View Full Version : Whos better? str/dex or pure dex for twinks lvl16?

09-29-2011, 12:06 PM
Im str/dex bear but is pure dex better¿ HELP

09-29-2011, 12:21 PM
Im str/dex bear but is pure dex better¿ HELP

Depends on level/gear/playstyle. Lol. If you're str/dex you should be using str armor and dex weapons to maximize armor/damage. Pure dex is pure damage, low armor. Str/dex also works well if you use tank gear.

09-29-2011, 12:23 PM
You probably need to be pure dex to get hit% as high as possible. If it's not 100% you should be going all dex in my opinion

09-29-2011, 12:33 PM
hit% wins 90% of the fights.
so this means 100% dex, lvl 15 artisian, lvl 16 pink talon & lvl 10 pink snipers wing.
add some nice placed attacks, max buffs and GL :)

09-29-2011, 01:31 PM
My lvl16 twink is str dex bear, Quickdark, but I cant use all my real stuffs, i cant be dual spec, So im gonna become pure dex but no money.....

09-30-2011, 03:57 PM
I got 2400 kills and 400 deaths lvl 16, 100% dex :cool:

10-02-2011, 01:11 PM
so? LOL I have 3100kills and 850 deaths

10-02-2011, 01:23 PM
I got 2400 kills and 400 deaths lvl 16, 100% dex :cool:
my lvl 13 has about that much!

10-03-2011, 07:05 AM
100% dex IMO is better. Use with artisian and talon/wing setup.

if ur dex or str/dex wont decide about u win a fight or ur K/d ratio.... u need to practice a lot and learn to be tricky!

10-03-2011, 12:11 PM
oh sorry im str/dex =]

i specd that way originally because i was poor lol

its different tho...between 12/13 and 16
since at lvl 16 theres more survivability due to IB
ive had a lvl 16 100% dex and its good too

10-03-2011, 12:15 PM
100% dex is really the only option now. The more hit% you have, the better. Stomp's new -hit% proc really stings when you pull the proc off.

10-04-2011, 09:47 AM
Ill stay on str/dex, 90% hit and a lot of armor.

10-04-2011, 09:48 AM
Ill stay on str/dex, 90% hit and a lot of armor.

add riccist and riccibt. want to duell u :D

10-04-2011, 09:55 AM
I dont use my blacsmith lvl15,dual spec problem, but ok.

10-04-2011, 07:13 PM
I got 2400 kills and 400 deaths lvl 16, 100% dex :cool:
I know who u are... U rush my lvl 12 twink 110% of the time I'm on it

10-05-2011, 07:14 AM
who r u

10-05-2011, 01:42 PM
I know who u are... U rush my lvl 12 twink 110% of the time I'm on it

I only rush rushers and yeah if u rushed one of my noobs I'll camp u :)

10-05-2011, 02:02 PM
huh? I onli rush n00bs, the n00bs dont knowwhat is rush so they attack me, thats why I rush n00bs.

10-05-2011, 09:58 PM
lol u don't know me

10-06-2011, 01:19 AM
No I Dont know Who r u, So

10-06-2011, 01:58 AM
endergame is a noob rusher,

10-06-2011, 01:07 PM

10-06-2011, 01:08 PM
Noob rushing noobs for noobiness is what I just understood of this thread :D

10-06-2011, 06:02 PM
Noob rushing noobs for noobiness is what I just understood of this thread :D

lmao thx!

at the end of the day tho, 100% dex is better at 16.

ask lvl 20. ok thx. at lvl 20 some roitbears are beast's but I still think I can beat them 100% dex. GL all :)

10-06-2011, 06:57 PM
hes wyteboywasted. Quick remember kweeky and me we used to make new pvp acc together and pure dex bcuz str dex has less damage and less hit and same amor as pure dex. im cashzzz(well was) i remade and made zkdrz

10-08-2011, 08:31 AM
Noob rushing noobs for noobiness is what I just understood of this thread :D

lmao thx!

at the end of the day tho, 100% dex is better at 16.

ask lvl 20. ok thx. at lvl 20 some roitbears are beast's but I still think I can beat them 100% dex. GL all :)

Lots of lvl 20s have a major advantage because they have hell scream, which severely reduces your damage.

10-08-2011, 05:56 PM
Lots of lvl 20s have a major advantage because they have hell scream, which severely reduces your damage.

yeah I ment if he had a lvl 20 dexbear. 100% dex is best imo

10-08-2011, 06:00 PM
Guys guess what?
-This is just a game.-

10-10-2011, 09:54 AM
Im str/dex bear but is pure dex better¿ HELP

I think pure dex bear is the best for this lvl, so also are ur skill points to dex.

10-18-2011, 01:35 PM

10-18-2011, 05:53 PM
cool how do u like 100% dex?

I updated my post on ur first page and I forgot to add that lvl 15 arti's leather gives more armor then lvl 20 str chest pieces. gl :)

10-19-2011, 02:09 PM
I would say all to dex, and be a lvl 16 bear. I think this is the best. I never saw a good str bear at this lvl. But you can of course always try!