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View Full Version : Its like everyone has the same sellers script lol

09-27-2011, 11:11 AM
I'm struggling with all the merching it's soooooo staged - if I wanted I reckon I could have this conversation over 100 times a day.

"S) Something"
Enter trade with merchant............ wait.............
"PM - How much you want?"

I provide a reasonable offer......


Trade aborted.........

Back to home screen Merch instantly self promoting
"S) Something"

*Patsoe Shrugs shoulders* PM Merch Then why not say what you want for it?

Either I get no reply with anything sensible, because they know they cant rip me off - or a whole heap of nonsense, mainly aggressive or condesending abuse.

Post message to room with offer - player leaves, but secretly somewhere the sneaky merch will be back tricking some poor old player.

This is soooo very grey area...

Anyone have any better suggestions to deal with this kind of behaviour?

09-27-2011, 11:16 AM
stick to cs

Draco Mikato
09-27-2011, 11:17 AM
Im thinking a lot of people on B* aren't from PL and don't know how to merch effectively. Of course, greed is the most. Sensible reason everyone asks for so much

09-27-2011, 11:17 AM
Its because everyone read these guides on the forums and now think they are PROS....lol

Over IT!

09-27-2011, 11:20 AM
Kinda naive for the merch to rly think that the buyer wouldn't have checked out the price in CS, especially if the merch says "offer"

09-27-2011, 12:25 PM
Selling Torch 1.2m non negotiable. Only torch in game at that price!

09-27-2011, 12:28 PM
Selling Torch 1.2m non negotiable. Only torch in game at that price!

Selling torch 1.1M lower than cs!

09-27-2011, 12:31 PM
I took a negotiations class once at a fancy business school and we were taught that as long as both parties have a general idea of the right price, it's actually to your advantage to make the first offer.

One of these days I'm gonna start spamming that info all day long in town to all the "clever" merchants out there. ;)

09-27-2011, 01:05 PM
I took a negotiations class once at a fancy business school and we were taught that as long as both parties have a general idea of the right price, it's actually to your advantage to make the first offer.

One of these days I'm gonna start spamming that info all day long in town to all the "clever" merchants out there. ;)

Kal, in theory this is how it should work. I had similar classes and negotiate for a living many days. Unfortunately, too many people adopt the tactic of trying to start unreasonably high or unreasonably low under the impression that it will eventually force the seller or buyer to pay the absolute most (or take the absolute least) that this person is willing to take or pay. Everyone is afraid money will be left on the table.

Instead, people should have a predetermined amount they believe is reasonable and try to negotiate within a much small window. It leads to quicker resolution or agreement. A good negotiated outcome is one where both parties are satisfied, not where one party is thrilled and the other unhappy. But it is easier said than done.

And sellers need to remember one thing when selling to merchants (which I don't consider myself if anyone is interested). Merchants are buying your items to resell. There has to be a built in profit margin or it isn't worth while. If you try to sell at only a small percentage off CS prices, there is no incentive for the merchant to buy and incur the time and listing fees to resale. So you get money fast, but it isn't going to be 90% of the CS price. If you want CS prices for your gear, stick to selling in CS to end-users. Merchants are wholesalers of PL and look for prices accordingly. And there isn't anything wrong with that. I love the chance to sell a set at a discount to a merchant. I get money without the hassle of dealing with listing, undercutting, market fluctuations, etc. They get items to make money on. Win-Win.