU CAN GIVE DIFFERENT IDEAS FOR RANDOM EVENTS) In capture the flag, one player has to decide to go to Point B (where the flag is) from point A (home base). There is a yellow dashed line on the floor pointing to the flag so the player won't get confused. PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT THERE HAS TO BE ATLEAST 2 PLAYERS IN ORDER TO DO RANDOM EVENTS. That means that when a player chooses survival mode, another screen comes up giving that player an option to do random events or just the carnage. If the player chooses carnage with random events, a page will come up telling him/her to invite a person. After that, they can get on with the game . Anyway, when the chosen player runs to Point B his/her teammates have to protect the home base extra carefully, heh. The only reason I say that is because the enemies are slightly stronger in a random event. When the player successfully grabs the flag and returns it to home base, the group gets an extra 5 special coins and each player will get an item of their class similar to their level. Also, if the player returns the flag within a very fast time, each person gets 700 gp as a bonus.

The enemies that are coming try to attack you first before they attack the home base because, if they attack home base first, they're gonna die faster. :P!

The survival mode button should be in the menus option.

When starting a game, only the person that started has the ability to start the carnage. For example, when one creates a survival mode game, one can invite his or her friends if they want to. Once that person has enough players, that person has the ability to start the game.

Once you die, enchantresses CANNOT resurrect you back to life. Each character has only a total of 3 respawns through out the whole survival. You spawn inside the tent with full hp and mana and that 10-second barrier I was talking about. After you die with no more respawns, you just have to watch the rest of the players play the game...unless they've died too or you decide to leave. Lol. Therefore, resurrect is disabled for mages.

You are NOT allowed to use potions. Therefore, if you get damaged, you get an automatic 1/4 HP heal along with a 1/3 MANA heal at the end of every wave (along with your healing skills of course; and for archers, the mana restore skill thingy too ;)).

The game only ends when your home base is destroyed or if all the players are dead. Once you die, you stay dead. Lol. (Or of course you can leave the game at any time).

Don't worry if this is your first time playing, because on the first round, a transparent screen will come up giving you directions on what to do. Also, after survival mode starts, enemies will come 10 seconds after everyone is done reading the directions.

The maximum amount of characters in the game is EIGHT. I might have confused you before in the beginning of this post, but eight players MAXIMUm are allowed to join a survival mode game.

The music will be the same music from PVP.

****NEW RANDOM EVENT! Whack-a-skelezombie! When is random event comes up, players have to kill a whole wave of zombies and skeletons that pop up from the ground and try to attack home base. Theyre going to pop up within 15 meters of range from your home base. Slow zombies, fast zombies, and only melée skeletons will pop up and try to attack.

****NEW RANDOM EVENT! FREEZE TAG! A whooooole bunch of ice mages from the fifth campaign will run and try to freeze you until you die! They're going to come just like in the normal waves (in a circle surrounding home base). Your job, of course, is to kill all the ice mages. This may seem easy, but there's a special ability that these certain ice mages have. Every ice strike they do will literally FREEZE YOU. This random event will be done much easier if there were mages because of their healing ability. (Just so you Knowles, heal clears negative effects. So it clears the frozen ability you got.) Good luck!

****NEW RANDOM EVENT! James Bond style! ONE player has to go deactivate a bomb from a very far distance (Point B). All range enemies will try to surround your home base. The activated bomb will be in a small hut on the kitchen counter. Next to the bomb is the code you have to enter. It will be a randomized six character code, and it is CAPS LOCK SENSITIVE! (If it's a capital letter, you HAVE to put capital, and same thing with lowercase). If you place the code in wrong, not only will the bomb explode, you will die, the hut will explode, and you don't get any prizes after the random event is done. Also, you will have to kill the remaining enemies after the hut explodes. The hut is approximately 100 meters away and yes there will be a yellow dashed line pointed to where the hut is. You have 3 minutes to type in the code. Once you typed it in, the bomb will get deactivated and all the remaining enemies will suddenly collapse on the floor. Also, once you deactivate it, you better hurry to your home base because the next wave will automatically start! Good luck!

****NEW RANDOM EVENT! SHARPENED FRIZBEE TOSS! The objective of this random event is for your whole team to kill this mega boss that throws extra sharpened frizbees at you! each frizbee will always do a one-hit-kill, however, the boss's attacks are three times as slow as mages, so like a speed of 6.0 lol. But if he kills your whole team, you lose the random event. So if you die, you can always respawn, but you better hurry! Good luck!

SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK??? I spent 30 minutes plus tons of edits typing all this lol so I hope you guys agree to this. What do you devs think? Hope I get a good review!

06-26-2010, 07:51 PM
I like this idea, but i think it would be cool if there was an option to win like you could set the game mode to infinite or you could say set it to 20 rounds, which would make level 20 near impossible, but if you beat it you got like a special item showing your epicness. Good idea, I hope a mod sees this thread.

06-26-2010, 08:03 PM
Great idea. Maybe add certain game types such as capture the flag.

You start at point A and you have to retrieve the flag from point B and bring it back to point A. It would never end, and you'd have to go through wave after wave. Difficulty is determined by flag captures.

It would obviously be a little more difficult then the arena type gameplay you suggested.

06-26-2010, 08:11 PM
Oh banned! Maybe you should make a separate thread for mini games. Cuz I think capture the flags a mini game. But wait, when you go to point A, will there be different enemies running towards you?

06-26-2010, 08:13 PM
And trogz that's a good idea. Since the level cap is 40, only lvl 32+ players are allowed to go in survival. Unless there's a difficulty level that would make lower levels able to join... Oh please devs I hope you can make this possible

06-26-2010, 08:14 PM
Oh banned! Maybe you should make a separate thread for mini games. Cuz I think capture the flags a mini game. But wait, when you go to point A, will there be different enemies running towards you?

Well, it's in the same vain as your idea, but it adds capture the flag type gameplay.

06-26-2010, 08:16 PM
Ooo... Maybe somewhere between the waves there should be a random event and the random event would be to capture the flag! SWEET!! :]

06-27-2010, 01:03 AM
Good idea. I personally think of survival mode as a zombie game (I know there are zombies in this game)

I like capture the flag

I am sorry but I COMPLETELY disagree with the whole tickets thing. Reminds me of a carnival...

06-27-2010, 06:49 AM
This is not am bad idea. It reminds me of a level in Diner Dash called endless shift where Flo works and works and the customers keep coming in. endless shift ends when three customers get angry and leave.

endless hoard could work on a similar principal. A steady flow of evil minions that increase in difficulty. it ends when you die. the reward for lasting the longest could be a leader board

06-27-2010, 12:01 PM
Ok Mystical, how about we make them just these special silver coins that has a simple dragon drawing in the center? Lol, I'm getting these from the top of my head ;)

06-27-2010, 12:03 PM
Avadonna that sounds good, but it would completely change the theme of survival mode. like, the objective would change. If the objective changes, many other factors of survival would change also. So, maybe endless hoard won't fit in with survival :l.

06-27-2010, 12:04 PM
I like this idea :) sounds awesome :D

06-27-2010, 12:11 PM
Thanks Cascade :P

06-27-2010, 12:34 PM
This is a cool idea but why make it a mint game!?! This type of level could be added as the end game content!!! Have 30 waves or whatever and between each 10 waves is a boss. Make super stupid hard and require good team work and you got mount Hyjal meets pocket legends. Make the last boss drop speacial loot or after completing the level you earn a title and wam bam thank you mam you got urself endgame content. Just a thought!

06-27-2010, 01:05 PM
Izbar, that would completely change the theme of survival mode. It's just like PvP! You don't HAVE to complete PvP, it's also a game that you can play every once in a while. Same thing with survival mode; it's not something you have to complete. However, maybe it should be a campaign that you could buy...hmm...

06-27-2010, 01:32 PM
The game only ends when your home base is destroyed or if all the players are dead. Once you die, you stay dead. Lol. (Or of course you can leave the game at any time).

So, im not sure about this but i would have to say maybe allow some sorta death count, of like 1 respawn per round for each character. Granting this respawn will make the first few rounds easier but will allow for the occasional mess-up or lagg spike.

Oh, and in a survival type mode i think there should NOT be allowed new entries into the game. Why start it if your not ready. The risk will be higher with less members but will also grant better rewards for a team of 3 than a team of 5. Just my opinion. I would maybe say allow a person the ability to re-join a survival game they left, as this will help with some of the lagg outs and disconnections to the server. However, upon entering i would say they are bound into the tent until that round ends.(not able to attack) but maybe an option to "repair" the tent at a small r/s.

What do you think about this addition?

06-27-2010, 01:53 PM
OK. There could be a repair option to the tent... And I like the idea about the respawn thing, but there should be a total of three respawns per character per game actually. Because if you can respawn every time you die, that would be too easy. Also, I think new entries should still be allowed because many people might be late into joining a survival game when they're invited...just a thought.

The repair option will be at a very small rate at the beginning. But with more coins you spent, the repair rate will increase! That's a very good idea silent! Thanks!

06-27-2010, 02:47 PM
Izbar, that would completely change the theme of survival mode. It's just like PvP! You don't HAVE to complete PvP, it's also a game that you can play every once in a while. Same thing with survival mode; it's not something you have to complete. However, maybe it should be a campaign that you could buy...hmm...

Well allowing it to be apart of the end game content would make it more likely at least for me to play it. Otherwise I can to the same thing in gears of war, Starcraft, Warcraft, left 4 dead, and countless others just trying to make it meaningful but wuteva :)

06-27-2010, 03:23 PM
but your already level 40! Err...two level 40s. And Like I said, since the level cap is 40 (by the way AO 2 is coming out tomorrow), the levels allowed are 32 and above (going to be 36 after AO2 comes out, which is tomorrow ;))

06-27-2010, 05:42 PM
Hmm it all sounds simular to Halo 3: ODST's multiplayer mode, which by the way is FN awesome. So this survival mode has my vote, two thumbs up!

06-27-2010, 05:51 PM
Thank you! :)

06-28-2010, 01:17 AM
Okay devs! What do you think of the survival mode??? Should it be on PL? (Please say yes ;))

06-28-2010, 08:41 PM
This would be awwesome :)

06-28-2010, 08:44 PM
Thanks! :)

07-01-2010, 12:51 PM
Are you there devs?

07-01-2010, 06:16 PM
Sounds like a super easy way to stand there and AoE until you die. I don't see how this is challenging or remotely interesting.

07-01-2010, 07:21 PM
I think that this is a very good idea nice addition to the game

07-01-2010, 07:45 PM
this sounds like a tower defence clone, I also have to agree with Roguedubb, where is the challenge, it's whack-a-mole.

07-01-2010, 07:53 PM
Very cool idea :)

Elite dungeons and Nightmare modes are definitely on the drawing board.

07-02-2010, 02:37 AM
So your gonna put survival mode into PL?? :D

07-02-2010, 02:08 PM
Thanks elffy! :)

07-02-2010, 02:10 PM
this sounds like a tower defence clone, I also have to agree with Roguedubb, where is the challenge, it's whack-a-mole.

How is it like whack-a-mole?

07-02-2010, 02:11 PM
Sounds like a super easy way to stand there and AoE until you die. I don't see how this is challenging or remotely interesting.

How? Loll.

07-02-2010, 02:35 PM
this sounds like a tower defence clone, I also have to agree with Roguedubb, where is the challenge, it's whack-a-mole.

Its more like Horde Mode in Gears of War II ... so WIN!

07-02-2010, 03:41 PM
Thx fluffnstuff :D

07-02-2010, 07:30 PM
Little weird with all the coins, why not just have rounds and you earn gold? Anyway sounds like a game only tanks/pallys would prevail in. Which is fine with me :)

07-02-2010, 08:18 PM
Lol :P the silver coins are for the game only, while the gold coins are for the actual PL.

07-04-2010, 01:29 AM
So...Justg. Will you put survival mode after the July updates? Or you can squeeze it in somewhere in-between? :).

07-04-2010, 10:34 PM
I really like this idea; I really DON'T like the idea of survival mode increasing a player's death count. I don't want to get off topic here, but I just happen to think that sometimes boss damage and the attack power behind the damage is just kinda RNG.

07-05-2010, 03:42 PM
huh lord u did a very good job of this survival mode thing thanks for telling me to look this thred up still I hope the DeVs make this a game and for a random event could u do clowns with squirt guns trying to attack u :O? or something with clowns....i like clowns cause they soo retarded and failures tht it makes me laugh

07-08-2010, 01:17 PM
Hey did you notice that all the desert cleavers look weird

07-08-2010, 06:29 PM
Hey did you notice that all the desert cleavers look weird

How do they look weird?

07-13-2010, 01:17 AM
huh lord u did a very good job of this survival mode thing thanks for telling me to look this thred up still I hope the DeVs make this a game and for a random event could u do clowns with squirt guns trying to attack u :O? or something with clowns....i like clowns cause they soo retarded and failures tht it makes me laugh

Never got a chance of asking this: Clowns < survival mode. Is this true?

And by the way people, you guys don't have anymore suggestions for random events in survival? Because the more the marrier!

Ima try to look up some games online that could relate to this... :).

07-14-2010, 12:43 PM
Added updates to freeze tag. :).

07-21-2010, 12:41 PM
cLoWnS wItH sQuIrT gUnS aTtAcKiNg HoMe BaSe?

07-21-2010, 12:43 PM
cLoWnS wItH sQuIrT gUnS aTtAcKiNg HoMe BaSe?

Dude!!!!! Lol. This thread don't count anymore, go to my new one :). but I need it for the good reviews :D