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View Full Version : Crafting items - Overstocked?

09-27-2011, 02:06 PM
If you're like me, you have TONS of crafting items that are pretty much worthless...

Just an idea on what to do with them.

Open up a new crafting station either in Blackstar/Numa/Guild hall that will allow you to combine set numbers of ones you select and it will make elixirs.

These could be positive, negative, scary, or funny depending on what all is mixed together, and you'll never know what a new one is until it's been playtested.

With the number of crafting components out there, and using ~5 slots to combine materials together, there could literally be thousands of combos to expriment with.

Additionally, this would give everyone something to do with all these "junk" items that are either being donated/gifted to others instead of just "selling" them for 0.

Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?

Feel free to add any other ideas to this. It was just an off-the-wall thought I had today.


Neon Genesis

Rob Prose
09-27-2011, 02:30 PM
Being able to make pots or other buffs from these would be nice. The weapons are pretty decent but there isn't enough of them with them all being lvl 21+ items. Maybe since all the plans call for one item of lower quality than the one being created you could add in crafted weapons for every level bracket. I'm way overloaded on parts to the point where I only have to grind out my 10ks and base gear b4 my custom lvl 30 stuff.