View Full Version : Best class for pvp

09-28-2011, 02:22 AM
If two people of equal gear, skill, and strategy played each other and one was a mage and one was a bird. Who would win? Lets say they are both lvl 61 with the crown and shield bonus. They both have full obedience set. They have the same gear, and pure dex. They have the same skill level, and they both play with the same strategy. Who would win?

I think the mage would win because of the heal coming back every 3 seconds. The mana shield also helps too by using mana as hp. The buffs give 60 crit and 40 armor, which is pretty significantly better IMO compared to 30 crit 30 hit and 30 dodge. The mage's spells also do more damage than the bird's. Plus on top of all that, Drain hits the bird for a lot and heals the mage by whatever it hit on thr bird, whereas the bird can only heal about 75 every 16 seconds.

Sorry for any mistakes or errors. It's late at night and im sleepy :(
Going to bed

09-28-2011, 02:23 AM
Hi Smiley!

09-28-2011, 02:30 AM

09-28-2011, 02:57 AM
Its too hard to predict in these cases tho. Below is the basic cycle of each class:

Enchantress kills bear>Bear kills Bird>Bird kills Enchantress

This is just an assumption on what the dev's are trying to produce in-game. So generally, the bird uses blast shot at the right time, and poof! there goes the mage. That's how it works. Hope i helped. :dread:

09-28-2011, 06:10 AM
In a fight Dexbird vs Dexmage, both equipped with glyph auto-bow sets:

-The buffs are good for both classes. The mage has two very powerfull buffs, defensive and offensive. The birds focus adds nice crit, evasion can save its life and sometimes even make it survive the mages nuke
-The Strategy would propably very similar, both classes kite and rely on 12m range skills + auto hits
-Both classes are able to take down their opponent within one quick combo, what makes both healing skills pretty useless

All in all its impossible to generalize about this topic, all depends on releasing the combo at the right time and on having some luck (dodges+crits). In a fight of two (equally) skilled players either one could win.

09-28-2011, 02:09 PM
well with the new dual spec thing, mages are wearing str plates with wands and stuff, makes them very hard to kill while their skills are still doing a significant ammount of damage, the new dual spec makes the users OP.

09-28-2011, 02:19 PM
In a fight Dexbird vs Dexmage, both equipped with glyph auto-bow sets:

-The buffs are good for both classes. The mage has two very powerfull buffs, defensive and offensive. The birds focus adds nice crit, evasion can save its life and sometimes even make it survive the mages nuke
-The Strategy would propably very similar, both classes kite and rely on 12m range skills + auto hits
-Both classes are able to take down their opponent within one quick combo, what makes both healing skills pretty useless

All in all its impossible to generalize about this topic, all depends on releasing the combo at the right time and on having some luck (dodges+crits). In a fight of two (equally) skilled players either one could win.

+1 Player skill and tactics will decide.

Blessings of might may be better than focus, but evade is better than blessings of vitality (dodge > armor, plus BOM only lasts 20s).

That, and a bit of luck. Birds especially tend to get lots of lucky dodges.

09-28-2011, 02:30 PM
You say that everything is as equal as possible but I think there are to many variables to predict the over all winner. The devs have worked a very long time to keep the classes as equal as possible (even if the bear usually get the short end...lol) and if what you saying is the case, same skill lvl, same gear, same strat? Then ultimately IMO it comes down to dodge and dodge = luck... There is no true way to know when dodge will come into effect and when it won't. So basically it's whoever gets lucky and dodges would be the winner.

If you asking this question because your doubting your choice on end game character? Don't :) you play very well and with work on combos, strategy and overall skill I think that any class can beat any other class hands. Sets don't make the player, the player makes the set :)

09-28-2011, 05:38 PM
Bird will win vs a int mage.

09-28-2011, 05:57 PM
Actually... If all other things are equal, this is a really easy question to answer!

The winner will be whoever has a significantly lower ping... Even a fraction of a second matters!

09-28-2011, 09:17 PM
Actually... If all other things are equal, this is a really easy question to answer!

The winner will be whoever has a significantly lower ping... Even a fraction of a second matters!

Thats true

09-29-2011, 07:57 PM
Actually... If all other things are equal, this is a really easy question to answer!

The winner will be whoever has a significantly lower ping... Even a fraction of a second matters!

Lolz agreed

09-30-2011, 10:15 PM
Lolz agreed hmmm bear is good in 5-15 bird is evan in all and mage is good as dex in 56-61

10-01-2011, 08:47 AM
Actually... If all other things are equal, this is a really easy question to answer!

The winner will be whoever has a significantly lower ping... Even a fraction of a second matters!

it's tru ^_^