View Full Version : Rule of Thumb: Comparing Legends to Trash

09-27-2011, 10:23 PM
The game has multiple quality levels, but did you know that each quality level has a multiplier that is used to determine how much better a piece of armor is?

Legendary 100%
Epic 90%
Rare 80%
Uncommon 70%
Common 60%
Trash 50%

So, if a level 30 legendary piece of armor gives 180 armor, a level 30 trash piece of armor would only give 90 armor.

Does this hold true with weapons? Sort of... The math does not work out as exactly as armor, but it's close enough.

How is knowing this useful? You can gauge how much better or worse off your armor or damage is going to be. Someone decked out in uncommons is only going to be 70% effective as someone who has all legendary equipment of the same level.

This does not factor in stat bonuses, but again, it makes a good rule of thumb.

09-27-2011, 10:24 PM
Did not know this, nice find and info :)

09-27-2011, 10:38 PM
Did not know this, nice find and info :)


This just goes to show that the game is based on linear math.

The weapons/armor table increases in damage/armor at a steady pace as their level requirements increase. Rarity adds a multiplier on top of that, but it's still pretty gradual.

09-27-2011, 10:40 PM

This just goes to show that the game is based on linear math.

The weapons/armor table increases in damage/armor at a steady pace as their level requirements increase. Rarity adds a multiplier on top of that, but it's still pretty gradual.

This is just for generic stats like armor and damage right? You don't have a magical formula that somehow tells us the stats of pinks/purples from oranges/greens? :p

09-27-2011, 11:02 PM
Excellent find! You know I loves me them mathy details...

Is there also a linear relationship between the same item of different levels? I would be very surprised if not. Then again, there may not be enough different level variations of the same item to check this. Maybe ignore the Roman Numerals (III, IV, V, VI, and so on) portion of the name and then compare? Hmmm... *goes to dig through Stash box*

09-28-2011, 01:43 AM
Legendary 100%
Epic 90%
Rare 80%
Uncommon 70%
Common 60%
Trash 50%

Interesting find.

Seems u also find the drop %

Legendary 0%
Epic 10%
Rare 20%
Uncommon 30%
Common 40%
Trash 50%


09-28-2011, 06:41 AM
Excellent find! You know I loves me them mathy details...

Is there also a linear relationship between the same item of different levels? I would be very surprised if not. Then again, there may not be enough different level variations of the same item to check this. Maybe ignore the Roman Numerals (III, IV, V, VI, and so on) portion of the name and then compare? Hmmm... *goes to dig through Stash box*

I learned that a while back...

I just show rares up to 25, but you can use the slopes to extrapolate higher levels. You can also apply this rule-of-thumb to get different rarity levels.

This is just for generic stats like armor and damage right? You don't have a magical formula that somehow tells us the stats of pinks/purples from oranges/greens? :p

I was close, but STS changed the item bonuses up on me last round.

09-28-2011, 08:16 AM
Is what you show actual code from the game? If so, how do you see it? I'm not a computer genius, just curious how you can access it and what prevents you/anyone from changing it for your/their benefit, i.e. hacking.

09-28-2011, 08:29 AM
No, it isnt actual code. What it is is observations I made while putting together my item list.

In all liklihood, the values aren't programmed in exactly as "legendary = 100%". My representation will just make things simpler for non math people to relate to.

Also, the devs can tweak armor up or down. There are a few quest items that perform better or worse than an item of similar level and rarity can do.

Finally, as a comment to the general linearity of the game... I salute STS for taking this approach. It makes balancing the game much easier.

09-28-2011, 08:30 AM
Is what you show actual code from the game? If so, how do you see it? I'm not a computer genius, just curious how you can access it and what prevents you/anyone from changing it for your/their benefit, i.e. hacking.

It is just the way IBNobody likes to wrap his posts, anyone can do it. Trust me he must put a lot of time into this to work it out himself, than being able to use the code from sts which we wouldnt have to guess or work out but just grab from gaming code, haha be pretty cool knowing it was spot on haha :p


To do this go to advance, then there is a # icon highlight text and it wraps it up in code :D


Ninja'd :p

09-28-2011, 09:34 AM
It is just the way IBNobody likes to wrap his posts, anyone can do it. Trust me he must put a lot of time into this to work it out himself, than being able to use the code from sts which we wouldnt have to guess or work out but just grab from gaming code, haha be pretty cool knowing it was spot on haha :p

Was that what he meant? Sorry, Krazii. That flew right over my head.

I use [ code ] tags for tables. I know that I can use the actual table tags supplied in VBulletin, but they are painful. What I do is cheat.

If you copy cells from MS Excel and paste them into a [ code ] tagblock...


It makes my tables look pretty and requires little effort on my part.

09-28-2011, 09:46 AM
Actual code:

10 Drop = RND(Drop_Color)
20 If Drop_Color = Pink Goto 10
30 Drop_Color = Grey

09-28-2011, 10:17 AM
Was that what he meant? Sorry, Krazii. That flew right over my head.

I use [ code ] tags for tables. I know that I can use the actual table tags supplied in VBulletin, but they are painful. What I do is cheat.

If you copy cells from MS Excel and paste them into a [ code ] tagblock...


It makes my tables look pretty and requires little effort on my part.

Lol! Thought re-typing or copy pasting each cell was a lot of work, didnt realise you could do that even easier :D

09-28-2011, 10:28 AM
Ty guys. I was asking if actual code from game which u answered. Everything else is icing on cake and also wayyyyyy above my old head!

09-28-2011, 01:03 PM
Ty guys. I was asking if actual code from game which u answered. Everything else is icing on cake and also wayyyyyy above my old head!

Alot harder without, though if possible members like IBNobody, Pys etc wouldn't be able to have fun creating these great guides. :)

Btw nice thread I like the principal of this concept, pretty straightforward and is very logical. Good Job :D