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View Full Version : Why am I always forced to tank?

09-26-2011, 05:31 PM
I think it's pretty dumb that just because I'm a few levels higher and still full dex and there are str bears 4 levels lower than me telling me to go first. It's annoying and I refuse to do this again.

09-26-2011, 08:07 PM
I'm so with you on this, however I don't think it just applies to bears. I think that who ever has the most armor on should think of themselves as a tank and take aggro if they can. If there are no bears on the team, I often use my wand/bracer and blast into the room to take aggro so the birds and staff mages can wipe out the mobs.

This has been said before, regarding sewer runs (sorry, I don't remember who to credit):
"wand/bracer mages are tanks!"
I will add...
Strength birds and pallys are definitely tanks and should do everything they can to gain and keep aggro; otherwise they are protecting themselves more than adding to the group. I love tanking as a bear, so it feels normal to rush into the mob. In fact, I have to restrain that inclination somewhat when using a staff because I trained myself to be the first one out of a dead mob and on to the next.

The main thing is, look at the toons in the team. If there is a lot of str, consider switching to a higher damage setup. If you have the most armor on the team, get in there! Really, it's so fun anyway.

Thanks for posting, neffy. I see this so much, I'm glad someone brought it up.

09-26-2011, 08:13 PM
see this is why I'm bringing my beloved bear up to endgame. Cuz noobs got no jewels to do what they're supposed to! Omg I'd have like a team of birds and I'll tank a motha fatha

09-26-2011, 08:27 PM
Let me know when you get there, zerious... so ready to buff up and unload aoe on mobs for you!

...that is, if you let a staff-weilding mage on your team of birds :p

09-26-2011, 09:12 PM
Honestly the only reason for a bear not leading the group and trying to maintain mob crowd control is the bear never truely learned to tank. Many bear players just have not learned the tactics of playing bear to its fullest extent. It is just something you will always run across until they either learn from seeing others do it or decide to come to the forums and read one of the bear guides.

That being said, it is vital for the other toons (mages and birds) not to interfer with the bear's pulls. A mage coming in right behind the bear and using fire blast will actually counter the beckon. Rooting targets before the beckon can make for messy pulls as well. Unfortunately, unless the bear runs very far in front in PUGs, this is common. And that can lead to unneccessary deaths and slow things as well. Its all about team work and it only comes from experience.

Just keep an eye on the players that just drive you nuts and don't join games with them in the future. That is really the only answer unless you are good at giving tank lessons while trying not to die or waste time.

09-26-2011, 09:33 PM
Tanking! Pshhhh What Ev! Im out!

09-26-2011, 09:38 PM
"wand/bracer mages are tanks!"

Hehe. I'm taking that back for Nuri's though, that extra 50 armor really makes a difference. In a PUG, I really don't blame a mage for choosing the wand. In organized groups, I'll still stick to staff.

09-27-2011, 04:36 AM
Unfortunately there are many bears who do not know how to or cannot play their class properly. Bears are by no means unique in this respect. The number of birds for example that do not use break armor effectively is astounding.

As for refusing, well, if you want quality players, avoid PUGs.

09-27-2011, 04:50 AM
Tell them to visit this forum, they'll learn a thing or two.
But I agree wholly with you on this one. I've had similar experiences in SL as well, In pug's I've seen quite a few commanders hanging at the back of the group and only moved forward when everyone was past. :\ The only thing you can do is get you own commando and show'em how its done. :)