View Full Version : Question for the devs

09-27-2011, 01:47 PM
Ok so I recently got my buddy in real life to start playing pl.. I've never registered my account due to hacks and told him not to either. Well... Last night he fell asleep playing ad drooled on his phone and ya it shorted out he had to get a new one. But it was unregistered so my question is, is there anyway he can recover it? Don't know how to go about proving it wo it being registered though. Maybe if he told you what gear he had in inventory? Thanks so much he's a poor first timer so I'm asking cause I'll be taking the blow....

09-27-2011, 01:53 PM
Obviously I'm not a dev but... You should contact support at: support@spacetimestudios.com
You would get a much better response from a email then you would on the forums.

09-27-2011, 02:04 PM
Will do and tyvm

09-27-2011, 03:19 PM
Nick41324 is right. We can help your friend regain their account though they do need to contact support@spacetimestudios.com. Please ask them to include their character names and which game they were playing.

09-27-2011, 03:26 PM
Chim-chimmeny-chim-chimmeny-chim-chim-cheree, these devs are as helpful as helpful can be!!

(ruined the phone by drooling... Ell, Oh, Ell!)

09-27-2011, 03:43 PM
This is why I suggest using a registered account :). The chance of getting hacked is 1/1000000 if you don't give out your account info!

09-27-2011, 04:16 PM
This is why I suggest using a registered account :). The chance of getting hacked is 1/1000000 if you don't give out your account info!

Exactly! Thanks Silent. Get registered! :D