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12-08-2016, 02:59 AM
Introducing the rotation of arcane eggs to mass twilights?

12-08-2016, 04:20 AM
Few of the old arcane pets have already been added to new locks as well as to the token vendors in couple of towns. As of now the prices of the arcane pets has been drastically down after adding them to the token vendors, now adding them all again to the mass twilight lock would crash the market.

As per my knowledge when i joined the game SNS was available only to LB playerss of Ursoth event but still many sold it at 30-35M later, a couple of expansions came n prices dropped down to 7-9M later, it was added to the token vendor n price came down to 5-6M, then came eggzavier event thrashing down the prices of arcane pets n now SNS is 3M(LoL).

A pet that was 30-35M now costs around just 3M !!! Now wonder what would happen if those old pets r available from both locks n tokens ? where a player(plat user) gets 2 instead of 1. Those eggs will be full of CS with a less demand which results in crash of prices.

12-08-2016, 06:22 AM
We dont need pet rotation atm.

We need plat sale ;)

Sent from the grave using tapatalk

12-08-2016, 10:08 AM
Add Banished necklace !

12-08-2016, 06:57 PM
you guys have been doing that for quite a while so it is that hard sis?? OMG

Another hour of farming today...nada.. its not that hard, its non existent!

12-08-2016, 08:36 PM
Another hour of farming today...nada.. its not that hard, its non existent!

I agree with this.

Even after the devs have said the loot rate is better, erm it really isn't. 2 months into new expansion and that banished gear from the dimensional portal still eludes EVERYONE! What an exasperating, taxing and annoying quest!

I believe it's a bug that just hasn't been detected yet, or a loot rate still rarer than arcane.. Anyway somethings not right with it. I feel sorry for those who have been tirelessly trying to loot it since its conception.

Good luck guys and I hope the drop rate gets better like mythic status.