View Full Version : Magmatus or Gobi

12-18-2016, 05:58 PM
The queation for all pro players:
Who is better?Magmatus or Gobi?
Lets say that i play same with both of them...what you really think...who champion is better for playing?

12-18-2016, 07:43 PM
The queation for all pro players:
Who is better?Magmatus or Gobi?
Lets say that i play same with both of them...what you really think...who champion is better for playing?

Currently, gobi is much more broken than magmatus. He can kill anyone easily.

12-19-2016, 02:10 AM
I'd say Gobi after the recent nerfs, but magmatus is also able to melt pretty much any champion in no time

12-19-2016, 08:33 PM
The queation for all pro players:
Who is better?Magmatus or Gobi?
Lets say that i play same with both of them...what you really think...who champion is better for playing?
I would say Gobi. Though he was nerf, his dmg output is still great (he reminds me of a grim 2.0). In addition, his ability to interrupt is deadly and is successfully performed with ease.


12-21-2016, 11:33 PM
The queation for all pro players:
Who is better?Magmatus or Gobi?
Lets say that i play same with both of them...what you really think...who champion is better for playing?

Gobi, for sure. He has a dash, just like Magmatus. He does close melee damage, but much quicker and comes with 4 negations ( 1 stun 1 knockback 2 interrupt ) .I'd still choose mag for maybe a teamfight, just because he has more aoe than Gobi.
Still, after the nerf, there hasn't been any champion that can really dominate Gobi solo lane and he doesn't take much skill for beginners!

12-22-2016, 12:44 AM
Thank you people for great help
See ya in same game

12-26-2016, 11:30 PM
I want to say gobi, but due to the amount of destruction he's beinging to CoC, I fear he will be nurfed in the near future. Depending on how he is affected, will determine who will be better. At this time stick to whichever one is most enjoyable, or provides the most benefit to your team. Mag may be better for certain team comps than gobi is. Just something to consider.

12-27-2016, 04:16 AM
Yeah i buy gobi...for now...but next is Magm definitlly...magm is complete champ...can make dmg,be tanky,also can be support,good pusher...yeah...