View Full Version : Slang of MMORPG Games and internet slang for people who dont know (wow long title)

09-26-2011, 07:35 PM
AFK: Away from keyboard
AoE: Area of Effect
IKR: I know, right
Crit: Critical
HP: Health Points
MP: Mana Points
Vanny: Vanity
Run: Doing a level. For example: "Im doing a Numa Prime run. Any1 wanna join?"
xp: expirerience (i know misspelled)
GM: guild master
OoM: Out of Mana
Rmk: Remake
Inv: Invite
WTB: Wanting to buy
WTS: Wanting to sell
WTT: Wanting to trade
IMO: In my opinion
OMW: On my way
BRT: Be right there
Mobs: Un-named enemies who are week and easy to kill. Example: Cycorp Goon
NPC: Non Player Characters (quest giver)
Nameds: Named enemies, usually bosses
PVP: Player versus Player
PVE: Player versus Enviroment
OBO: Or best offer
Leet or l337: Elite,badass,godly,beast,STS Developers,Samhayne
GH: Guild hall
n00b: New person in the game
fister: Someone who doesnt have a weapon and is asking how to equip one
OOC: Out of Character
FTL: For the loss
farming: Doing a gear run over and over in the same level (at least thats what i think it is :P )
*/!\ NOTE /!\*

I am still going to add to this. If you noticed i am missing something, all feedback is considered and thought about. Thanks d-(^-^)-b
_/ \_


09-26-2011, 07:36 PM
oops. The little dude at the end got messed up. Dang... -_- stupid computers.

09-26-2011, 07:46 PM
AoE means area of affect more likely :)


oom=out of mana

09-26-2011, 07:47 PM
Ahh thank you. Im a little tired cus of school. Also what does IMO mean. Im a noob lol <3

09-26-2011, 07:48 PM
wait than thats AoA

09-26-2011, 07:48 PM
In my opinion :) if I think of some more I will tell you! I've been quite sick though and am 100% more tired than normal :-(

Edit: could do

WTS=wanting to sell
WTB=wanting to buy
WTT=wanting to trade

09-26-2011, 07:51 PM
isnt it effect?

09-26-2011, 07:55 PM
AoE? Yes it's area of effect

09-26-2011, 08:05 PM
TY = thank you
NP = no problem
KK = ok (not sure the point of this one since ok is already just two letters to begin with)
IRL = in real life
NPC = non-player character (for example, Ellie in Forest Haven)
OMW - on my way

09-26-2011, 08:07 PM
IMO= In My Opinion
OMW= On My Way
BRT= Be Right There
Mobs= enemies to kill that aren't bosses
NPC= Non Player Character (the quest giver)
Nameds= mobs with names, usually bosses

That's all I got for now
Hope I helped some :-)

Edit: McBain beat me to most, lol, I was just PWND( I think that's right, means owned)

09-26-2011, 10:07 PM
PvP = Player vs Player
PvE = Player vs Enemy
OOC = Out of Character
GH = Guild Hall
OBO = Or best offer
FTW = For the win!

09-26-2011, 10:09 PM
Leet! or l337! = Awesome/badass/godly/Vicar/Kindread/PaulNguyen

01-13-2012, 08:59 AM
AFK: Away from keyboard
AoE: Area of Effect
IDK: I don't know
IKR: I know, right
Crit: Critical
HP: Health Points
MP: Mana Points
Vanny: Vanity
Run: Doing a level. For example: "Im doing a Numa Prime run. Any1 wanna join?"
xp: experience
GM: guild mastersometimes it's also known as "Game Manager", just like devs
OoM: Out of Mana
Rmk: Remake
Inv: Invite
WTB: Wanting to buy
WTS: Wanting to sell
WTT: Wanting to trade
IMO: In my opinion
OMW: On my way
BRT: Be right there
Brb: Be Right Back
Mobs: Un-named enemies who are week and easy to kill. Example: Cycorp Goon
NPC: Non Playable Characters (quest giver)
Nameds: Named enemies, usually bosses
PVP: Player versus Player
PVE: Player versus Enviroment
OBO: Or best offer
Leet or l337: Elite,badass,godly,beast,STS Developers,Samhayne
GH: Guild hall
n00b: New person in the game
fister: Someone who doesnt have a weapon and is asking how to equip one
OOC: Out of Character
FTL: For the loss
farming: Doing a gear run over and over in the same level (at least thats what i think it is :P )
*/!\ NOTE /!\*

I am still going to add to this. If you noticed i am missing something, all feedback is considered and thought about. Thanks d-(^-^)-b
_/ \_


That's all I can think of now...:)

01-13-2012, 03:51 PM
line up
brb, water

01-13-2012, 05:22 PM
the most used one of all and a lot of people don't get

"rev" for revive. didn't see that on there

01-13-2012, 05:28 PM
pst = please send tell
S) ------- = Selling
B) ------- = Buying

example: "S) gingy, pst"

great job btw

btw = by the way

01-13-2012, 05:42 PM
Rap2xLim- someone who necros threads that's like so dead it's not even funny.
Leave the dead alone they are not for the living kthxbai

01-13-2012, 05:46 PM
Little error in the above.

A "noob" is a player who isn't any good at the game because he either doesn't try or doesn't care. Used as a derogatory term.

A "newb" is a person who is new to the game.

01-13-2012, 05:54 PM
Rap2xLim- someone who necros threads that's like so dead it's not even funny.
Leave the dead alone they are not for the living kthxbai
well, consider this:
- some people are new to forums and necro threads by accident
- some threads contain useful content that can be shuffled down a list by fluff threads
- just because you know everything on the list, doesn't mean everyone else does. and the fact that people were able to contribute more to this list afted it was necro'd only proves my point more. i still have people ask me "what's AoE" or "what's rmk." I actually just answered a lot of questions to someone new to the game and forum. Not that I mind helping, but if he saw this thread, he would have had lots more answered for him than I did.

Leet-L41 person/SpaceTime Studios Developers
Thanks, this thread was deserving of a necro

01-13-2012, 06:07 PM
well, consider this:
- some people are new to forums and necro threads by accident
- some threads contain useful content that can be shuffled down a list by fluff threads
- just because you know everything on the list, doesn't mean everyone else does. and the fact that people were able to contribute more to this list afted it was necro'd only proves my point more. i still have people ask me "what's AoE" or "what's rmk." I actually just answered a lot of questions to someone new to the game and forum. Not that I mind helping, but if he saw this thread, he would have had lots more answered for him than I did.

Thanks, this thread was deserving of a necro

I already sent Rap2xLim an E-mail about this to be honest. Not meaning to sound like the forum police or anything, but he's been necroing threads all day. Check his message history :)

01-13-2012, 06:11 PM
I already sent Rap2xLim an E-mail about this to be honest. Not meaning to sound like the forum police or anything, but he's been necroing threads all day. Check his message history :)
Yeah, i just found out about that. but tbh, i think he finally hit one deserving of it. I would have posting what i quoted in the 49 other ones he necro'd

01-13-2012, 06:22 PM
Samhayne said in the other post that this forum is for English only posts, why hasn't this been locked! lol :hypnotysed:

01-13-2012, 06:24 PM
Samhayne's said in the other post that this forum is for English only posts, why hasn't this been locked! lol :hypnotysed:

bahaha QFT!!!

01-13-2012, 06:30 PM
Xleouch or however u spell it, sorry honestly blame auto correct,
Or this newb can read the rules.
Furthermore, use the search function. It's yur friend. Or google. Or make a thread. If u think this thread is all great then request it to be stickied or (however u spell that there grammar nazis attack).

01-13-2012, 07:56 PM
BFTP - Blast from the past! :O

Nice Necro ;)

01-13-2012, 07:58 PM
Xleouch or however u spell it, sorry honestly blame auto correct,
Or this newb can read the rules.
Furthermore, use the search function. It's yur friend. Or google. Or make a thread. If u think this thread is all great then request it to be stickied or (however u spell that there grammar nazis attack).

how about this.... when did forums stop becoming about helping people, veterans or new? i didn't know all these terms when I started, and I was never on a forum before. I've become much more familiar with forums and forum etiquette since then. I don't condone mass necro, and I didn't know that is what the person who did this was up to when he necro'd the thread. I accidentally necro'd a thread once before I realized what I was doing, and was met with harsh criticism rather than friendly helpful advice. also, if u look three posts up from what u just posted, u will see I admitted to a mistake I made. that doest change the fact that I think this thread was helpful, and since i didn't necro it, what's wrong with me pointing that out? I'm sick of the hate on these forums, say whatever you want about me idc and I have more important things on my plate than ur opinion of me. either way, nothing changes the fact that before this turned into what it has now, everything posted in this thread WAS helpful. I've seen pointless NEW threads go up that contribute absolutely nothing, so why it is wrong to revive ONE OLD thread that does? Also note I said "one" because like I said, I was unaware of the mass necro that was going on. sometimes even I have to actually work when I'm at work and miss things.

that's really all I have to say about this

edit: and actually, if the off-topic stuff can get edited out of here, I think this would be a great sticky

01-13-2012, 08:30 PM
^i'd post a counter argument but then i realized...why bother lol.
i just thought it's funny how u think there's hate on the forums :) there's no hate...only trolls and drama. (FYI not trolling im being serious)
and i don't really have an opinion about you to be honest....I don't even know who you are so...yea.

01-13-2012, 09:52 PM
^i'd post a counter argument but then i realized...why bother lol.
i just thought it's funny how u think there's hate on the forums :) there's no hate...only trolls and drama. (FYI not trolling im being serious)
and i don't really have an opinion about you to be honest....I don't even know who you are so...yea.

Still not helpful, want to continue this convo use PM. Stop disrespecting the OPs thread.

Have more to add to the OPs topic tho go ahead.

01-13-2012, 10:40 PM
SY= Shipyard
V= Voleria
DMC= Dead Man Cave? (i not sure if thats it but its something like that lol)
BBL= be back later
GF= good fight (not girlfriend lol... atleast not in pvp)
TTYL= talk to you later
GTG= got to go
RMK= remake

01-14-2012, 01:01 AM

I just made that up. But I say it alot...
Btw, most of this I knew, some I did not. Informative for NEWBIES. Good job.

01-14-2012, 01:45 AM

I just made that up. But I say it alot...
Btw, most of this I knew, some I did not. Informative for NEWBIES. Good job.
I don't get what that means.
Was rmk on the list? I have a short attention span.
Edit: Ok it was lol

01-14-2012, 11:00 AM
SY= Shipyard
V= Voleria
DMC= Dead Man Cave? (i not sure if thats it but its something like that lol)
BBL= be back later
GF= good fight (not girlfriend lol... atleast not in pvp)
TTYL= talk to you later
GTG= got to go
RMK= remake

Spot on Rei ;)


I just made that up. But I say it alot...
Btw, most of this I knew, some I did not. Informative for NEWBIES. Good job.

LOL, it is helpful, doubt it would get a sticky though :(

I don't get what that means.

Balls to the wall? :p

01-14-2012, 06:07 PM
Here's a massiveeeeeeee list FTW!

Chat abbreviation Dictionary;

121: one to one
ADN: any day now
ADR/addy: address
AFAIK: as far as I know
AFK: away from keyboard
A/S/L: age, sex, location (or just "ASL")
ASAP: as soon as possible
B4: before
B4N: bye for now
BB: best boy
BBFD: big bad forum discussion
BBL: be back later
BF: boyfriend or best friend
BFF: best friends forever
BFFL: Best Friends For Life
BFFEAE..: Best Friends For Ever And Ever..
BFFN: Best Friends for now
BFN: bye for now
BG: big grin / best girl
BMA: best mate always
BNR: but not really
BRB: be right back
BRT: be right there
BTA: but then again
BTW: by the way
C: see?
CID: crying in disgrace
CNP: continued [in my] next post
CP: chat post
CU: see you
CUL: see you later
CYA: see you (later) / cover your A**
CYO: see you online
DBAU: doing business as usual
DD, DH, DS, DW: dear daughter, dear husband, dear son, dear wife (often used on boards where you discuss personal things, but wish to keep private the names of your loved ones)
DW: dont worry
EIP: editing in progress
FML: F*** My Life, also a increasingly popular site, FMyLife.com
FTW: for the win or f*** the world or For The World
FUD: fear, uncertainty, and doubt/Food
FWIW: for what it's worth
FYI: for your information
G2G or GTG: got to go
G: grin
GA: go ahead
GAL: get a life
GF: girlfriend
GFN: gone for now
GFY: go f*** yourself/good for you
GG: gotta go/good game
GJ: good job
GL: good luck
GM: good morning
GMBO: giggling my butt off
GMTA: great minds think alike
GSOH: good sense of humor
GTFO: get the f*** out
GTG or G2G: got to go or get together
GYPO: get your pants off
H2G: have to go
HAGN: have a good night
HDOP: help delete online predators
HHIS: hanging head in shame
Homg: same as OMG
IAC: in any case
IANAL: I am not a lawyer (but)
IAWTC: I agree with this comment
IC: I see
IDC:I don't care
IDK: I don't know
IDRC: I don't really care
IDFC: I don't f***ing care
IFSFWI: if the shoe fits, wear it!
IIRC: If I recall correctly
IMNECTHO: in my not-even-close-to-humble opinion
ILU: I love you
ILY: I love you
IMNSHO: in my not so humble opinion
IMO: in my opinion; or "IMHO" - in my humble/honest opinion
IMS: If memory serves
IOW: in other words
IPN: I’m posting naked
ISFHU: I so f***ing hate you
ISFHY: I so f***ing hate you
IRL: in real life
IWSN: I want sex now
JC: just chilling
K: all right / okay
KFY: kiss for you
KIT: Keep in touch
KTHX: Okay, thanks.
JK: just kidding / joking; also JKING
JSUK: just so you know
KPC: keeping parents clueless
L8R: later
LAFFO: laughing out loud
LBR: loser beyond repair
LD: later, dude
LDR: long distance relationship
LLTA: lots and lots of thunderous applause
LMIRL: let's meet in real life
LMAO: laughing my *** off
LMSO: laughing my socks off
LMFAO: laughing my f*** a** off
LMK: Let Me Know
LOL: laughing out loud, lots of love
LOLZ: Same as LOL
LQTS: laughing quietly to self
LTNS:long time no see
LTP: learn to play (L2P)
LTR: longterm relationship
LULAB: love you like a brother
LULAS: love you like a sister
MML: making me laugh
MMORPG: massively multiplayer online role playing game
MOOS: member(s) of the opposite sex
MorF: Male or female?
MOSS/MOTSS: member(s) of the same sex
M/F: male or female
N1: nice one
NALOPKT: not a lot of people know that
NERF: Non-Expanding Recreational Foam (NERF is a company). Also, nerf when used a a verb (example: The paladins were nerfed in the last game update.) is generally a gaming term meaning that the subject has been lowered in power/stats.
NE1: anyone
NFI: no f***ing idea
NFW: no f***ing way
NTW: nothing to water
NIAGW: not in a gay way
NIFOC: naked in front of computer
NO1: no one
NOOB: newbie (new to the site/new to texting/new to whatever)
NSFW: not safe for work
NP: no Problem
N/P: no problem
NVM: nevermind
NM: not much, nothing much, never mind
OIC: ohh I see
OMG: oh my God, oh my goodness, oh my gosh
OMGBBQWTF: oh my God, Bar-b-q, What The F*** (surprise and confusion). Sometimes spelled OMGWTFBBQ.
OMFG: Oh my f*****g God
OLL: oh, Lordy, Lordy!
OLL: online love
OMW: on my way
OP: original post/original poster
OTOH: on the other hand
OTW: on the way
P911: parent alert
PAL: parents are listening
PAW: parents are watching
PCM: Please call me
PIR: parent in room
POS: parent over shoulder / Piece of S***
PLZ: please
PlzKThx: Please. ok? Thanks. (Thanks in advance)
PlzKThxNo-Re: Please, ok, Thanks, No-Read (sarcasm)
PL0x or PLOX: same as please
Pwn: to triumph (not actually an abbreviation, but rather a misspelling of own)
PDA: public display [of] affection
QFT: quoted for truth
R: are (common)
RBA: right back at you (right back atcha)
RL: real life
RTFM: read the f***ing manual
RTFO: rock the f*ck out
ROFL: rolling on floor laughing
ROTFLOL: rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROFLMAO: rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
RPG: role playing games
RP: roleplay
SA: something awful
SGXK: set a good example for the kiddies
SHID: slaps head in disgust
SLAP: sounds like a plan
SLGF: secondlife girlfriend
SO: significant other
SOMY: sick of me yet?
SorG: straight or gay
SOT: short of time
SUF: shut up fool
STFU: shut the **** up
STHU: shut the h*** up
TBH : to be honest
TDTM: talk dirty to me
THX: thanks
THT: That
TIA: thanks in advance
TMI: too much information
TTFN: ta-ta for now
TTYL: talk to you later
TTYL,L: Talk to you later, loser
TTYS: talk to you soon
TTLY: totally
TY: thank you
U: you (common); how are you?; or you do it!
U/C: Can also be typed as UC. Means under construction.
UW: you’re welcome
w/e: whatever
WAT: What?
WAYT: what are you thinking?
WB: welcome back/ write back
WDYT: what do you think
WFM: works for me
WIBNI: wouldn't it be nice if
WIP: work in progress
WTGP: want to go private?
WTG: way to go
WTF: what the f***, what the frak, alternatively Where's The Food or Way too funny
WTH: what the heck, or what the he**
WUIP: wind up in progress
WUBU2: what you been up to
WUD: what you doing
WUU2: what you up to
WYCM: will you call me?
WYSIWYG: what you see is what you get
YM: young man
YMMV: your mileage may vary
YTMND: you're the man now, dog
YW: you're welcome
ZOMG: same as OMG

01-14-2012, 06:20 PM
Its off joe dirt.... -____-

01-18-2012, 11:29 AM
nice job bod, i'm determined to find something you missed there..... wait for it..... wait for it......

edit: people say "gf" in PvP for "good fight"

would be weird if someone was asking you to be their girlfriend after every fight....

01-18-2012, 11:33 AM
nice job bod, i'm determined to find something you missed there..... wait for it..... wait for it......

edit: people say "gf" in PvP for "good fight"

would be weird if someone was asking you to be their girlfriend after every fight....

LOL! Some of it seems pretty much made up but was happy that I found it :p (** the parts I couldn't be bovad to remove lol)