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View Full Version : Trade & stash guide

09-28-2011, 10:07 AM
Didn't see shuch guide for SL anywhere yet, so tought to write it down for everyone.

1. Locating trade and stash area.

- both of them are found from blackstar, from spawnpoint move to top right and you find trade and storage area.

At pic, right side is stash terminal and at left side is auction terminal.

2. Stashing

- stash is used to transfer stim packs, credits and items between your characters. To use, stash your stuff on other character to stash, change character and unstash to inventory of that character.

- Go next to stash terminal and tap to open it. On stash screen, left side is your stash and right side is your characters inventory.

Tap item from stash or inventory to choose it and then bottom right corner to click stash/unstash.
With stim packs and credits, tap icon of your choose and then with keyboard put amount you want to transfer to stash or out from stash.

3. Trade

- At left side of room(from doorway) is auction terminal. Move next to it and tap to open it.
- There is multiple way to browse auction terminal, here is most common ways and also at same time most effective.

- By level, at the middle click that bar to enter level range you want to search items, left bar is lower and right side is higher level of range.

- By rarity, tap most left bar to change rarity type you want search from CS.

- By name, at right side is long bar where you can enter any keyword to search items.

- Also you can search each type of item separately, by pushing icon of helm/shoes/weapon and others.

- When you want to sell your items in auction house tap from top left corner to choose "sell" tab.
- Pick item you want to sell from list, change item price you want to sell it for and under that change time for how long you want it to be listed in cs.

- when you have listed your item for sale and someone have buyed it you can navigate your sales from last tab called "my sales". Tap item from list and at bottom push "complete sale" and you get your credits.

09-28-2011, 02:44 PM
I would like to add it is a benefit to all who use the AH(Auction House) to search for the item you wish to sell FIRST; using [Buy] and find how much it is selling for - Before selling it yourself. :o)
This allows you to sell your items faster AND maximize your payout without wasting the money your spending to sell it in the first place.
Good luck!