View Full Version : Level Cap raise to 36?

09-28-2011, 10:43 PM
Saw Samhayne reply to another thread recently but his reply was vague. Here is the link.

I personally love all the new content! Just got all my characters where I want them level & gear wise. Slouch-O was well thought out & pretty interactive. Just very curious about Sams statement.

Is this "content" going to raise the cap to 36? ? ?

If the level cap were to rise in the next "couple weeks" I would think it should be would be way more Advertised! Just a dog tryn to find a bone "woof".

Feel free to discuss. I'm patient, Hoping a DEV could fill us in :p

09-28-2011, 11:01 PM
I cant wait finally we can get the last Skill point :)

THE Tesla
09-28-2011, 11:03 PM
Honestly, if there were to be a level cap increase in the next couple of weeks I would be pretty upset... just spent a ton of hours grinding to 31 on top of a ton of creds spent to get custom set... why make a set cost 10k per item to have it become obsolete in 2 weeks.

Now that I have said this, I am totally for an UPDATE just not necessarily a level cap increase. I think the game would improve simply by adding another level (or 2 :P) and PvP, which both could be done and still let people who take their time leveling, time to do so.

Sorry for my rant :) dont shoot me, i love your game! peace

09-28-2011, 11:20 PM
Thats why I'm happy at lvl 30 until the update :) The game is a dope mmo for a phone...I just don't like the repetitiveness of the game...the mobs are always in the same areas, use the same behavior, mobs don't spawn after a while. Not exactly like an mmorpg but who cares besides me, I think spacetime is way ahead of the game :) no pun attended . In no way this is a diss or me putting down Spacetime studios I love the game, if I didn't I wouldn't buy Platts :D

09-28-2011, 11:32 PM
Honestly, if there were to be a level cap increase in the next couple of weeks I would be pretty upset... just spent a ton of hours grinding to 31 on top of a ton of creds spent to get custom set... why make a set cost 10k per item to have it become obsolete in 2 weeks.

Now that I have said this, I am totally for an UPDATE just not necessarily a level cap increase. I think the game would improve simply by adding another level (or 2 :P) and PvP, which both could be done and still let people who take their time leveling, time to do so.

Sorry for my rant :) dont shoot me, i love your game! peace

I feel ya, did the grind to 31 on my Op as well & went with 2 Custom sets, Op & Comm. If you read his comment it says "Pvp is a ways out" and I was really hoping to use said custom sets in pvp. They will release it when they are ready. Feel its a bit soon for a level cap raise. If it happens, woulnd't really get to enjoy level 31 or the custom sets. Just my opinion. But at the same time, the game needs more content & to progress. If STS has new content allready, BRING IT ON I SAY!

09-29-2011, 01:00 AM
I think the large crafting sum and quick cap raises are good, because they slow the rate of inflation. It's uber ridiculous in PL now, and the devs are being smart with SL by adding gold-sinks early on to regulate the economy.

One of the many reasons SL is very attractive to me now is how extremely polished it all is; the devs have learned much from their experiences tweaking PL over a year-and-a-half. I expect great things to come in Star Legends, and I'm not planning on missing out! I support SL all the way :D

09-29-2011, 02:58 AM
I think the large crafting sum and quick cap raises are good, because they slow the rate of inflation. It's uber ridiculous in PL now, and the devs are being smart with SL by adding gold-sinks early on to regulate the economy.

One of the many reasons SL is very attractive to me now is how extremely polished it all is; the devs have learned much from their experiences tweaking PL over a year-and-a-half. I expect great things to come in Star Legends, and I'm not planning on missing out! I support SL all the way :D

Well said Night! :applause:

(Keeping most levels of sets for PvP, so will be doing the same for Custom :D)

Couldnt really see them releasing another 5 levels without Cap raise, and im ready for any new update! May not hit 31 but not to worrried as I was taking my sweet time with this. (Learning from experiences of last cap (All 26 in a week or less haha (- enhancer)

Still eager to find out what STS have up their sleeves for PvP, well... really... absolutely cant wait!! :p

09-29-2011, 04:45 AM
Not yet. They give every person a chance to at least reach the cap without exlixers that cost plat. So far I am about 15% complete. They were working on them so it will be a while.

09-29-2011, 04:57 AM
Not yet. They give every person a chance to at least reach the cap without exlixers that cost plat. So far I am about 15% complete. They were working on them so it will be a while.

Doubt this will be this or next weeek, probably looking at least a month time :)

They always give us a heads up/preview announcement and for the lucky ones a sneak play.. haha

09-29-2011, 07:26 AM
Guys you cant be mad if cap is raised soon it was your choice to rush to 31. I myself dont feel rushing is needed right now. But yeah couple weeks is coming fast and i hope they release a elite map with the normal content.

09-29-2011, 07:28 AM
Doubt this will be this or next weeek, probably looking at least a month time :)

They always give us a heads up/preview announcement and for the lucky ones a sneak play.. haha

Yeah but bod they had a long headstart when apple delayed the launch forever im sure they already had stuff in mind. Id say 2 weeks and we will be grinding to 36.

09-29-2011, 08:00 AM
One of the reasons I didn't grind to 31 lol. The devs add levels really fast, so reaching to cap levels is really your choice. Ill cap again when I see da vanity :)

09-29-2011, 08:50 AM
Right now I am enjoying taking my time getting to 31. There doesn't seem to be a reason to hurry other than bragging rights of being level 31. Before we rush out and get new levels, I would like to see new missions. With the Sloucho release there were what 10 missions? I would like to see levels come out like Alien Oasis that have 30-40 different missions. It gives a reason to play besides grinding XP and farming gear and components. Not a big PvP guy because I stink at it, so that piece of the game is immaterial to me.

09-29-2011, 08:59 AM
Guys you cant be mad if cap is raised soon it was your choice to rush to 31. I myself dont feel rushing is needed right now. But yeah couple weeks is coming fast and i hope they release a elite map with the normal content.

With you on this one bud, Elite map is needed none so far.

Yeah but bod they had a long headstart when apple delayed the launch forever im sure they already had stuff in mind. Id say 2 weeks and we will be grinding to 36.

True, love the fact apple havent got this sort of power over STS anymore haha.. POWER TO STS!!! :D

Right now I am enjoying taking my time getting to 31. There doesn't seem to be a reason to hurry other than bragging rights of being level 31. Before we rush out and get new levels, I would like to see new missions. With the Sloucho release there were what 10 missions? I would like to see levels come out like Alien Oasis that have 30-40 different missions. It gives a reason to play besides grinding XP and farming gear and components. Not a big PvP guy because I stink at it, so that piece of the game is immaterial to me.

Quests for AO were the best i've played out of all PL and SL content, hope they also add Achievement Awards! They woul be awesome I could see alot of players trying for every single Achievment (Me included). xD

09-29-2011, 09:13 AM
With you on this one bud, Elite map is needed none so far.

True, love the fact apple havent got this sort of power over STS anymore haha.. POWER TO STS!!! :D

Quests for AO were the best i've played out of all PL and SL content, hope they also add Achievement Awards! They woul be awesome I could see alot of players trying for every single Achievment (Me included). xDNot only that, but I see a lot of toons running around that are level 31 and only have 5 of 53 missions done. Cracks me up! I love the AO missions that took a while to complete. Right now the missions are, go kill this guy, open 3 of these, destroy 10 of those...yawn. I would like to see the same creativity in the missions and storyline as the graphics and gear. I think in Sloucho I was done with all ten missions in less than 30 minutes.

09-29-2011, 09:17 AM
I'm hoping that they will lease some more vanity items, and maybe the pinks for level 30's so that a full pink set can be completed. Or maybe a few pink rifles?? Yay!!

09-29-2011, 09:41 AM
I'm hoping that they will lease some more vanity items, and maybe the pinks for level 30's so that a full pink set can be completed. Or maybe a few pink rifles?? Yay!!

I believe the pinks were a taste of things to come :) but yes...love the purple engineer so I can complete my purple set 1,10,15 and 30+ :p

09-29-2011, 01:35 PM
Id just love to see what they have up their sleave this time. I want to see pink weapons and implants. And the ability to customize are avatar screen.

09-29-2011, 01:55 PM
Archer, I totally agree. The Credit dumps such as new custom gear & implants is really keeping the economy in check. PL's been outa hand for a while & thats one of the many reasons I prefer SL over PL. Some great discussions here! Acyer, I got all warm & fuzzy inside when I read your "And the ability to customize are avatar screen" lol.

Check out my new Kiting toys if ya feel like it ;)

09-29-2011, 02:06 PM
Doubt will add customization to avatar screen :p maybe hide stats and such.. makes PL look... kinda childish IMO (though I love this) not all will as SL is alot more mature in alot of ways, other may disagree just my personal opinion :)

Any kind of personalization would be awesome! Were all starting to look the same again.. even poor Bod :(

09-29-2011, 02:21 PM
Doubt will add customization to avatar screen :p maybe hide stats and such.. makes PL look... kinda childish IMO (though I love this) not all will as SL is alot more mature in alot of ways, other may disagree just my personal opinion :)

Any kind of personalization would be awesome! Were all starting to look the same again.. even poor Bod :(

Think thats exactly what he meant by that. And as childish as it is I love that feature in PL too lol. As for all of us looking the same, Im glad I grabbed my Vanity Riot Shield when it was available on the DOTD lol. It broke me of PLAT at the time but so worth it :devilish:

09-29-2011, 04:22 PM
If the last skill isn't a Turret pet for Engineer I'm going to be so sad. Seriously the class needs it.

I outlined how to do it in a thread once.

09-29-2011, 07:35 PM
If the last skill isn't a Turret pet for Engineer I'm going to be so sad. Seriously the class needs it.

I outlined how to do it in a thread once.

That would be cool! Any turret is a must have on an Engineer imo. Would prove to be useful as well.

10-05-2011, 06:00 PM
Right now I am enjoying taking my time getting to 31. There doesn't seem to be a reason to hurry other than bragging rights of being level 31. Before we rush out and get new levels, I would like to see new missions. With the Sloucho release there were what 10 missions? I would like to see levels come out like Alien Oasis that have 30-40 different missions. It gives a reason to play besides grinding XP and farming gear and components. Not a big PvP guy because I stink at it, so that piece of the game is immaterial to me.


The fact that you can easily accomplish all the Slouch-O quests before you're even level 27 makes hitting lv. 30 very monotonous (I'm not even bothering to go for 31). I'd love to see more quests added to keep things interesting. I don't need new levels just yet, just something else to do in-game besides grinding.

Some Slouch-O Daily Quests would be fantastic -- I know there are a couple in Numa, but I'd love some Dailies that I could still earn XP from. :D