View Full Version : Stat-driven skill conversion suggestion

06-27-2010, 06:36 PM
As this content is unreleased, there is much speculation about how this will eliminate the potential for hybrid classes to be viable in the game anymore, yet I would like to propose a solution that will make it possible for hybrids and purists to coexist, thereby allowing for greater player freedom to diversify.

By making the stat-driven conversion based on the value of the highest stat, regardless of which stat it is, the abilities could still be modified to give players with higher stats more effectiveness with the spells. This would make hybrids still viable and allow players to choose from any of 9 classes instead of just the 3 pure ones.

*Edit* In response to the purists, taking a percentage of the highest stat for hybrid classes would allow hybrids to still function effectively, yet give pure classes parity based on gearing. For example give a strength enchantress 80% of her strength stat and apply it to the skills, while giving an int-based enchantress 100% of her int stat.

06-27-2010, 06:41 PM
I disagree, this would mean that a hybrid enchantress's skills were still as deadly as a pure enchantresses, the whole idea is to give an int enchantress the edge they deserve because otherwise a str enchantress would be better in every way.
Each type has to have a strength and a weakness, str ench - stronger hp, defense, damage, int ench - stronger mana pool (which really doesnt matter that much with thoth gear giving such high M/s).

Stat driven skill conversion isn't intended to make hybrids weaker than pures, it's designed to level them out so they arent so much stronger in every way.

06-27-2010, 07:24 PM
The weakness of the enchantress is based on current gearing (one could hardly argue that archers aren't effective in their current form). This will all change once AO2 comes out sometime next week. That said, the point is valid and I have added an edit to my post above.

King Richie
06-27-2010, 07:28 PM
Oh my god its not even out yet and your already suggesting stuff ... FAIL !!

Just see what its like first of all !

06-27-2010, 07:41 PM
It may be the case that other stats have an effect on skill damage still, however i think 80% would be too high.
Either way, let's just wait and see how they try to work it first, the dev team strongly support hybridisation so I doubt they'd let them take a permanent back seat.

06-27-2010, 07:43 PM
Just wondering... Because of this conversion change, will we be recieving a free respec?

06-27-2010, 08:09 PM
There are those who propose solutions, and there are those who complain about problems or bash people who make suggestions. One is productive, one is not. It is your choice which to be, but I for one choose the former.

06-27-2010, 09:16 PM
Don't get me wrong I wasn't dismissing your suggestion, I think part of the problem at the moment is that leaving off one of the skills will leave you with absolutely no bonuses from those secondary stats, dex then becomes a necessity because of how important hit, dodge and crit are, so you'd never have a str/int setup which is a shame to leave out.

I'm more than happy to try and work out a solution on these forums to bring balance that everyone can be happy with, all I'm saying is until they implement the stat driven skill system it's hard to know where it'll need tweaking.