View Full Version : ***Beta Beta players/Senior Members only area***

09-27-2011, 07:34 PM
How many of you have either seen or been bothered by the following...

***this was just a dramatization***





and you look at why he is asking for credits and items and he/she has stats that look like the following


everyone wants something for nothing...but most of us that have credits and items to spare, did work to get them...

I am almost 200% sure that we all have on numerous occasions on a daily basis, dealt with what I acted out above...and what does it always lead to? People telling him to stfu, gtfo, or 100+ reports cuz he keeps spamming and pm'ing you for items and credits. And although most of us consider this a crime punishable by death, it's not, it's typical n00b behavior (especially young n00bs). So rather than "FLAME ON" and make matters worse, Theseus and I were talking earlier about a great solution to this problem. A place that we can go to just chill and relax like we used to before the inundation of all the whiny kids and rude n00bs who do nothing more than annoy the crap out of the more seasoned players. I really hope that all my fellow senior members flood this and Theseus' thread and we get some results...We would simply like to have the ability to create a large group area that we can password protect and just relax with who we want to...just like a guild hall that can be locked at will.

***DISCLAIMER*** flaming of this thread and complaining and whining will not be tolerated. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but to read this and respond with insults or rude comments will not only be reported but will also be a prime example of what we have to deal with on a daily basis in the game...so if u came here to run your mouth, keep it moving...go scream at ur dog or something.

***I made a few changes to the original post because people were starting to take things the wrong way.***

That being said, lets hear what you all think of this idea!!! ciao for now...Cappin out.

09-27-2011, 07:37 PM
No insults. No rude comments. Just...it makes me sad.

09-27-2011, 07:39 PM
No insults. No rude comments. Just...it makes me sad.

what makes ya sad? vent lol!

09-27-2011, 07:47 PM
I'm on my sts phone app, I can't seem to vet the pictures working. But I'm guessing its images of spammers and whatnot.
I have to disagree against your idea however. Why segregate the sl community? Yes, there are noons, spammers, namecallers, but that's gonna stay and will most likely always be there. You can ignore these "Noob" they might just be acting silly, or actually be a new player and doesn't know the works.
Creating a "lounge" area seems a bit...snobbish for me.(don't get me wrong, I was one of the firsts to get a beta key). And what if some of these 50-100 beta players leave for good? + time zone differences= what's an empty lounge area good for?.
Maybe you can create a beta only guild, the guild hall can be a lounge area, no?
Cheers :)

09-27-2011, 07:51 PM
Hummmm. Maybe a password protected area....like hosting a game....except its like an area like blackstar or numa outpost....we all want to be seen amd heard....just like classic members in pl have all there starting players.....why Can't we? Everyone is entitled to many things....pl has founders vanity, beta players have friends....I miss beta just like others, reason I made so many alts because of the bond we all formed in such little time....its not the fighting but the same passion for this game.....my.2 cents ;)

Ps there is a beta guild I have made....its kalled kotor ;) look up ultimate beta guild.

09-27-2011, 07:57 PM
I knew that some were going to think this was slightly snobbish, and it is, but for all the right reasons. and NOBODY is going to be willing to be in a "Beta Guild" I am personally a GM who operates our own guild, guild site, Twitter, Facebook, and i know most others do too. It's a great idea, but nobody is going to be willing to throw all that hard work and time and credits away to form a whole new guild for us all to chill in the guild hall. If that's the case then guilds are kinda snobby too lol! It's definitely more of a pride thing when it comes down to it...and I know that n00bish behavior comes with the territory of any mmorpg as I have had many years of experience with them on multiple platforms...and if the lounge is empty (which I don't think it would be too often) at least it's there for when we would like to relax without being bothered lol

09-27-2011, 08:00 PM
I would miss ya if you spent a lot of your time in the lounge area, but I understand your frustration!

09-27-2011, 08:02 PM
Hummmm. Maybe a password protected area....like hosting a game....except its like an area like blackstar or numa outpost....we all want to be seen amd heard....just like classic members in pl have all there starting players.....why Can't we? Everyone is entitled to many things....pl has founders vanity, beta players have friends....I miss beta just like others, reason I made so many alts because of the bond we all formed in such little time....its not the fighting but the same passion for this game.....my.2 cents ;)

Ps there is a beta guild I have made....its kalled kotor ;) look up ultimate beta guild.

this is EXACTLY what I am talking about! to be able to actually host an instance and invite a maximum occupancy of the usual 24 persons. +1 Octavos!!!

09-27-2011, 08:02 PM
No, no reason to vent because it doesn't make me angry; it honestly makes me sad. I hate to see exclusion in the game and we already have it to some degree with the guild system. I dunno...I like helping people. I like helping newer players understand how to play, how to be decent citizens of Blackstar. I don't like giving up on a huge swath of players just because they joined after X date (for varying values of X). I wouldn't like to see it not because I'm not a beta tester--I wouldn't want to see iPad Village or Cul-de-sac of Women with Red-Brown Hair that Own Rabbits (too few to even make a town), either--it's just one more reason to lock people out based on criteria that have nothing to do with how they play or behave in-game. As far as people that won't stop spamming in either PM or public chat, well....I have an "Ignore" button and many's the time it's saved me from saying something untoward.

Again, I dunno, but I'd have a heck of a hard time telling a friend they couldn't meet up with me in town or a guild-mate because, "Sorry, but you're just not one of us." There you go--not a vent or a whine and I certainly hope it wasn't rude since it wasn't meant to be. Just a little heart-felt sorrow.

09-27-2011, 08:04 PM
I would miss ya if you spent a lot of your time in the lounge area, but I understand your frustration!

awww thanks Sass, we'd definitely invite you!

09-27-2011, 08:18 PM
No, no reason to vent because it doesn't make me angry; it honestly makes me sad. I hate to see exclusion in the game and we already have it to some degree with the guild system. I dunno...I like helping people. I like helping newer players understand how to play, how to be decent citizens of Blackstar. I don't like giving up on a huge swath of players just because they joined after X date (for varying values of X). I wouldn't like to see it not because I'm not a beta tester--I wouldn't want to see iPad Village or Cul-de-sac of Women with Red-Brown Hair that Own Rabbits (too few to even make a town), either--it's just one more reason to lock people out based on criteria that have nothing to do with how they play or behave in-game. As far as people that won't stop spamming in either PM or public chat, well....I have an "Ignore" button and many's the time it's saved me from saying something untoward.

Again, I dunno, but I'd have a heck of a hard time telling a friend they couldn't meet up with me in town or a guild-mate because, "Sorry, but you're just not one of us." There you go--not a vent or a whine and I certainly hope it wasn't rude since it wasn't meant to be. Just a little heart-felt sorrow.

I totally agree with everything you said, especially the point you made about exclusion having to do with the guild system. The main reason I called it Beta Beta area, is because that's the only time, it seems, that people knew how to act, and while we all sat in closed beta having a great time, we all knew what was coming when the game went public and we all hit the proverbial nail right on the head. Okay, so maybe not a beta beta members only area, but like what was suggested above by Octavos and agreed upon by me, the ability to create an instance and it be either locked and password entry only, or invite only or something to that effect. I never meant to come off as snobbish, I love to help people to, that's why I became a guild master of 2 guilds...one for members levels 1-21, and the other for member level 21+. I'm just tired of the rudeness and when you go to speak nicely to them or help them they tell you to mind ur business, **** off, etc... People will be people and that is why I am not a quick to help anymore. You help once and you become a human vending machine in most cases.

09-27-2011, 08:19 PM
Canonkoi, its not really trying to.segregated but a huge guild in a way. 25+ members in blackstar. Except we do not leave the guild we worked so to create. It will still be moderated, and controled. Since our main cant join another guild. It would be like having 2 guilds ;) but of course I understand your point of view aswell.

09-27-2011, 08:19 PM
The difference is segregation vs discrimination. You want to segregate you and other "beta" beta players from the rest of the community( note that feeling as though you are better than someone or that they are beneath you, which you implied and nearly said outright, is snobbish. It's not about what someone thinks.) While the guild system allows us to discriminate who we play with. It's an important distinction because, at least in the country that I reside, segregation is wrong and discrimination is constitutional under proper circumstances. I want no part of a game that encourages segregation of it's players.

On another note, a "senior" is a senior not because of the amount of time he was enrolled but in the amount of knowledge earned and services rendered. Some beta players are still "freshmen" as far as I'm concerned, even if they have 10 toons at 31

09-27-2011, 08:26 PM
I (like I said on Theasus's thread) am against this idea. We Apple players already felt left out when Android users got the Beta and the full game before we did. So whats the point of making a whole town just for Beta players? To make us Apple members feel left out even more?

I really don't mind beggars that much, which explains why I have 0 people on my ignore list in both PL and SL. Once I see the words "Can I have...". I just stop reading :).

09-27-2011, 08:27 PM
The angle that your pictures were taken on means that you were unable to find someone who was actually saying those things, so you made a character to do it on. That leads me to believe that sinceyou were unable to find someone, it's not that big of a problem.

Just add those people to ignore on the rare occasion that you do bump into one, and move on!

09-27-2011, 08:31 PM
The difference is segregation vs discrimination. You want to segregate you and other "beta" beta players from the rest of the community( note that feeling as though you are better than someone or that they are beneath you, which you implied and nearly said outright, is snobbish. It's not about what someone thinks.) While the guild system allows us to discriminate who we play with. It's an important distinction because, at least in the country that I reside, segregation is wrong and discrimination is constitutional under proper circumstances. I want no part of a game that encourages segregation of it's players.

On another note, a "senior" is a senior not because of the amount of time he was enrolled but in the amount of knowledge earned and services rendered. Some beta players are still "freshmen" as far as I'm concerned, even if they have 10 toons at 31

wow...waaay outta the ballpark...not what I was going for at all...I'm not Hitler, and if the country you are referring to is America, then yeah, I live here too. I was merely using the "beta" players era as an example as stated above in post #11, in that, there were no of these problems when it was all savvy adults primarily playing the game. and the whole senior freshman thing was a reference as well...now ur just splitting hairs.

09-27-2011, 08:34 PM
I (like I said on Theasus's thread) am against this idea. We Apple players already felt left out when Android users got the Beta and the full game before we did. So whats the point of making a whole town just for Beta players? To make us Apple members feel left out even more?

I really don't mind beggars that much, which explains why I have 0 people on my ignore list in both PL and SL. Once I see the words "Can I have...". I just stop reading :).

once again, read post #11.

09-27-2011, 08:37 PM
The angle that your pictures were taken on means that you were unable to find someone who was actually saying those things, so you made a character to do it on. That leads me to believe that sinceyou were unable to find someone, it's not that big of a problem.

Just add those people to ignore on the rare occasion that you do bump into one, and move on!

no, it's funny you mention that because there actually WERE others showing this behavior WHILE I was taking these screenshots. I made the character to not only HAVE to sit around looking for this behavior, but also to add a lil comic relief to an already fueled topic. I have a wife and 2 kids and a Yankee game to worry about lol...not sitting around waiting to take a screenshot at the perfect time of someone else's remarks. It's called a dramatization, google it.

09-27-2011, 08:42 PM

Like another poster, I can't read the dialog in the pics.

Actually, I think this is an awseome idea. All the upper crust, actually....... maybe sts could sponsor your own server and you all could port over.

I'll stay with the ones you don't like and try to help them.

I'd say good luck and have fun, but not sure that either is a priority for you, so I hope you get whatever it is that you do want.

If the person you don't like is identified in this post, you ought to edit it out. Imo, that is inappropriate. But hey, what do I know, I'm a Jr. member at heart.

09-27-2011, 08:52 PM
once again, read post #11.

So what you are saying is make a zone for only elite players?

09-27-2011, 08:53 PM
To some extent, I understand where you are coming from, but no specific group or affiliation(in this case, the so-called "beta" group)should be favored over other players.

No matter which way you state your case, there's always some sort of elitism behind your reasoning. Based on my experience, this elitism is very common in online private servers wherein the pioneers or the "first ones to play" feel like they should get special treatment over regular and new players. Unless Beta players pay STS secret monthly fees or did something that drastically contributed to the game, there's nothing different between a Day 1 player to a newly registered player, as far as STS is concerned.

There are plenty of ways to handle this situation without requesting an exclusive place strictly for just a group of people.

Make a guild for beta players.Guild hall can hold up to 25 people at a time.
Host games with a password and talk there.
There's the ignore function. If there are people that bother you, just put them on your ignore list.

This is not meant to be a flame. I've been playing SL for a long time and have experienced problems like such, but this problem could easily remedied without any special treatment.

09-27-2011, 08:56 PM

Like another poster, I can't read the dialog in the pics.

Actually, I think this is an awseome idea. All the upper crust, actually....... maybe sts could sponsor your own server and you all could port over.

I'll stay with the ones you don't like and try to help them.

I'd say good luck and have fun, but not sure that either is a priority for you, so I hope you get whatever it is that you do want.

If the person you don't like is identified in this post, you ought to edit it out. Imo, that is inappropriate. But hey, what do I know, I'm a Jr. member at heart.

not naming names at all...it's not a person or two, it's just the way some people are lol...a server, port over, my priority? you can't be serious, or rather, you're TOO serious lol...ya gotta read the entire post to understand where we're coming from...we just wanna go somewhere and hangout with a large group of whatever members we want to...simple. It was just an idea, it'll probably never happen anyway...I had a feeling people were gonna get all emotional about this topic...it's really not necessary.

09-27-2011, 08:57 PM
So what you are saying is make a zone for only elite players?

nope, nothing elite about just hanging out with the one you want to rather than having to deal with whoever decides to pop into an instance and start trouble.

09-27-2011, 08:58 PM
Id previously stated my thoughts on Thes thread (please read and comment if you like), just gets to me a little when the apple being discluded from 'beta' beta for 2-4 weeks when Droid wer discluded from PL for 6 months and founders still got a vanity. That to me segregated alot of players in PL that felt the same way from Droid users, spilt milk I know but doesn't excuse for Beta players to be targeted (as such).

I was one of the lucky ones that logged into FB as the post for ' 100 free Beta keys' just appeared and signed on to mmorpg and asked for a Beta, if I missed this then I wouldst been waiting until open Beta or beyond. (So kinda deserved it IMO wasn't passed on to me by chance had to fight to register (which took forever on moblie) and get my post in first 200 posts. (Nearly ended up giving up as everytime the web based site messed up a few 20-50 had posted)

09-27-2011, 09:01 PM
To some extent, I understand where you are coming from, but no specific group or affiliation(in this case, the so-called "beta" group)should be favored over other players.

No matter which way you state your case, there's always some sort of elitism behind your reasoning. Based on my experience, this elitism is very common in online private servers wherein the pioneers or the "first ones to play" feel like they should get special treatment over regular and new players. Unless Beta players pay STS secret monthly fees or did something that drastically contributed to the game, there's nothing different between a Day 1 player to a newly registered player, as far as STS is concerned.

There are plenty of ways to handle this situation without requesting an exclusive place strictly for just a group of people.

Make a guild for beta players.Guild hall can hold up to 25 people at a time.
Host games with a password and talk there.
There's the ignore function. If there are people that bother you, just put them on your ignore list.

This is not meant to be a flame. I've been playing SL for a long time and have experienced problems like such, but this problem could easily remedied without any special treatment.

ONCE AGAIN...NOT. ASKING. FOR. SPECIAL. TREATMENT. Simply the ABILITY FOR ANYONE to make a large group area where they can lock it with a password and give it to whoever they want! this would be for ANY PLAYER to be able to create.

09-27-2011, 09:03 PM
the only reason I used beta testers as an EXAMPLE was because this wasn't a problem then.

09-27-2011, 09:04 PM
I (like I said on Theasus's thread) am against this idea. We Apple players already felt left out when Android users got the Beta and the full game before we did. So whats the point of making a whole town just for Beta players? To make us Apple members feel left out even more?

I really don't mind beggars that much, which explains why I have 0 people on my ignore list in both PL and SL. Once I see the words "Can I have...". I just stop reading :).
This is a great point as any pl "founder" can tell you before it expanded there was no begging no spamming and everyone got along for the most part but can you imagine the rage if they put in a founder club in pl? If you don't like the begging or spam place the person on ignore and get over it

09-27-2011, 09:06 PM
***reminder*** this would be something that any player could do...not just beta players...thank you.

09-27-2011, 09:09 PM
Canonkoi, its not really trying to.segregated but a huge guild in a way. 25+ members in blackstar. Except we do not leave the guild we worked so to create. It will still be moderated, and controled. Since our main cant join another guild. It would be like having 2 guilds ;) but of course I understand your point of view aswell.

I get what you're trying to say, Octavos, but it's still exclusionary and it still makes me sad. There are three main reason why the "beta-beta" people saw less problems--one, less people generally equals less problem people(2% of 50 is 1. 2% of 500 is 10.). Two, no anonymity--if everyone knows everyone else it's hard to be jerky and not have word get around. Three, a smaller number of people makes it easier for the Devs to take swifter action when somebody *does* step out of line.

There already is a segregation method in place for people who cause problems--the "Ignore" button. If I was running around, begging and generally being jerky, I wind up being shunned. Nobody to run with, no guild will want me, nobody talks to me because they can't hear me. That's enough punishment in my book (well, other than the ban-hammer visiting for those who really go over the line). There already *is* a method in place to associate with the people you want to run with--guilds. Would it be hard for you or Cappin or whoever to give up your guilds? Sure it would. Is it any easier to say to the members of your guild, "You guys are okay to run with sometimes and thanks for supporting the guild and all but you're not one of us"? Again, I'm not mad at you or Cappin or anybody that thinks it's a good idea, it's the idea itself that makes me sad.

ETA: The Cappin said:

***reminder*** this would be something that any player could do...not just beta players...thank you.

No matter if it was my own guild doing it or my bestest buddy or Apple users or other women-with-red-brown-hair-that-own-rabbits, it would still make me sad. The "beta-beta" or "beta" or "alpha-beta" or whatever doesn't enter into it for me. Just leave a town or two for the rest of us to use. :)

09-27-2011, 09:14 PM
Although you edited your main post, I highly suspect that you originally meant for this to be an elitist type of area, as you have even entitled your thread beta/seniors ONLY area.

However, I understand that you probably understood the gravity of the problem this could cause across players and instead make this idea applicable for every single player.

With that being said, I shall refrain from any sort of flaming on give my 2 cents on the idea.

It's plausible. However, rather than making such a place, why not just make the guild hall accompany more people? Most people often collaborate already with friends in a single guild. Though I see your point wherein friends could be in different guilds and wont be able to meet in a single guild hall.

09-27-2011, 09:42 PM
Before this subject gets a little heated (not that it has but may have the potential to depending on peoples views)

How about Thes, Cappin or Ghost suggest this in the needed thread for all players to do as stated, (make an instance of a town) and see if get any response from the Devs for this to be considered to be implemented in the near future.

09-27-2011, 09:53 PM
OK maybe ill add a third cent into this conversation, and then im done lol

Exclusivity sure... a guild. preference a vanity like pocket legends founders helm, Beta we have our little gang, haters and flamers yea they have a spot two...banned lol. Apple users have apple machines what can I say I dislike there methods of approving apps, new players are not noobs but inexperienced players....geez the list goes on.

CappinClutch main idea is to be able to create a password protected hangout area like numa prime or blackstar not a new guild, may i stress the no guild idea a bit further...NO NEW GUILD lol :p...like a mission. nothing more, no added confusion, drama and fighting.

But of course this is a discussion thread and must be treated as such. thank you guys....good night

but please ppl, stress your ideas, make your voices heard. "Beam swords" who's with me yay! lol

09-27-2011, 11:20 PM
Although you edited your main post, I highly suspect that you originally meant for this to be an elitist type of area, as you have even entitled your thread beta/seniors ONLY area.

However, I understand that you probably understood the gravity of the problem this could cause across players and instead make this idea applicable for every single player.

With that being said, I shall refrain from any sort of flaming on give my 2 cents on the idea.

It's plausible. However, rather than making such a place, why not just make the guild hall accompany more people? Most people often collaborate already with friends in a single guild. Though I see your point wherein friends could be in different guilds and wont be able to meet in a single guild hall.

Suspect what you want, the only reason it sounded that was was because when I initially posted I was fresh from the famw and a lil heated cuz today was one of the worst for all the issues stated above...not even begging and noobs...jist horrible language and insults on random people in punlic chat that was completely unrelated to game content. It seems to be the same 5 people doing it and I have reported them numerous times and they still exsist. So yeah, I was a lil angry when I initially posted, but simply worded things wrong (admitedly so relax lol) I really meant that I wish it was back to the way it was when we were in beta and everyone was respectful and mature. I totally agree that with more people come more problems and that is why I would like to see a way for a larger group of friends from different classes, guilds, genders and ages to be able to go somewhere and limit the crap with a simple password.

09-27-2011, 11:31 PM
As I said in Thes's thread, it might be hard for them to figure out who played beta, but generally I'm for this.

Does it need another thread though? Don't mean to sound rude or anything.

09-27-2011, 11:37 PM
Ok, nice thread LOL (my thread sucks ;))

I don't see the problems first everyone can make a locked game where 4 of ur friend can join. We just wanted something larger like a locked town so we could join eachother up to 25 players. I don't see the problem of that.

About the fact we isolate ourselves from the others that isn't true. I read somewhere someone ust ignore them, isn't that isolation too?

09-27-2011, 11:45 PM
Its a decent idea, but i need something clarified. do you mean giving the ability for players to essentially create a towne instance with a password? If so i have a feeling that could incite a whole new age of "he booted me for a dumb reason!" threads. Unless somehow it is made so that the "host" couldnt kick people from their towne. Also how would you define "senior members"? Would it give the "host" the power to make a level restriction on the instance?

Other than those two questions i like the idea :)

09-28-2011, 01:40 AM
I like the idea of being able to host town instances, merchant guilds could hold big trade fairs, alliances could join up and discuss business, one could do roleplaying, or just have all friends in one spot. Another good point would be for hosting contests, and other things of that nature. I would still go to PUT's (Pick Up Towns), to meet new people and give guidance, but to have the option would be awesome. And I'm sure its completely do-able, most towns are smaller than most dungeons. I don't think it's excluding anything more than a guild is, and could even be used effectively to help organize things such as giveaways, parties, and announcements. +1 to the revised suggestion.

09-28-2011, 03:15 AM
They removed town hosting a year ago from pl can't see them adding it to sl now bottom line if people are breaking the rules report ignore move on and get back to talking about the good old days

09-28-2011, 04:45 AM
I don't see why there is soo much flaming(sparking) about this subject. I think its just friends that want to take a break and just hang out with each other in peace. I don't see any "elite" required thing in this or any "special treatment" as anybody should be able to do this. Lets talk without flaming and discuss our ideas with patience.

09-28-2011, 06:48 AM
I love the idea of making a map of a town then being able to pw it. It keeps alot of beggers and players that you seem to have reported but nothing ever gets done to them out.

09-28-2011, 07:06 AM
Not trying to flame... this thread is trivial. You were all noobs when you logged on for the first time, and so is everyone else who logs on for the first time. I had a blast in the android beta, and i still have a blast. That's why i play this game, i like the community that i choose to surround myself with. I have friends that asked me how my arm was doing when i sliced it open at work (and while i was in the ER, you better believe i was playing SL while waiting haha, and whats going on with me and i dont even know them IRL. But i know them, and i wouldnt have met them without giving them a chance. So, maybe give players a chance? You'll never be able to expand your world/circle if you restrict the capacity of it.

The thing that is beneficial about this discussion is the possibility of guild hall invites.

might be exactly what you're looking for and asking about. You get to have your closed beta reunions, and the rest of the noobs get to go on learning how to play.

my two cents, no flaming intended at all.

09-28-2011, 09:35 AM
I think they should have like an area for 20+ because almost 1/3 of the players are around lvl 20.

09-28-2011, 10:50 AM
I don't see why there is soo much flaming(sparking) about this subject. I think its just friends that want to take a break and just hang out with each other in peace. I don't see any "elite" required thing in this or any "special treatment" as anybody should be able to do this. Lets talk without flaming and discuss our ideas with patience.
While the op has been edited it was called a "betabeta/elite" area at first hence the reactions

09-28-2011, 11:36 AM
While the op has been edited it was called a "betabeta/elite" area at first hence the reactions

Beta beta yes..."elite" no. And as stated numerous times, it wasn't a request strictly for the original players...the use of the term beta/senior members was to compare a time period between then and now...the horse is dead, stop beating it.

09-28-2011, 02:16 PM
Beta beta yes..."elite" no. And as stated numerous times, it wasn't a request strictly for the original players...the use of the term beta/senior members was to compare a time period between then and now...the horse is dead, stop beating it.

Heres the link on forum to the beta guild :p check it out
KOTOR Im Revan :p (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?33864-Ultimate-Beta-Guild)

09-28-2011, 03:54 PM
And although most of us consider this a crime punishable by death, it's not, it's typical n00b behavior (especially young n00bs).

before the inundation of all the whiny kids and rude n00bs who do nothing more than annoy the crap out of the more seasoned players.

I really hope that all my fellow senior members flood this and Theseus' thread and we get some results

game...so if u came here to run your mouth, keep it moving...go scream at ur dog or something.


Spoken like a true leader!!

Apparently you are not at all worried about violating the spirit of and maybe the letter of the tos and forum rules.

Poor doggie!!

09-28-2011, 03:57 PM
slightly snobbish

Just slightly? lol

09-28-2011, 03:57 PM

Spoken like a true leader!!

Apparently you are not at all worried about violating the spirit of and maybe the letter of the tos and forum rules.

Poor doggie!!

Guess not...thread still exsists lol!

09-28-2011, 03:58 PM
Just slightly? lol

Lil bit. (In my De Niro voice)

09-28-2011, 04:10 PM

Like another poster, I can't read the dialog in the pics.

Actually, I think this is an awseome idea. All the upper crust, actually....... maybe sts could sponsor your own server and you all could port over.

I'll stay with the ones you don't like and try to help them.

I'd say good luck and have fun, but not sure that either is a priority for you, so I hope you get whatever it is that you do want.

If the person you don't like is identified in this post, you ought to edit it out. Imo, that is inappropriate. But hey, what do I know, I'm a Jr. member at heart.

This morning, I saw the dialog in the pics. So, I now see that. hmmm.... it was you, lol.

But, I in all honesty and sincerity think your idea is awesome. I personally like mine, the whole idea of y'all porting on over to your own server. But w/e lol.

This thread is priceless. I got to get over here to sl boards more often. This has been a great read.

09-28-2011, 04:13 PM
nope, nothing elite about just hanging out with the one you want to rather than having to deal with whoever decides to pop into an instance and start trouble.


09-28-2011, 04:18 PM
I like the idea of the locked space but for many other reasons.... Great idea.

As already mentioned.... Begging and such stuff is typical noob behaviour and they will either learn the hard way or not. But, segregation isn't going to help educate the ones that are up for learning and becoming the next batch of the community. Noobs should always get the benefit of the doubt and some support from all of us. But if after offering support there, is clearly no changing some people, then the IGNORE and REPORT buttons are your friends.

Call me old fashioned but some of these people are the next generation and simply don't know why it's an issue.

Educate not segregate...lol

My top tips for beggars.

Begging is asking players public or privately for money, items or even help levelling. This is very frowned on in game and will often result in you being added to everyone you asks IGNORE list. It is a very good way to lose respect from the community and isolate yourself. Bearing in mind the fastest way to progress in Pocket Legends is to gain a good group of friends and run maps with 4/5 players every time, it is very detrimental to your PL future to isolate yourself.

The quickest way to earn money is to play the game, and then play it some more. To get lots of money takes lots of game play, lots of really learning to play the game (see lots of guides here) and often 100's or often 1000's of hours of playing.

Top tips for asking for help. If you need money then go and play the game. It's the quickest way of getting it. You really shouldn't need money until you get to the top levels of the game as everything you NEED to play the game drops regularly. If you still need money then ask friends politely to help out a little, and importantly explain why you need it. Most of the time, your friends will be able to help you get the item you need, or even suggest a cheaper alternative.

At worst, let people know you need money, and the reason, and if they can't help out they will generally run a few levels with you until you get the money you need and may even give you some top tips, and may even become a great friend for the future.

Begging is often frowned on in all walks of life, but if you're clear why you need help, and are polite, your friends will alway help out a little with suggestions/advice/support.

09-28-2011, 04:27 PM
It seems to be the same 5 people doing it and I have reported them numerous times

lol, Don't get me wrong, I still love your idea, but it does seem a bit odd, you claim that it is this humongous problem that is so out of control that it could only be dealt with with these extreme (read: excellent) measures but 1. you had to re-enact the spamming yourself cuz you couldn't find an actual example, and 2. in this post you say it seems like the same 5 people.

So, it does seem that hmm... just maayyyybbbeeee your intentions are not as pure as you suggest.

But, like I said, i hope you make this happen.

09-28-2011, 04:35 PM
Its a decent idea, but i need something clarified. do you mean giving the ability for players to essentially create a towne instance with a password? If so i have a feeling that could incite a whole new age of "he booted me for a dumb reason!" threads. Unless somehow it is made so that the "host" couldnt kick people from their towne. Also how would you define "senior members"? Would it give the "host" the power to make a level restriction on the instance?

Other than those two questions i like the idea :)

You couldn't be a true elitist if you couldn't boot people who weren't "as good as you". There would be no point in doing this if you couldn't boot for frivilous reasons.

Ditto: If a player couldn't keep out the rift raft, you know the [darts eyes back and forth, leans in a whispers] the 'lowbies', there would be no point in doing this.

Please make it happen.

09-28-2011, 04:37 PM
Begging is often frowned on in all walks of life,[/QUOTE]


edit: ops, i forgot lol

edit: ops, i misspelled forgot

09-28-2011, 04:42 PM
They removed town hosting a year ago from pl can't see them adding it to sl now bottom line if people are breaking the rules report ignore move on and get back to talking about the good old days

The type of thing that this op is suggesting used to exist in PL a year ago? Really?

wow, that answers so many questions

makes so many things crystal clear

and, well, I hope you are wrong, I know you prob not, but I hope they do bring this back to PL and begin it in SL.

09-28-2011, 04:44 PM
Just slightly? lol

Lil bit. (In my De Niro voice)

DeNiro's great, I can actually hear him say this, in his voice, lol.

09-28-2011, 04:51 PM
..the horse is dead, stop beating it.

Errr... wait a minute, hold your horses (lol), a min ago you mentioned De Niro, now there's a dead horse. Hmm... your not going to put the horse's head in some beggars house are you? lol

LIke your in town, your hear a beggar, you say...
I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse....
Stop begging or...........


09-28-2011, 05:00 PM
Wow... 6 consecutive posts.. just WoW! *Speachless*

09-28-2011, 05:06 PM
Wow... 6 consecutive posts.. just WoW! *Speachless*

Sextuple posts FTW....lol

09-28-2011, 05:15 PM
Sextuple posts FTW....lol

Lmao! Srsly think its the first I have ever seen on sts forum lol. (Exception to Off Topic posts :p)

09-28-2011, 05:33 PM
lol, Don't get me wrong, I still love your idea, but it does seem a bit odd, you claim that it is this humongous problem that is so out of control that it could only be dealt with with these extreme (read: excellent) measures but 1. you had to re-enact the spamming yourself cuz you couldn't find an actual example, and 2. in this post you say it seems like the same 5 people.

So, it does seem that hmm... just maayyyybbbeeee your intentions are not as pure as you suggest.

It seems to be the same 5 people with the self editied foul, sexual, and borderline racist language...the reason I say "same five" is because a large number of members, myself included, have reported in full detail what these people are saying and doing and they are still in the game doing it on a regular basis...and the reason I don't ignore this type of peraon is so that I can see if the behavior is still happening (which you obviously can't if they are ignored) so that I can report them again if necessary to try and keep the game as clean as possible. As far as the beggers and whiners, I usually do just ignore em or just don't respond to them at all...and believe me I help out the community A LOT. The intentions of this thread are as pure as ur gonna get in that, anyone would be able to make this type of area. First impressions are the key to becomming successful when asking for anything...so naturally the ones that start off with "gimmie" get shot down almost instantly...I'm not on the game to teach manners and ettiquette...people have parents for that...and if my 12 year old can handle himself in the game in a respectable fashion, then I don't see why anyone else (child or adult) wouldn't be able too...and no, I'm not saying I'm a better parent before that comment gets thrown at me since I'm allegedly such a snobby elitest lmfao!

09-28-2011, 05:41 PM
And no, no horse heads...that's a Joe Pesci move and I'm too tall for that role lol!

09-28-2011, 06:04 PM
Hmmm! Interesting concept. I think I would enjoy a site where I didn't have to always take my gear off just to blend in and not be salmmed for credits and gear. :)

09-28-2011, 06:06 PM
Hmmm! Interesting concept. I think I would enjoy a site where I didn't have to always take my gear off just to blend in and not be salmmed for credits and gear. :)

Another great point that further solidifies my point...ty!

09-28-2011, 06:53 PM

not naming names at all...it's not a person or two, it's just the way some people are lol...a server, port over, my priority? you can't be serious, or rather, you're TOO serious lol...ya gotta read the entire post to understand where we're coming from...we just wanna go somewhere and hangout with a large group of whatever members we want to...simple. It was just an idea, it'll probably never happen anyway...I had a feeling people were gonna get all emotional about this topic...it's really not necessary.

Yes, as I stated, in another post, I now see, that you weren't "naming names". I just couldn't read the dialog in the pics at first.

You know, in one of the pics, the dialog in the chat box, doesn't match the dialog bubbles. But, hmm... prob no biggie.

And no, I'm not being emotional. I think your idea is awseome. And when I say that, I am dead serious, no sarcasim at all. I think it is excellent.

Last night, when I was reading it, i was laughing so hard, I mean out of control. But I wasn't laughing AT you, I was laughing with you, WITH YOU!!

First off, I was in a really good mood anyways, and then after day of travel, I get to read this thread. It is just a great read.

I think someone, idk, Dylan, Yankovic, Alvin the Chipmunk, SOMEONE, should write a folk song about the servere problems you are trying to deal with in this thread and the solutions that are being suggested.

Yeah, I think that you guys having your own server is just excellent. I don't know if sts would consider such a thing. Theoretically, could be a small income stream. The people who play on it could cough up bit 'o plat. Even tho, I would not be going (not interested and not worthy because I insist on remaining a Jr. member, lol), I would GLADLY chip in what I could afford. Anything I could do to help make this happen, I will certainly do.

You didn't seem to like the idea of a separate server. You do know --- that I am talking about a voluntary port. I mean it wouldn't be an ACTUAL penal colony. OPS, you weren't supposed to hear that. Just ignore that. [frantically tries to edit post before it's too late] You could just think of it as your happy place. That is all you'd need to know. It would be a very special, happy place for very special, happy players.

You know what would be awsome, on the day it goes live, there could be a big fairwell scene. Hmm.. like in the final, final scene in the LoTR. You know, when Frodo leaves to go off with all the other big wigs. And all us unworthy misfits would stand there waving our hairy hobbit hands and shedding salty little hobit tears as y'all sail off into the sunset for your happy place.

But, if the separate server thing don't happen, hopefully, that separate area/instance that you're talking about will. You know what would be a good idea, is outside this area, would be NPC to talk to in order to give the pw and enter. Ok, listen to this, this is great: The npc could be like one of those guards in England that don't ever talk to people. SEE!! See, the symbolism there. You don't want the unworthy to talk to you, so...... your guards don't talk to them. Hah!! pretty good, huh?

In this paragraph: absolute seriousness/no sarcasim at all. Players should not report beggars and spammers. It is a huge waste of developer's time. If I reported every beggar/spammer I saw, what would that mean? Hmmm.... it would mean that I would be spamming the devs. Not a good idea. And, if everyone, actually, if only 25% of the players who saw beggars and spammers reported them, it would amount to hundreds or thousands of reports a day. What are you thinking? In one of your posts, it mentions that the people you saw were going beyond into insult and other inappropriate behavior. On this, yes, if the insult/behavior violates the tos, i mean there are many, many things that are in fact quite serious and should be reported. Yes, those things should be reported. But, NOT your basic spammer or beggar. Developer's are not babysitters. They are not going to go thru one by one and warn, warn again, warn again, ban, ban longer every single beggar/spammer. What are you thinking? Yes, I know that spamming (and could maybe make a good case for beggers if they are not spamming) is against the TOS. Yes, but, what are you thinking? Your basic spammer and beggar should not be reported. But every, single other more serious infraction should be reported. Spammers and beggars should either 1). be helped in some positive way or 2). just ignored meaning, don't read what they are saying or 3). actually put on ignore list. One of the main reasons we have the ignore list feature is so that we don't have to spam and harrass developers THOUSANDS of times a day with reports about spammers and beggars.

In this paragraph: absolute seriousness/no sarcasim at all. I want to say again, I do like your idea. I hope something is implemented. If not, do this. Some players have, idk, like 2 billion people on ignore. Just do the same. You and whoever else want to, just stand around in populated areas and just click on everyone that for w/e reason you don't want to hear from. Or, just relentlessly do this absolutly anytime you are playing. In no time at all, you will have a HUGE ignore list. Something you can truly be proud of (ok, yeah, that was sarcasim). Then in just a bit of time, you would have this place where you could play that you didn't have to hear the people you didn't want to hear.

In this paragraph: absolute seriousness/no sarcasim at all. I really appreciate your honesty. Most players who have similar attitudes/values (not being deragatory) almost always try to hide their true sentiments behind all sorts of other supposdely valid/noble beliefs. You, otoh, just respected people by telling the truth. You laid it out for all to see, thank you.

What ever happens, hope you happy and that you have fun and good luck if that is what you are interested in.

09-28-2011, 06:55 PM
And no, no horse heads...that's a Joe Pesci move and I'm too tall for that role lol!


09-28-2011, 07:07 PM
I'm always a happy player...no matter what lol!

Btw, my son has to read everyday for a certain amount of time just for practice...today he read your last post lol!

09-28-2011, 07:10 PM
It seems to be the same 5 people with the self editied foul, sexual, and borderline racist language...the reason I say "same five" is because a large number of members, myself included, have reported in full detail what these people are saying and doing and they are still in the game doing it on a regular basis...and the reason I don't ignore this type of peraon is so that I can see if the behavior is still happening (which you obviously can't if they are ignored) so that I can report them again if necessary to try and keep the game as clean as possible. As far as the beggers and whiners, I usually do just ignore em or just don't respond to them at all...and believe me I help out the community A LOT. The intentions of this thread are as pure as ur gonna get in that, anyone would be able to make this type of area. First impressions are the key to becomming successful when asking for anything...so naturally the ones that start off with "gimmie" get shot down almost instantly...I'm not on the game to teach manners and ettiquette...people have parents for that...and if my 12 year old can handle himself in the game in a respectable fashion, then I don't see why anyone else (child or adult) wouldn't be able too...and no, I'm not saying I'm a better parent before that comment gets thrown at me since I'm allegedly such a snobby elitest lmfao!

Ok, yeah, these are exactly the type of comments that should be reported.

But, prob. You say you don't ignore these same five so that you can be there to police the game (and in this case a very good thing to do). But, if you get your special happy place, closed instance, elitst hall or whatever, then you won't be able to hear these people making these comments. It would be like having them on ignore. There is a disconnect there in what you are saying. If there are people making such awful comments, yes they need to be reported. I am sure that the devs will do something. You hardly every hear that in shout in PL. Yeah, beggars, spammers and scammers but this other stuff not that often. At least I don't. When I do, I report 'em. But, yeah, this other stuff (and scammers) everyone should report.

I understand, when u say, u not in game to teach manners. I can see that. All that means tho, is that you wouldn't be one of the ones that would prob be trying to positively help these players. And I'm not being sarcastic. There is no reason you or any player should try if they don't want to. That's not a bad thing.You and them prob help the game in other ways. But, then I would just suggest, if you don't get your happy place thing, to just make huge use of the ignore list. (except for those five cuz you want to keep reporting, i understand now).

Take it easy.

09-28-2011, 07:13 PM
I'm always a happy player...no matter what lol!

Btw, my son has to read everyday for a certain amount of time just for practice...today he read your last post lol!

Omg, how awesome. I taught my son to read myself. I used video game player guides and this one pc reading game that we had. He would read these little stories and the computer would record them. Then he could hear himself reading. It was awesome. And I'm not joking one bit, when I said I used video game player's guides to teach him.

09-28-2011, 07:23 PM
That's a great idea...but my last comment was totally facetious lol! Ty for ur feedback and support.

09-29-2011, 12:12 AM
Just jumped in to be the plus one of the supporters. :)

09-29-2011, 11:19 PM
Got quiet in here...

09-29-2011, 11:52 PM
Sure did, wow! Talk about opinions, we're all entitled, I know, but that was entertaining to say the least. I know you, Cappin, therefore I understand your intentions here were taken out of context in the extreme. Too bad some don't know you as I do, I have benefited from your knowledge, generosity, kindness, standards and oh yeah your humor too!! Keep on keeping on :-) see you in game!

09-30-2011, 12:18 AM
Sure did, wow! Talk about opinions, we're all entitled, I know, but that was entertaining to say the least. I know you, Cappin, therefore I understand your intentions here were taken out of context in the extreme. Too bad some don't know you as I do, I have benefited from your knowledge, generosity, kindness, standards and oh yeah your humor too!! Keep on keeping on :-) see you in game!

Thanks as always Sass for having the kind words and for having Capp's back lol! And like you said, if people knew me better or at all, they wouldn't even think twice about comin at me the way they do for multiple reasons lol, and the main reason I acted out the most common game annoyances myself was because it would have been real messed up to go around and take pics of people and come on here and put them on blast is defamation first of all, and definitely against TOS since everyone knows the rules so well. And tbh, the behavior being acted out was actually taking place during my dramatization and I edited their names and tunes out of the pics to protect their identities...now that all the questions have been answered, does the prosecution rest...? Presumably not lol!