View Full Version : Asus Transformer?

09-28-2011, 10:35 PM
Wondering if anyone has one? Been looking at it, looks like Asus really stepped up their game with it. Looks pretty sweet, so I was curious if anyone has tried/owns one:)

09-29-2011, 12:00 AM
Theres quite a number of people on the forums/ pl/sl that use it. And i'm one of them!
It's been great so far, I think theres a thread in the forums somewhere about android tablets and I did a small review about the TF.
Pretty neat since it has a keyboard dock that gives an additional +7 hours. :)

09-29-2011, 12:27 AM
Meh, I'm always wary about buying an Asus. I'd go with a Sony if they had a tablet. That is just me though. My philosophy is, if you pay for a higher priced item now, you will save money because it will last longer and cost you less in repairs. Ironically, I always end up breaking that philosophy because I always have to have the latest tech gadget. Sadly, it is a war I fear will never be won, by me at least.

09-29-2011, 08:29 AM
I used to seriously dislike ASUS but gave the transformer a go and I am really impressed. The product quality is great and the keyboard makes it that you basically get a NetBook and a tablet.

Hey I am even doing AutoCad work on that thing. I could not wish for a better tablet at the moment.

Here is a review:

09-29-2011, 09:45 AM
From my experiences, Asus has made some of the best quality hardware around. At least for motherboards.

I have found that their motherboard's are generally more stable than the ones made by Gigabyte, MSI, and other competitors. For example when Sandy Bridge came out, their P8P67 series probably the most stable of the mid-range products and it tends to top the overclocking charts along with their top end ROG series. IDK about tablets, but they do have the lowest laptop breakdown rate in industry.

Only thing that I have found that sucks about Asus is that their tech support isn't great. Well ... people have had very mixed experiences. RMA if you need it can be a pain, although they do have a well established global support network.

09-29-2011, 10:12 AM
I know two teachers who use it at this school and love it. Other teachers have been so impressed with their flexibility that they are trying to pursuade the county away from pc/mac/ipads and using strictly the Transformer.

May actually be purchasing one myself this weekend. Will post on Zal's thread my thoughts if I do.